Get Your Bills Paid by Laughing!


Several years ago, I started a housing subdivision north of the town of England, Arkansas, and I had borrowed money to put in water, sewers, and streets. I had a mountain of debt. Jesus said to speak to the mountain, and it would be removed. So I got all the mortgages out and laid them on the kitchen table. I called my daughter, Annette, and said, “I want you to be a witness that I’m going to do what Jesus said to do.” I said: “Notes, listen to me. I’m talking to you. Jesus said you would obey me. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command you, I say to you, be paid in full…dematerialize…depart…be gone. In Jesus’ name, you will obey me!”I turned around and walked off and left my daughter standing there. She had seen me do some strange things before. Someone asked, “Did you feel a little silly doing that?” No. I felt a lot silly! But feelings have nothing to do with it. Jesus said to speak to the mountain, speak to the mulberry tree, and it would obey you.

So many people tend to spiritualize the Word of God, but it is very practical.

I had two houses in the subdivision that I had built to sell. I had prayed and asked God to send a buyer, but the houses hadn’t sold. One day as I drove out there, I asked, “Lord, why haven’t these houses sold? He spoke into my spirit, “Because you didn’t do what I said to do. Do what you have been teaching other people to do.” I got out of my truck and said, “Houses, now listen to me. I’m talking to you. Someone’s impressed with you, and you will be a blessing to someone. I call you SOLD in Jesus’ name!”The houses didn’t sell overnight, and my carnal mind said, Now what are you going to do?I said to myself, I know what I  am going to do. I’ll release my faith in laughter.

I drove over to one house, rolled down the window, looked both ways down the street, and said, “Ha Ha Ha!”

I drove in front of the other house and said, “Ha Ha Ha!” I rolled up the car window and drove home.You have to learn to laugh at your problems. Tears of self-pity and sorrow never release faith. I simply did what the Spirit of God told me to do.Over the next few months, not only did the houses sell, but I sold the entire subdivision and all the land behind the subdivision that was not developed. The notes and mortgages were paid in full!

Take Authority over Your Finances

If you are in debt, exercise your authority as a child of God and call your debts paid!

Jesus said: If you have faith (trust and confidence in God) even [so small] like a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, Be pulled up by the roots, and be planted in the sea, and it would obey you (Luke 17:6 AMPC). Think about it: Paper money, notes, and mortgages are made out of trees, and Jesus said the tree would obey your faith-filled words. Philippians 2:9 says that God has highly exalted Jesus and given Him a name above every name. Verse 10 says that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth. Jesus has given us the right to use His name.

Speak to your finances and tell them to come in line with God’s Word!

The declarations listed below will enable you to take authority over financial issues by putting the creative power of God’s Word in your heart and in your mouth. You, too, can speak to the mountain and see it removed!