Read the Greatest Book of All Time Every Day for Lent

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist, or the sharpest person around.

You don’t have to understand everything to get God’s Word working in your life. Just start sowing the Word into your heart. Begin meditating on it day and night. The Word of God will germinate, take root, spring forth, and grow up of itself.

Everything Jesus Provided

 God put life in those seeds. Man cannot figure it out, but God spoke life into physical seeds. He’s also spoken life into the spiritual seed of His Word.

Proverbs 4:20-22 says:

 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

 God’s Word contains His life in it. If you would take His words, His sayings, and put them on the inside of you, then God’s kind of life would start flowing through you. You would find that healing, prosperity, joy, peace—everything Jesus provided—are contained in God’s Word.

The Bible isn’t like any other book. It’s different. It’s alive.

 For the word of God is quick [alive], and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword. Hebrews 4:12

God’s Word is alive. It’s different than reading any other book—even books about the Bible. The Word of God is different. There’s life in it. If you take it, the Word will give you life where there’s been death. It gives light where there was darkness. It’s that simple.


 In light of this truth, I don’t know why people don’t spend more time studying the Word of God. I don’t know why we spend so much time occupied with all these other things. The only explanation I can think of is that we really don’t believe. We really don’t believe the power and authority that’s in God’s Word. If you understand what I’m saying, then you’ll realize that the most important thing you could ever do is just take God’s Word and begin planting it in your life.

 God has created His Word just like a physical seed. It brings forth fruit of itself. Yet, the Word doesn’t work until it’s sown in your heart just like a seed doesn’t work until it’s sown into the ground.

They’ve found seeds in pyramids that had been lying there for four thousand years. They were dormant, never sprouting, because they weren’t in the ground. But once they were planted with the right temperature, nutrients, and water, they started sprouting and producing plants. All of a sudden the life that was in them came forth. That’s a miracle!

God’s Word has been recorded for thousands of years. If you will take it and sow it into your heart, it will begin to produce.

Andrew Wommack

Andrew’s life was forever changed the moment he encountered the supernatural love of God on March 23, 1968. The author of more than thirty books, Andrew has made it his mission for nearly five decades to change the way the world sees God.Andrew’s vision is to go as far and deep with the Gospel as possible. His message goes far through the Gospel Truth television and radio program, which is available to nearly half the world’s population. The message goes deep through discipleship at Charis Bible College, founded in 1994, which currently has more than seventy campuses and over 6,000 students around the globe. These students will carry on the same mission of changing the way the world sees God. This is Andrew’s legacy.


Explosive Power


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