Our Last 75¢ and God's Miraculous Provision


When my wife, Jamie, and I started out in the ministry, we were so poor we couldn’t even pay attention. I was believing God for prosperity with all I knew, but we constantly struggled. At one time, all we had to eat was a bag of Fritos  and some Cokes  that a friend had given us. We rationed them out for days.Then Jamie took the car and our last seventy-five cents and went to the laundromat. While she was gone, I did some serious praying. It seemed like the Lord wasn’t meeting our needs. I said, “God, I’d give my right arm to feed Jamie!”He immediately responded, “I gave My Son to feed you.” Then He reminded me of Luke 12:32, which says, “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”That broke my heart.

I  realized that I had let circumstances deceive me about God’s love for us. I had been trying to operate in faith without love.

I repented and received God’s love. When Jamie returned, I told her we would eat meat that day.After church that night, a friend invited us to his house. He gave us over ten pounds of fish, potatoes, and other food. Just before midnight, we sat down to a feast. The amazing thing was that he had tried to bring us the food earlier that day, but when he came by our apartment, our car was gone, so he supposed no one was home. The only time our car was gone was when Jamie was at the laundromat washing clothes and God was showing me His love for us. At the precise moment I received His love, my faith worked,  and our need was met.Let God’s love for you abound, and your faith will too.Text:  "For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love" (Galatians 5:6).