Channel God's Creativity and Construct Your Destiny!


No matter our calling in life, there’s an innovator inside all of us. God’s creativity lives in us and we must learn how to channel that to construct the destiny that God has planned for each and every one of our lives. If we will embrace His creativity, God will stand by His promise until it is fulfilled in our lives.John Bevere’s book Relentless, prompted me to dig further into the words of John 1:16. This verse says that from the fullness of Jesus, we have all received grace for grace. One Greek scholar explained that scripture by saying that we have received the richest abundance of grace. In other words, there is no higher impartation than this level of grace. In order for us to be creative and innovate and live lives that are full and rich with God’s blessing and favor, we have to rely on that richest abundance of grace that is on the inside of every believer.But it all starts with believing!

So many of God’s people fall short of what God intends for them because they can’t bring themselves to believe the enormity of power and potential that lies within them.

Scripture declares that we have an exceeding abundant potential on the inside of us. Exceeding abundant promises have been given to us. But we have to release our faith in the grace of God--in the deposit of His grace that He has made inside of us--because in doing so, we release God’s supernatural ability.It has been said that the grace of God is the water and the conduit is faith. When there is a break in the flow, we can’t blame God. We have to deal with the conduit, which is our faith. We must be sure to keep our faith up, keep our faith activated, and keep our attitude in the right place to keep the flow continuous.

If we let our attitude have altitude, then we can surely activate our faith, which releases the power of God’s grace in and through our lives.

John Bevere, in an attempt to help us understand what we’ve been given, gives an example in his book that goes something like this. Suppose you were to approach a freshman architecture student at a university and say, “We now have a new, specific, scientific means by which we can impart to you the full ability of Frank Lloyd Wright!” What do you think this young student’s response would be? I’m almost certain he would exclaim,“Wow! Sign me up right now!” Once the ability of Wright had been imparted to him, what would this student do? He’d leave school and launch his award-winning career, of course. He would waste no time.Let me give you one more example to drive this point home. Suppose I approach a struggling businessman and say,“We have a new scientific means that can enable us to give you the full entrepreneurial ability of Bill Gates.” What do you think the struggling businessman’s response would be?  He’d cry out, “I want it! Let’s do it!”  And what would that businessman do after receiving Bill Gates’ full ability? He’d start designing new products and make business investments that he had never thought of before. Grace hasn’t given any of us the full ability of Frank Lloyd Wright or Bill Gates.That would be a grace far too small!

No, God’s grace has given us the fullness of Jesus Christ!

Do you comprehend this? That’s real ability!  That’s real power!What are we doing with the ability and power that we’ve been given? Are we like the student or the businessman in the examples? Do we run out and put into effect what we’ve been given?Consider 2 Peter 1:3: “By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence”(NLT).When we look at this scripture, we see that we have been given everything we need for living a godly life. Everything that we need we have through this divine impartation of grace upon our lives. We have the ability to be led. We have the ability to be creative. We have the ability to be kept from deception. We have the ability to see what others who do not know God cannot see because what we’ve received is precious. It’s not common to man.Let’s continue by looking at 2 Peter 1:4: “And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.” Notice the emphasis on excellence. The word excellence comes from the root word excel, which means to go above and beyond.

Every Jesus Christ follower has the ability to go above and beyond.

The reason we have been given this ability is disclosed in this same verse.  As we embrace the excellence of God in our lives, we are able to escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires. The divine nature of God lives in every child of God, enabling us to escape the corruption that would destroy us.Activate your faith to believe that the divine nature of God indwells you today. Act like a child of God. Act like the nature of God lives in you. Receive the divine creativity of God in you today. We know that God will stand by His promises until they’re fulfilled in your life. He will give you the wisdom and knowledge and understanding that you need to see the fulfillment of those promises.