Accepting Your Body

So shall the king greatly desire thy beauty: for he is thy Lord; and worship thou him. —Psalm 45:11 KJV

If you are like me, you have found yourself standing in line at the grocery store face to face with a line of magazines that are filled with new diets, workout tricks, and a guaranteed sense of security if you just hand over the $5 and buy the magazine! It’s easy to get sucked in, especially when we live in a culture where perfection is valued above anything else.

I believe that the trap that many people fall into is believing the lie that they will learn to love themselves once they lose a certain amount of weight or once they fit back into their jeans from high school. However, nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is, we need to be willing to love our bodies and ourselves and that includes accepting our flaws.

I know a lady who travels and speaks on the power of beauty. She struggled for years with not accepting herself and wishing she could change her body. When she travels, she brings mirrors and has the women in her group stand in front of them and speak to each part of their body, especially the parts that they wish they could change. They speak to their thighs and repent for the hateful comments that they have spoken over them and thank them for giving them the ability to sit and walk. They speak to their stomach and ask forgiveness for being so harsh and judgmental toward it and thank it for giving them the ability to enjoy foods. Many women experience great breakthrough in these sessions because not only does it help them break off agreement with the self-hate, but also it allows them to see their body for the powerful tool that it is!

I believe that many of us can afford to learn to fall in love with our bodies again. The truth is, maybe your body isn’t at your goal weight yet or maybe your stomach hangs over your jeans more than you would like, but it is still your body and it fights every day to help keep you alive and allow you to experience the fullness of life. Let’s stop the battle against our bodies and be brave enough to become friends and walk in the journey hand in hand with ourselves.

 It is your body and it fights every day to help keep you alive and allow you to experience the fullness of life.


Today, I want you to take a few moments and stand in front of the mirror and repent to your body for the negative words you have spoken over it. Then, declare at least five positive affirmations over yourself. Be intentional while doing this and really embrace the positive words that you are speaking over yourself. Remember, your words have power!


 The love we have for ourselves should not be conditional. The key to lasting breakthrough is learning to love ourselves as we are in this very moment.


 Father, I thank You for Your unconditional love. I repent for believing the lie that I am not worthy of love just as I am. I ask that today will be the day I begin to love myself just as I am in this moment. Please help guide me and show me the things that You have created me to be that make me unique.

Beni Johnson

BENI JOHNSON and her husband, Bill, are the Senior Pastors of Bethel Church in Redding, California. They serve a growing number of churches that have partnered for revival. Beni oversees Bethel's intercessors and Prayer House. Her approach to intercession makes supernatural connection with the Lord accessible to all. Bill and Beni have 3 children and 8 grandchildren.


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