Arthritis & Joint Pain Healed: 3 Healing Decrees to Claim Restoration Over Your Body

Arthritis and Joints Are Healed


We decree healing to all arthritic and joint conditions!

We say that healing power enters the joints and marrow. We prophesy that arthritis cannot advance! We come against osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus, fibromyalgia, and every degenerative disease in the name of Jesus! We speak to the cartilage in the joints and call for a creative miracle and replenishing of the cells. We reject pain, stiffness, achiness, popping, strain, throbbing, and swelling in the joints and ligaments. Loosen up now! We sever every contributing generational curse. We declare that all spiritual and emotional conditions that contribute to the tensions of arthritis are resolved. We prophesy peace, forgiveness, joy, comfort, and resolve. We say every joint and bone is restored and made whole in the name of Jesus!


Strengthen the weak hands, and make firm the feeble knees (Isaiah 35:3 NKJV).

Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees (Hebrews 12:12 NKJV).

Word of Encouragement

Arthritis seems so commonly spoken of these days that it’s almost in some cases a comical topic and the target of puns and jokes, but to those who suffer from its claws it’s very real. It’s a life-debilitating disease and a curse that limits and, in some cases, destroys people’s quality of life.

Just because we age doesn’t automatically mean that we are to accept arthritic conditions as the norm. There are plenty of people who don’t even know God who aren’t suffering from it, so why should any of God’s people accept it?

If you are suffering from any form of joint pain or arthritic diagnosis, reject it today in Jesus’ name. Lay hands on these areas of your body and speak restoration. Command the degeneration to be rebuilt by the power of God. We know that Jesus healed the lame and restored a man’s withered hand, so He heals joints and arthritis. Command these conditions to be healed in Jesus’ name!

Back Pain Gone


We decree back and skeletal structures are made whole. We prophesy to your spine, neck, vertebra, pelvic bone, and hip joints, and command them to be correctly aligned. We speak to every nerve, muscle, and ligament, and we declare healing and peace in the name of Jesus. We reject all forms of inflammation, numbness, arthritis, degenerative disorders, tension, and sciatica. We speak healing to fractures, trauma, paralysis, and injuries. We declare cartilage is being restored by the power of God. We decree your back and bone structure is strong and healthy. We speak to all pain and command it to abate and be relieved now! We say you walk upright and your posture is corrected. We decree your back is made completely whole in Jesus’ name!


The Lord opens the eyes of the blind; the Lord raises those who are bowed down; the Lord loves the righteous (Psalm 146:8 NKJV).

Have mercy on me, O Lord; for I am weak; O Lord, heal me, for my bones are troubled (Psalm 6:2 NKJV).

Word of Encouragement

As many are well aware, back pain is a common issue and an important part of a person’s being. While there are a wide range of reasons for backs to experience pain, the key is declaring God’s life to permeate this part of our body. It’s important because not only is back pain difficult to deal with physically, in the Bible it is also associated with overall weakness, defeat, and even a sense of being devalued or lowly. So while back pains are definitely physical, they are also spiritual in nature.

The two Scriptures from Psalms show that weakness and the bones being troubled or vexed go hand in hand. We see the phrase “the Lord raises those who are bowed down.” This is both spiritual and physical. Many people with back pain are bent over in the natural, and there is something about it that pushes a person into a sense of extreme weakness. When there is severe back pain, it can be almost entirely immobilizing.

If you are dealing with any back issue, speak life over your back and that anything trying to trouble or vex your bones or cause you to be bowed down is healed in Jesus’ name!

Full Range of Motion


We decree that your body is able to use its full range of motion! We declare all stiffness, rigidity, pain, and limitation is being healed. We command your muscles to relax in the name of Jesus! We prophesy wholeness to all joint pain, ligaments, and tendons. We say all limitations resulting from injuries are being loosened now, and a full range of motion is being restored. We declare your activity levels are able to increase and expand. We declare you can sit, stand, move, and bend with ease. We speak to your legs, arms, fingers and toes, and command flexibility to them. We prophesy a youthful energy comes upon you to live a good quality of life. We declare you have wisdom about how to increase flexibility in your daily activities—and all activities reducing flexibility will be avoided. We decree all range of motion limitations are healed and corrected by the power of God.


In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall (Psalm 18:29 NLT).

Word of Encouragement

Flexibility is important. This is another health area where people often make humorous comments about aging and how their body just isn’t what it used to be. And yes, let’s face it, we do age! That doesn’t mean, however, that we just accept everything that is associated with aging. We have to be so careful with this!

In many cases, we know there are therapies and exercises that can be done to help increase flexibility. These are good for our bodies, and we should do them; but like all things, what we speak over ourselves is so important! Words in particular have an either immobilizing, negative effect on us—or the right words release us from strongholds. Words can tear down or build up; that is why what we say over our bodies is key. Rather than say, “I am so sore and stiff!” Maybe say, “My flexibility is returning!” If you are recovering from an injury, the same approach is important. Think about what you can declare opposite of what is presenting itself and command your full range of mobility in Jesus’ name!

Brenda Kunneman

Brenda Kunneman pastors Lord of Hosts Church, in Omaha, Nebraska, with her husband, Hank. She is a writer and teacher, who ministers nationally and internationally, seeing lives change through the prophetic word and ministry in the Holy Spirit, coupled with a balanced, relevant message. Together, she and her husband also host a weekly TV program, New Level with Hank and Brenda, on Daystar Television Network.


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