Andrew Wommack: “Watch God Show Up in an Unexpected Way.”

Did you know that recent studies found that only twenty-eight percent of Christians are actively discipled?

One study even suggested that Christians don’t disciple others because they don’t feel equipped to. What a tragedy!

This is why Charis Bible College exists: to make and equip disciples.

Affordable local housing has been an ongoing problem and one of the biggest challenges for prospective students to be able to come to Charis. Thanks to our faithful friends, partners, and God’s favor with the local community, we have begun construction on student housing! And this is just the start. We want you to be a part of what God is doing here at Charis as He expands our vision to make it a world-class college that meets the needs of the whole person—mind, body, and spirit.

Join us Tuesday, Dec. 6, at 6 p.m. MT for a special, 3-D, live-stream presentation of the Charis expansion plan. You will:

  • See visual representations of the Lord’s direction for our Woodland Park campus

  • Be educated on the impact student housing will make

  • Be inspired as we work together to spread the Good News to as many people as possible

Tune-in to hear some special encouragement from our friends including Andrew Wommack, Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, Bill Johnson, James Brown, and many more! The vision is big, but God is bigger. Together, we will get it done!

Follow the link below to learn more and watch live. 

Andrew Wommack

Andrew’s life was forever changed the moment he encountered the supernatural love of God on March 23, 1968. The author of more than thirty books, Andrew has made it his mission for nearly five decades to change the way the world sees God.Andrew’s vision is to go as far and deep with the Gospel as possible. His message goes far through the Gospel Truth television and radio program, which is available to nearly half the world’s population. The message goes deep through discipleship at Charis Bible College, founded in 1994, which currently has more than seventy campuses and over 6,000 students around the globe. These students will carry on the same mission of changing the way the world sees God. This is Andrew’s legacy.


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