His Blood Speaks a Better Word

By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts; and through it he being dead still speaks (Hebrews 11:4 NKJV).

In the story of Cain and Abel, the conflict began when each of the brothers brought God an offering.

Abel sacrificed to Him the firstborn of his flock. Cain brought Him fruit from his crops. Those two offerings might seem much the same from our perspective, but not from God’s.

He accepted Abel’s gift and rejected Cain’s. Why?

The answer has everything to do with the blood.

“The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). It takes a blood payment to satisfy divine justice when sin has been committed. Both Cain and Abel knew this was true. Their parents, Adam and Eve, tried to use fig leaves to cover their sin when they disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden. The leaves were insufficient. So, God shed the blood of an animal to cover their transgressions. Then He used the skin of the animals to make their clothes (Genesis 3:7-21).

From that time on in the Old Testament, God required the blood of animals to atone for sin. Yet Cain brought God a non- blood sacrifice. Resorting to a form of religion, he tried to offer what was comfortable instead of what God required. His offering was just a matter of ritual, without meaning or life, without commitment, and without obedience.

Abel did things God’s way. He went to the Lord by faith with his sacrifice of blood, recognizing his sinfulness and his need for God’s mercy. God accepted his gift. He testified that it was pleasing to Him. By that gift Abel obtained the witness that he was righteous.

If you’re wondering now what this story has to do with you, I’ll tell you!

Like Abel, you have obtained the witness that you are righteous—not because of an Old Testament sacrifice, but by and through the Blood of Jesus. Because Jesus was made sin in your place, His Blood declares you have been made right on the inside and right in your relationship with the Father (2 Corinthians 5:21). It testifies that you are being conformed and renewed to the image of Christ on a daily basis (Romans 8:29).

The testimony of His Blood isn’t just a quiet whisper either, but a thunderous declaration! It’s making the same kind of loud proclamation Abel’s blood made but proclaims Mercy!

In the midst of Cain’s jealous rage over his offering being rejected, he killed his brother and tried to cover up the murder by telling God he didn’t know where Abel was. But the voice of Abel’s blood contradicted him.

“What have you done?” God said to Cain. “The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground” (Genesis 4:10 NKJV).

Notice, God said He could hear Abel’s blood crying. The word cry can mean to shriek, call out, or to proclaim. Proclaim can mean to declare publicly where everyone can hear it. Abel’s blood called out in a shrieking voice, making a public proclamation before God and man that his life had been poured out into the ground in anger, jealousy, and wrath.

Abel’s blood had a booming voice. It was the voice of vengeance wanting justice. Hebrews 11:4 says, ‘He being dead yet speaks.’

Thankfully, Jesus’ Blood is speaking too—and with an even stronger Voice! But instead of vengeance, His blood speaks Mercy. His Blood says to you, “God is not mad at you!” His Blood says for you, “Father, have mercy on them because I love them.” Jesus’ Blood didn’t cry out for Himself. It cried out for you!

Even 2,000 years after His Blood was shed on the cross, it still “speaks better things than that of Abel” (Hebrews 12:24 NKJV).

The Greek word translated speaks can mean to talk, utter words, preach, say, speak, and tell. In the Gospels it’s used to refer to Jesus speaking and can be translated as speak, spake, spoken, and told more than 100 times. Several times it refers to the Holy Ghost speaking.

The root of this Greek word can mean to break silence. When Abel’s blood cried out, it shrieked and proclaimed that a wrong had been done.

Abel’s blood broke Cain’s silence and revealed his sin. Jesus’ Blood does just the opposite. His Blood breaks the silence and removes sin! It declares that our Covenant with God has been restored.

The Blood of Jesus has purpose. Within the purpose is the message of God’s desire for a family. It cries forgiveness and mercy, not judgment.

Oh, what good news that is! The silence of the ages has been broken! The Father hears the Blood of Jesus speaking on behalf of mankind, not against mankind. The devil thought he had silenced Jesus when he killed Him. But when the last drop of Jesus’ life force drained out of Him, the Voice of His Blood began to fill the earth, the heavens…and even hell itself.

Even satan himself couldn’t silence the Blood of Jesus and still can’t!

Today, that Blood is speaking better things. It’s speaking excellent, superior things about you and to you. It’s proclaiming mercy, mercy, and more mercy—and mercy always triumphs over judgment (James 2:13).

Say it out loud now:

“Today, the Blood of Jesus is speaking stronger, more excellent, and superior things to me, for me, and about me! His Blood is declaring mercy over me!”

Prayer and Confession

Father, I can see that Your pure Life is in the Blood of Jesus. His Blood is Anointed. The Anointing in the Blood of Jesus removes burdens and destroys the bond- age of the devil in my life (Isaiah 10:27). I accept Him who speaks to me and for me and on my behalf.

The Blood says things that are more excellent about me right now. I have a better, stronger, nobler Covenant because of the Blood. Jesus, thank You for opening my eyes to see these truths. I am more than an overcomer in all things because of You. I speak the power of Your Blood for my children, grandchildren, and loved ones. It delivers and sets us free. The devil is defeated because of that power! I glorify You, Jesus, because You are Lord!

Proclaim and Decree

I am the righteousness of God, because the Blood of Jesus speaks mercy.

Ginger Ziegler

Ginger Ziegler has served in ministry for more than 40 years as a pastor, preacher, teacher, and overseer of a prison ministry. She has also preached the gospel of Jesus Christ in several foreign countries as well as working at Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Affectionately known as “Mom” after her many years in ministry, Ginger’s passion is helping people personally experience God’s love so they can fulfill their destiny in life.



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