Crush the Tsunami of Evil: 3 Steps to Unleash Liberty & Drown Out the Darkness!

Sometimes it takes a tsunami to stop a tsunami.

That wall of ocean lost its power against the light of God’s word. There’s another shift happening below the surface of the culture. It’s stirring and creating another type of tsunami, a tsunami of light—light shining on all the darkness. People are seeing the truth and waking up. Media ratings have shifted massively. American’s trust in media has hit an all-time low, which is an indication of the mindset of Americans.

Our Flashpoint Live has exploded with viewers, and a flood of people are calling daily concerned about the state of America. The saying, “Go woke, go broke,” is certainly proving true. Sex trafficking and out-of-control crime is at the forefront of people’s minds. People see these realities and are fed up. Light exposes the darkness, and we are seeing an exposure of demonic agendas revealed for all the world to see. We’re seeing a wave of spiritual awakening, even on college campuses. There is a shift of light shining in the darkness.

“All the darkness can’t extinguish the light of a single candle,” said Francis of Assisi. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5 NIV). If one candle can dispel the darkness in an entire room, think what an army of candles can do.

There will always be darkness. We will always be in a war. This thing is ongoing. But to sit back and not occupy is not God’s way. We have a choice to turn back the tide just like Pastor Dayalan Sanders did. “When the enemy comes in, like a flood the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him” (Isaiah 59:19 NKJV).

What is that standard? It is the Spirit of the Lord, and it is His people who have the Spirit of the Lord inside them. “We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice,” wrote Deitrich Bonhoeffer, “we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself.”16

We have an opportunity, not to bandage our wounds, but to drive a stake in the wheel. Darkness will always be among us, but light dispels the darkness. Be a vessel of light. “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden” (Matthew 5:14 NKJV).

Three Steps to Liberty

1. We must continue to pray and seek God’s face.

We must speak to the tsunami with the word of God and a spiritual wall will rise up. The enemy wants us to not pray. The flesh wants to tell us that prayer doesn’t work. But Jesus told us to always pray and not lose heart (see Luke 18:1). This means prayer takes persistence. In the book of Colossians, the apostle Paul tells the believers that Epaphras is “always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God” (Colossians 4:12 NIV).

Prayer is wrestling. Prayer with a shovel works. It’s more than asking God for stuff. It’s spiritual warfare. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12 NKJV).

Second Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV) has been a rallying call to prayer for decades. It. Still. Is. When you break down this prayer into practical elements it gives us a biblical strategy:

  • “If My people who are called by My name”—God’s people. Not the world. Believers who know Him. It starts with us.

  • “will humble themselves”—We have to get real about ourselves and not be pious and safe in our church buildings.

  • “and pray and seek My face”—Are we really seeking God’s face and direction or are we just talking about politics and asking Him to bless our efforts?

  • “and turn from their wicked ways”—God is calling us to holiness. Us before them. We can’t preach it if we are not living it.

  • “then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin”—God, forgive us first.

  • “and heal their land”—Yes, we are in the end times, but God still wants to heal our land. Remember, we are to occupy until He comes.

  • “For he spoke and stirred up a tempest that lifted high the waves” (Psalm 107:25 NIV). God is in control of the waves.

2. Turn our boats around and head straight into the tsunami.

That’s our call too! We must charge into the waves of opposition like David charged Goliath. We can’t be timid and afraid of it, but must advance full throttle. Whether it is spiritual, political, economic, or emotional, the wave can take you to where you want to go or it can leave you devastated, out of control, and defeated. Again, the choice is yours. Our friend Tim Sheets prophesied:

It will be an effortless motion as you are swiftly pulled up on top of the waves, but it will require surrender…. Strongholds that we have spent years praying into to break, will be flattened in a moment in this coming hour. You will ride high atop the waves of awakening and revival, and you do not need to fear the incoming waves. It is going to be a wild ride of excitement, so stand still, watch the horizon and brace for what is about to come. The countless numbers of people that I saw, I believe, represent the prodigal that will return to the Father in this hour’s awakening. They will be swept up in this mighty movement and will be carried upon the rivers of His living water. God is moving mightily, the ground is ready and prepared, the harvest is ripe. Continue standing guard, continue standing on the Word, continue worshipping and watch as the Lord springs up ancient wells within you, as He exposes wickedness to run in fear, and causes a mighty outpouring of His Spirit, cleansing and refreshing to pour out across the tired and weary earth. Begin calling in the waves, begin calling in the lost in your family who will be swept up in this wave (not drowned by it, but carried upon it.) Keep speaking to the mountains of impossibility—they are about to be flattened before you. The Waymaker is on the move. Position yourself in readiness.

3. Rebuild stronger.

Pastor Dayalan said he was determined to rebuild stronger because God had called him to that place. We are called to a place. America. This is our home. This is our Ziklag. After tsunamis, earthquakes, and hurricanes, engineers build structures more impenetrable to future catastrophes. They look at the engineering aspect of it and analyze what went wrong, and they build it back better so that it can withstand storms.

After hurricane Katrina, in New Orleans they reworked the levee system. That’s their land. And there’s a group of people there who are not leaving. They learned how to build the cemeteries and everything else; they are not leaving. They are possessing their land and standing there and learning how to build it so they can withstand storms in the future. They are occupying. They can maintain their territory and will not be intimidated.

When we think of a tsunami, we think death and destruction, but I want us to think of a move of God so powerful that it literally reshapes the landscape. To stop the killing of America it is going to take power—the power of God to change the landscape. You can always see where a tsunami hit land because the fruit is evident.

Perhaps one of the most important positive effects of tsunamis is a redistribution of nutrients. Tsunami waves can lift up nutrient-rich sediment in estuaries and deltas and disperse it inland. In so doing, tsunamis help to spread nutrients in agricultural areas, thus increasing the fertility of the soil. In the same vein, tsunamis can also create new habitats. We can stop the insanity by changing the landscape.

A Prophetic Word About Rebuilding

In the establishment of this country, there were documents set in place by our founding fathers that are now being ignored, such as the Constitution.18 We were not established to be ruled over by the government. Our country was established on God-centered principles, and we were born with certain inalienable rights.

It is time to rebuild America based on the founding fathers’ pillars of faith. It is time to rebuild with the reinforcement that we were made in the image of God, for a divine purpose, and have definite identities. We are individuals, not a collective. We need to rebuild our acknowledgment that we are not our own gods. Everyone does not have their own reality.

We need to rebuild on truth because the truth will set you free. We need to rebuild ensuring we are working toward a free country—not toward a world-centered, tyrannical, elitist-run, greater-good world order. God will defend His nation. He will give us new strategies. It is our opinion that God will bring a radical change to our nation.

Many have prophesied this country will not go under but stand stronger than ever. Kenneth Copeland, Hank Kunnemann, Dutch Sheets, Tim Sheets, Kent Christmas, Robin Bullock. We will have revival, reformation, and a return to God like never before.

In our opinion, when we compare evil—the attempted chaos, sexual perversion, division, tyranny, corrupt finances—versus good, there’s one choice that is obvious. “Hell doesn’t have a chance against our God,” Tim Sheets said. “This tsunami is clearing out the filth of evil…Don’t listen to known liars.”

Justice is coming. It’s been slow in coming, but it is starting to trickle in. We’re expecting a tsunami of justice very soon. That ought to help you discern whom you should not listen to. We repeat, do not listen to known liars. Yes, there’s a shaking going down, but God and His kingdom is rising up. We strongly suggest you join the winning team.

President Regan said:

To all those trapped in tyranny, wherever they may be, let us speak with one voice—not as Republicans or Democrats, but as Americans—saying you are not alone; your dreams are not in vain. Hold on to your dreams, because the tide of the future is a freedom tide, and totalitarianism cannot hold it back.

There is a tide of light, of God and liberty, that is pushing back the darkness. It’s not just a wave or a ripple, but a tsunami that can’t be held back. America was founded on godly principles. We’ve seen that as a fact. And they are not killing her. We won’t let that happen. We are turning back the tsunami of darkness and Lady Liberty is rising!

Gene & Teri Bailey

Together, Gene & Teri Bailey inspire thousands every day to stand up as Americans. Through the hit television program FlashPoint, Gene hosts a variety of guests, leaders, newsmakers, and politicians each week, covering current events and stories that matter. With a background in business, childcare development, and with a heart for women, Teri inspires “mama bears” globally to rise up and protect their families from a very real evil: the destruction of the family unit. Unashamedly Christian, Gene and Teri speak to thousands at events nationwide, inspiring audiences and equipping them with the tools they need to affect their families, their communities, and their nation.


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