Daniel Kolenda: ‘Breaking Chains of the Mammon Spirit with Bold Faith’

I was probably 25 years old—just starting out in itinerate preaching ministry.

I would travel and minister domestically, hoping to raise funds for my international evangelistic work. I was full of faith and sure that God had called me. My confidence was such that I would tell pastors who had invited me to preach that if they allowed me to share my vision and take up an offering, I would pay for the rest. I was willing to take 100 percent of the financial risk. The plane tickets, the hotel rooms, rental cars, food—I trusted God to take care of it all, plus the massive expenses of international evangelistic campaigns and the support of my little family at home. I just knew that when people saw the fire in my eyes and heard the passion in my voice, they would recognize the urgency of the hour, know that God had sent me, and support my work generously.

For the most part, I was right. So many people stood to help this young upstart preacher, and I experienced one miracle after another. The finances were tight, but God never failed me.

Then I received an invitation to preach at a church in Pennsylvania. I accepted the invitation and journeyed from Florida, where I lived, full of faith.

Our prior arrangement notwithstanding, during the worship, the pastor turned to me and said, “Son, I’ve decided that instead of taking an offering for you, the church is just going to bless you out of our general fund.” Such a departure from our agreement could only mean he was planning to give more than an offering would collect. I preached my heart out and ministered to the people in the altars. As I left, the pastor handed me a plain white envelope and thanked me for my ministry. I waited until I reached my rental car in the parking lot to see what was inside.

As I pulled out the check, my heart sank. It was a paltry $150. It wouldn’t even pay for one leg of my plane ticket. I was trying to raise $30K for my evangelistic work, but now I was not even sure if I could put food on the table.

It might seem dramatic now, but I felt utterly and completely overwhelmed for a twenty-five-year-old with very few resources and more than my share of responsibility. In fact, I felt like I was suffocating—like a python was tightening around my chest. Each breath seemed more difficult than the last. My mind began to race. What could I cut? How could I shift things around to make ends meet?

Suddenly, the Holy Spirit touched me, and I had a moment of clarity. I realized what was happening. I had allowed the enemy to move me from a position of faith to fear. Now I was in the flesh. I was in survival mode. And my knee-jerk reaction was to contract, to squeeze every last penny I had in stingy, self-preservation. Some people, driven by greed and materialism, bow to the spirit of mammon in worship. But I was bowing to mammon in fear. My motives were different, but my posture was the same. I was allowing that suffocating spirit to intimidate and cow me.

When the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to it, I was filled with holy anger, not at the pastor, but at that suffocating mammon spirit. I knew I had to do something. I felt like If I allowed that thing to tighten its grip on my faith, I would live in poverty and fear. I had to break free, and I had to do it fast!

My reaction was unsophisticated and unpolished, awkward even, but it was authentic. I got out of the car, walked back into the church, found the pastor, and invited him, his family, and their pastoral team out to lunch at my own expense at the most excellent restaurant in town. As I paid the bill, I knew I was literally spending the last little bit of money I had. But I felt elated. My reckless generosity was an act of protest against the devil. The Lord provided for all my needs and even paid for my evangelistic campaign. But best of all, I had refused to bow to mammon!

That experience was a defining moment for me. The Lord helped me recognize and resist the spirit of mammon. It was a life-changing revelation. In a similar way, I believe that Exposing the Spirit of Mammon will be a defining moment for you!

Ashley Terradez reminds us of a fundamental spiritual truth: we cannot serve God and mammon. This truth is not merely a piece of advice but a profound spiritual principle that can shape our lives and determine our destiny. The spirit of mammon is actively working to draw us away from the Lord. It seeks to become our master, exerting control over our thoughts, decisions, and priorities. But the good news is that you can be equipped with the knowledge and authority to resist its influence and take power over it in Jesus’ name!

As you exercise this authority, you shift the balance of power in your life. Mammon loses its hold, and God’s dominion becomes more evident. Your heart and mind become aligned with the will of God, and you begin to make financial decisions that honor Him.

But remember, authority is not merely about issuing commands but also about taking responsibility. We must be good stewards of the resources and finances that God entrusts to us. In doing so, we demonstrate our faithfulness and reliability as servants of the Lord.

This book will equip you with the knowledge and understanding needed to exercise this authority effectively. As you read and absorb Ashley’s principles, you will grow in spiritual discernment. You will recognize the deceptive tactics of mammon and be able to confront them head-on.

Additionally, you will discover that money is a neutral tool, waiting to be directed by your Holy Spirit-led choices. Rather than allowing money to dictate your decisions, you will learn to make it your servant. You will use it for good, supporting God’s work, blessing others, and meeting your needs with wisdom and stewardship.

Ashley Terradez is a dear friend and a dedicated servant of the Lord. His deep understanding of spiritual principles and commitment to teaching the Word of God shine through on every page of this book. Ashley’s work is not merely the result of intellectual study; it is the fruit of a life lived in communion with God, marked by unwavering faith and a passion for sharing the truth.

Ashley Terradez delves into the timeless battle between pursuing wealth and pursuing God’s Kingdom. He draws from both Scripture and personal experiences to reveal the insidious tactics of the spirit of mammon, a force that has ensnared many throughout history, even the devil himself.

As we journey through these pages, Ashley masterfully uncovers the age-old strategies that have lured countless individuals into the trap of serving money rather than God. He reminds us that we cannot serve two masters, and he equips us with the knowledge and wisdom needed to discern mammon’s voice and reclaim our rightful position with God as our ultimate Master.

One of Ashley’s most profound insights is the distinction between money as a tool and money as a master. Money is neither inherently good nor evil; instead, it is a neutral resource that can be used for various purposes. Through Ashley’s teachings, you will understand that money is meant to serve you as you faithfully serve the Lord.

In our materialistic world, it is easy to become distracted by pursuing earthly wealth, forgetting our true identity as spiritual beings. Ashley reminds us that we are children of the Most High God, citizens of a heavenly kingdom and recipients of spiritual blessings that far surpass the temporary allure of material possessions.

Exposing the Spirit of Mammon is more than just a book; it is a road map to a transformed financial mindset and a renewed commitment to serving God above all else. As you embark on this journey of revelation and empowerment through Ashley Terradez’s teachings, may you grow closer to God, confidently wielding the keys of authority and living a life that glorifies your heavenly Father in all you do.

Daniel Kolenda

Daniel Kolenda is a missionary evangelist, pastor, author, and teacher, who has led more than 22-million people to Christ face-to-face through massive open-air evangelistic campaigns in some of the most dangerous, difficult, and remote locations on earth.

As the successor to world-renowned Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, Daniel is the President and CEO of Christ for All Nations – a ministry which has conducted some of the largest evangelistic events in history, has published over 190 million books in 104 languages, and has 14 offices in 12 countries on six continents. He has hosted two internationally syndicated television programs (one daily and one weekly) and has authored eight books, including the bestsellers LIVE Before You Die and Slaying Dragons.

In addition to the international work, Daniel is also the Lead Pastor of a thriving local congregation in Orlando, Florida, called Nations Church. He is the founder of the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp and the Christ for all Nations School of Ministry, located in Orlando. These institutions and others are part of an overarching mandate to “multiply laborers for the sake of the harvest.” The emphasis on multiplication has already resulted in hundreds of ministers launched and ministries birthed, which have collectively documented millions of decisions for Christ in the last few years.

Daniel is a graduate of Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida, and the Brownsville Revival School of Ministry in Pensacola. Daniel, his wife Rebekah, and their five children, Elijah, Gloria, London, Lydia, and Benjamin, reside in the Orlando area.


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