Empowering Your Children to Speak Powerful Decrees

The words that come from the mouths of children are important!

The Bible says something particularly unique about children in Psalm 8:2, which says, “Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants, You have ordained strength because of Your enemies, to silence the enemy and the avenger” (MEV).

Notice that it’s the voice of the young who carry a special ability to silence the work of the enemy. It’s their decrees, prayers, and words that put a stop to the works of darkness. One key reason this is true is children are less likely to analyze things in their minds and think of all the reasons something miraculous cannot take place in whatever situation they encounter. They are often quicker to believe in the power of their prayers than adults are when the situation seems impossible.

It’s also often the generation of the young who are the reformers and revivalists of their time. First John 2:13 says, “I write to you, young men, because you have overcome the wicked one. I write to you, little children, because you have known the Father” (NKJV). It was the younger generation who had the ability to war against the forces of darkness along with children who carry a simple, innocent trust in the heavenly Father. First John 2:14 goes on to elaborate this point by saying, “I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the wicked one” (NKJV).

God is using children and young people in this important time in history to overcome evil, and He is using their voices and prayers to speak and prophesy God’s will and plan in the earth. Not only are they being used in these end times as mighty warriors in the world, they are also carrying that same anointing for their own lives and families. Children declaring and praying out the Word and will of God are powerful, and that’s why teaching your kids to decree God’s promises with boldness will impact their lives with miraculous results. Children can bring the blessing of God to a family and household because of their radical, unhindered words of faith!

As kids declare the prayers and decrees in this book, their assurance will solidify in the wonderful things God wants to do for them. These decrees include everything from physical health to life at school, building personal confidence, and many more topics that relate to young people.

Be encouraged to take some time on a regular basis to help your children speak these decrees out loud, look up the Bible verses, and understand the short word of encouragement on each page. I believe as you encourage them to use their voice and decree these words, it will build a lasting stamina inside them to stand for God and His will for their lives. I believe it will build faith inside you too! Remember, things happen when kids declare God’s promises!

Hey Kids!

Do you know that your voice is very powerful? That’s because words are powerful. They have the ability to build us up or tear us down. We need to use our words to speak things that build us up! We need to speak strong words in prayer that are from the Bible and are full of confidence and faith. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to speak the wrong things when something doesn’t go right or when we are afraid? Lots of people speak negative things when they are having a hard time, but we don’t have to do that! We can trust in God’s promises and, because of that, speak positively in every situation.

This book of prayers and decrees is important because it’s meant to help you not only speak the right things but to remind the devil that he cannot succeed in his attacks against you.

You might be asking, “What is a decree?” Well, to put it simply, it’s a bold order or a commandment. A decree is a group of words that are used to say how things must be followed, similar to how a king might put a written or spoken law before his citizens. He tells the people what the rules are, and they have to follow it.

When we decree or boldly speak God’s promises from the Bible, we are reminding ourselves how God expects things to turn out for us. We are building our confidence that God is fighting for us in every situation so it turns out according to His rules. When we decree or speak God’s promises we are also commanding the enemy to submit to what God has said. We are letting the devil know what God’s rules are and that he is not allowed to break them!

You have a special ability given by God to decree His commands and promises, and I believe as you use these prayers and decrees each day, it will set you up for success! They will remind you not to feel down when you face something challenging. It’s also important to declare them out loud so your own ears can hear you say them. It will build strength and faith in your heart. Whether at home or school, your words are a powerful tool that will cause God’s promises to be seen in your life. Isn’t that exciting? So, stand up strong and confident today because things happen when you decree!

Brenda Kunneman

Brenda Kunneman pastors Lord of Hosts Church, in Omaha, Nebraska, with her husband, Hank. She is a writer and teacher, who ministers nationally and internationally, seeing lives change through the prophetic word and ministry in the Holy Spirit, coupled with a balanced, relevant message. Together, she and her husband also host a weekly TV program, New Level with Hank and Brenda, on Daystar Television Network.


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