Jesus Chose You


Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. Ephesians 1:4 NLT

Even before God made the world, He loved you and chose you to belong to Him.

Before you were even born, you were a part of His plan. He invited you to be a part of His family. When you accepted His invitation, you became one with Jesus. Now your heavenly Father sees you as holy and perfect in Christ. You are without fault in His eyes because of Jesus. Jesus met the need within your heart to be loved and chosen.

Yet, when we look outside of Jesus to meet this need within our heart, we often become disappointed. There are times when we have all felt like we didn’t belong.

Have you ever wanted to be a part of a group of people but felt like they really didn’t want you? I know there have been times in my life when I felt this way.

I remember a time when I was talking to someone, and she was telling me that she was getting together with a group of people. I wondered why I hadn’t been invited to join them. The devil uses these opportunities to tempt us to believe his lies. He doesn’t want us to believe the truth, so He plants these negative thoughts in our minds:

“You’re not wanted.”

“There’s something wrong with you.”

“You don’t belong.”

We all want to be chosen by someone. We want people to like us in order to have a sense of belonging. It’s interesting to note that in the world’s system, whether it’s an employee, a spouse, or a friend, people look for certain criteria before they choose the people they want to be a part of their life. For example, when you apply for a job, if you don’t meet the qualifications for that position, or if someone else is more qualified than you, you aren’t the one chosen. If you don’t know who you are in Jesus, this would reinforce the lie that there’s something wrong with you.

When we look to our parents, spouse, children, employer, church leader, or friend to make us feel wanted and chosen, our self-image is distorted. We end up believing the enemy’s lies over the truth of who we are in Jesus.

The good news is that when we look to Jesus, we’ll never be disappointed. He has chosen you to be a part of His royal family. You belong to the most important family in the whole world. Your heavenly Father is the King of kings. When He looks at you, you meet all the criteria because in Jesus you are without fault and perfect in His sight. He chose you before the foundations of the world. Your name was on His invitation list. He didn’t forget you.

He didn’t choose you because you were good at something or because you performed well. He chose you just because He loves you. He picked you so you would believe that you were special. Jesus speaks His words of love to our hearts and says, “I want you because I chose you to belong to Me. You are perfect in My sight.”

When you believe the truth, it doesn’t matter anymore if someone chooses you or not. You have already been chosen by Jesus, the King of kings:

“You didn’t choose me. I chose you.” (John 15:16 NLT )

So the next time the devil throws a fiery dart at your heart and tells you that nobody wants you or you don’t belong, look to Jesus and let Him fill your heart with the truth of His love. Remember who you are in Him. Speak the truth out loud:

  • My heavenly Father invited me to belong to His royal family.

  • He sees me as perfect and without fault because of Jesus.

  • I am loved and chosen by the King of kings.


Heavenly Father, thank You for choosing me to be a part of Your royal family. I now know when the devil tries to lie to me and tell me that I don’t belong and nobody wants me, that it’s not true. I belong to You. You chose me in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and without fault in Your eyes. Help me to remember who I am in Jesus. I am chosen and loved by You.

Connie Witter

Connie Witter, author, speaker, and Bible teacher, is the founder of Because of Jesus Ministries located in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. She has authored a number of books including P.S. God Loves You and Because of Jesus. Connie can be seen nationwide on her television program, Because of Jesus broadcast on World Harvest Television. Connie lives with her husband, Tony, and their children in the Tulsa metropolitan area.


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