One of My Favorite Books on Biblical Healing


If you are like most believers, the subject of healing is very important to you. It is likely you’ve received healing at some time in your life, or at some point been disappointed because it didn’t come as quickly as you wished. Many people have questions about healing — why it comes to some; why it doesn’t come to others; what the Bible authoritatively teaches on this important subject that touches all of our lives, etc. Well, Bob Yandian’s book The Grace of Healing will answer many of these questions!

The Grace of Healing is pure Bob Yandian: Bible-based, practical, straight to the point, and no nonsense. What Bob has written in these pages on grace and faith — and how these divine elements cooperate and work together for physical healing — is without question the most helpful and practical material on the subject that I have ever read. In fact, I was so enthralled by the material in this book that I read it from cover to cover in one sitting.

In his writings, Pastor Bob brilliantly mixes the roles of grace and faith. Today grace is emphasized by many teachers, which is good, but Bob reminds us that every act of grace must be received by faith. While others have masterfully taught on the subject of faith, I’ve never read anything that makes faith easier to understand than what is written in The Grace of Healing. As a reader, you will see that every point in this wonderful book is absolutely clear, easy to understand, and readily applicable to your life. It is brilliantly written and enjoyably honest.

As one who has given most of my life to the study of the Greek New Testament, I can say that much has been said about the Greek word sozo (the Greek word for salvation) by numerous teachers over the years. But in the pages of this book, Pastor Bob accurately deals with the many, various uses of this word in the New Testament and categorically shows that it not only includes eternal salvation, but also healing and deliverance for our lives right now.

In Chapter Two, Pastor Bob writes about Jesus as our Passover Lamb, and what he has penned about this truth is simply powerful. What he has written about the value of the bowl of Jesus’ blood poured out for you and me cannot be overstated. As the pages continue, Bob shows that from the very beginning, God has placed healing inside nature and inside every human being, and has provided everything — along with supernatural power — to bring His people into a state of health.

Today the world spends billions of dollars annually on special foods, diets, and exercise programs. Regardless, many people remain physically sick. Pastor Bob hilariously deals with the issues of diet and the role of exercise, and then superbly explains the difference between health and fitness in a way that I had never thought of before. You will find this approach to be refreshing, practical, full of common sense, and so enjoyable. In fact, if that chapter of the book affects you as it did me, you will find yourself laughing out loud because you’ll be able to relate so easily to everything he has written. As a reader hungry for truth, you will devour the pages in which Bob enumerates the things that contribute to health besides diet — elements that may affect your long-term health more than what you eat!

As a leader who has counseled and prayed for many who were sick, I am aware that people frequently think certain physical conditions are more challenging for God to heal — or that many have thought they may have done something to cause their sickness, thus making their condition more difficult to be healed. Pastor Bob demolishes those arguments forever. He shows that even if you’re sick from behaviors that made you sick, it does not change the fact that God has healing for you if you’ll take it by grace and faith. Anyone in need of healing will be enthralled when he reads the chapter on God’s graciousness to restore every person’s health regardless of the individual’s own contribution to his medical or physical condition.

As Pastor Bob says, “There is no disease God will not heal, including the ones that are our fault.” In pure Bob Yandian style, he dismantles religious thinking and sets every reader on the path to healing and wholeness. This part of the book is so liberating — I laughed with a thankful heart when I read it.

Furthermore, Bob Yandian proves out the fact that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. What Jesus did 2,000 years ago is exactly what He is doing today and will be doing tomorrow. Since Jesus healed even the most severe medical cases known to man, He is still doing that very thing today. You will discover that it doesn’t matter what you’re trying to overcome physically, Jesus paid the price for that condition to be healed and for you to be delivered from it. He is ready right now to release His power to heal you.

I could continue on and on about how deeply this book impacted me. The pages about Jesus’ sacrificial death and about Jesus as our Jubilee will melt you with thankfulness and a greater revelation of the love of God. But a particularly special blessing to me was what Pastor Bob wrote about Communion — about how God’s healing power can be activated in us when we receive the elements of Communion by faith. That section of this book is so impacting that I intend to implement much of that teaching in my own ministry.

No one teaches on this subject like Pastor Bob Yandian, and in The Grace of Healing, he really knocks it out of the ballpark. I love this book! As a matter of fact, I can confidently say that The Grace of Healing is among the best books I’ve EVER read on the subject of faith and grace in the context of healing. I am certain that in these pages, you will discover how healing can be practically received into your own life.

Everyone will benefit from reading these pages. So Pastor Bob, thank you for what you have written in this ever-useful book and for walking us into these truths in such an enjoyable, practical, and tangible way. Wow…after writing this, I feel like I’m ready to reread The Grace of Healing again right now!

Rick Renner 

Harrison House: “Equipping believers to walk in the abundant life.” (John 10:10b)