4 Types of Prophets: Praying for God’s Revelation for This Hour

One of the prophet’s major duties is to bring the court of justice from Heaven into the earth by telling us information we need to deal with.

Yes, God can tell you directly because you are His child. When a prophet speaks God’s words from his designated office, those words carry a high level of authority and power. I’m not saying you do not have authority and power, because you do. Jesus gave it to you. God is the One who set up the five-fold offices He knew we needed and how they would operate in delegated authority (1 Corinthians 12:28).

We have people in governmental places right now along with their false prophets who think they have total power over mankind. The devil uses his false prophets to make decrees using governmental officials. The devil has his kingdom of darkness organized in such a way that they can carry out orders like Baal’s prophets did. God has His government too!

The Bible plainly shows us that it takes a prophet to stop those evil prophets acting under God’s authority and command. God has His prophets making decrees that supersede in authority their wicked decrees, like in Esther’s case (Esther 8).

When Barak should have gone to war to take their enemy down, it took Deborah the prophetess to make it happen with her decrees (Judges 4:9). That’s what we must have today. Think about how unusual and supernatural that was. A word from a prophetess brought results where nothing had been happening for a long time, and then it all changed!

Taking the examples from the Bible and acting upon them can bring the supernatural into position to absolutely alter situations. But to do that, we have to be more supernaturally minded and less affected by what we see. It’s imperative for us to move more into the supernatural and not be so caught up in the natural.

Elisha worked with a vast number of angels he could see. His servant could not see anything but fear. Once the prophet prayed for his eyes to be open, look at what he saw! There are more with us than there are with them (2 Kings 6:15-17).

How about when the prophet could see the siege would be over the next day? The gatekeeper did not get it and died in the process (2 Kings 7:1-2,16-17). These are some good lessons on paying attention to the prophet’s words.

How do we work with prophets and angels more efficiently? How do we grow in understanding visions and dreams? How do we take prophets’ words and understand them by and through the written Word? How do we work side by side with prophets to bring their prophecies to pass?

The Lord established the office of prophet so He could speak with authority and power to reveal, warn, and bring light and revelation into dark places to help us avoid satan’s deceptive attacks that destroy.

The Lord speaks through the prophets to show us our future, hope, and the good plans God has for us. The prophet can give us answers we need to navigate through life. I’m not talking about fortune-telling to see or know the future, but the Holy Spirit showing us things to come (John 16:13-15).

The life of Jesus reveals how the prophetic works. Words spoken directly by God Almighty through different prophets over time caused His birth, life, crucifixion, and resurrection to give us the power of eternal life.

Types of Prophets          

There are four different categories of prophets that I’m familiar with. You can look up these examples and others in the Bible to gain more insight. Learning how the Lord flowed through these precious ones will help us today.

Seer or Visual Type

Samuel, Daniel, David, and John are examples of what we could call “seer” prophets or revelators. They were visual with the ability to see and hear by visions, dreams, or in the spirit.

Their function was to work with kings or heads of nations by vocalizing words from God concerning what He wanted done in their land. They were a voice from God directly to the king. You probably can think of several who do this today. It’s necessary and biblical for a president to have prophets to help them.

Mouthpiece Type

The “mouthpiece” type would suddenly have prophetic words bubbling up and flowing out like a river. They would herald or proclaim the move of God and what was about to happen. John the Baptist, Joseph, Agabus, and the Issachar tribe are good examples.

The Issachar tribe knew the times and seasons of what Israel should do. This type could mobilize and navigate a group supernaturally or suddenly. “Suddenly” is a mark that stands out about these types of prophets. We have some of those today.

Watchman Prophet

This prophet stands at the gate literally watching in the spirit by the gift of discerning of spirits to see if the enemy is deceiving or trying to interfere with the movement of God. They also are listening intently to the Holy Spirit for the coming move of God and words from prophets that need to be prayed.

These prophets could flow in the different gifts of the Spirit like the word of knowledge, discerning of spirits, word of wisdom, and so on. They could look intently into someone’s face and mentally perceive a situation and information would come to their mind. They could work in dreams and visions. Paul and Peter did this.

Suddenly Type

This last one is a prophet who beholds or suddenly sees a veil or cover removed where they “see into.” They can see behind the scenes and into the distance. It’s like they look into the future. John in Revelation, Jeremiah, and Moses did this.

Prophets and Kings/Leaders     

We can learn from studying the word prophet in Hebrew and Greek that there are various functions of the prophet’s office. They work with kings in giving instructions, can anoint them for office, and work side by side with those in authority to guide the affairs of God’s people.

Today that would be working with presidents of nations and high-ranking officials in various governmental offices. Prophets assist in mandating judicial matters in the Court of Heaven to bring justice. They decree prophetic words to nations, leaders, and residents concerning the will of God, which was unknown until that time. They relate information about the end times and the new moves of the Lord so His body can understand the “present” outpouring.

In the Old Testament we see how the Lord paired prophets up with kings to give a supply of information directly to the king. They worked together, side by side.

This is one of the major things we need to pray for today. My team and I have interceded since 1991 for prophets and presidents to work beside each other to help save our nation from despair and to promote God’s agenda. They flow in the gifts of discerning of spirits, word of knowledge and wisdom, gift of prophecy, dreams and visions, and the ability to see, know, and hear in the spirit realm.

The prophets had some tough times because some kings and others in authority weren’t always excited about their message! Jeremiah had some exceedingly difficult days because of this. We can see how accurate he was even though his message wasn’t accepted.

We have prophets today whose message has not been accepted. Anytime the devil can stir up the body of Christ through disagreement, he has the advantage. He gets one group pitted against another by picking apart what the prophets have said. Jealousy and gossip among God’s people need to stop. But as we pray, God can intervene for the good of the whole body of Christ.

By studying Jeremiah’s prophecies, Daniel knew the timing of exactly how and when they could be released from Babylonian bondage. Just think about this: a whole nation was set free by the words of a prophet studying the words of a previous prophet! This is awesome. The same can happen today. People and nations can hear, receive, believe, and accept the prophet’s words and—boom—get set free!

Ginger Ziegler

Ginger Ziegler has served in ministry for more than 40 years as a pastor, preacher, teacher, and overseer of a prison ministry. She has also preached the gospel of Jesus Christ in several foreign countries as well as working at Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Affectionately known as “Mom” after her many years in ministry, Ginger’s passion is helping people personally experience God’s love so they can fulfill their destiny in life.



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