God’s Word is Sweeping Across America! (Prophetic Word)
A powerful prophetic word has been released by Hank Kunneman, declaring that the Earth is in the midst of a divine reset.
The Spirit of the Lord is moving upon the nations, shaking the foundations of corruption and establishing a season of justice, reform, and unprecedented transformation.
A Divine Reset in Motion
According to this prophetic word, the feet of Yeshua have been planted upon both the United States and Israel. This marks a sovereign moment where God is realigning nations, breaking down systems of deep corruption, and establishing righteousness in the Earth.
“Listen as I speak to you. My feet rest, says Yeshua. One of my feet is upon this nation, the United States, and my other foot rests upon you, Israel. And my hands have been stretched out at this time upon the nations of the earth. You say, ‘What does this mean?’ I have come at this time to reset the earth, for this is my time that men shall behold the awe and the wonder of your God.”
As the Lord places His feet upon these two nations, a supernatural joining of hands is taking place, causing a shaking in the Earth. This shaking is a sign that mountains of wickedness will fall, exposing injustice and ushering in a new order where righteousness and justice prevail.
The Supernatural Power of Jesus’ Blood
Hank Kunneman
A Strange Stillness and the Coming Renaissance
Many have expected chaos and destruction, but the Lord speaks of a divine stillness—a moment where the world will pause in astonishment. “For a moment, men will say, ‘What is this strange stillness that seems to arise upon the earth? This is not what our eschatology has taught us. This is not what we have expected.’”
This stillness is not the end—it is the preparation for a divine Renaissance. The Lord is orchestrating a supernatural reformation where nations will enter into a season of renewal, cooperation, and restoration.
“Behold, the earth will stand, and they will see, and they will know that I am God. I am the one who set the stars in their place, and I have set up kings, and I am taking them down as I am shaking governments and kingdoms.”
One of the most striking elements of this prophetic word is the reconciliation between former enemies. Nations that once stood in opposition to Israel will extend their hands in peace, marking an unprecedented alliance in the Middle East. This shift will be a sign of a greater work the Lord is doing in the Earth.
The Unveiling and the Rise of a Mystery Woman
God is exposing deception at an accelerated rate, and what has been hidden in darkness will be brought into the light. The veils of lies and manipulation are being torn away, and a powerful move of truth is about to be released across the nations.
“I will unveil the deception that has been upon the earth, and you've seen it in your country, where the fake, the false, the lying has had a voice. Yet I will unveil, and I will show the truth.”
In a surprising revelation, the Lord speaks of a mystery woman who will rise in the Middle East—a woman of great influence who will bring healing, wisdom, and peace. “She shall arise with healing, with an olive branch, and with wisdom in this Renaissance that will bring great rebuilding to places of great war damage.”
This is a divine interruption to the plans of darkness. The Lord is shifting the structures of power and raising up unexpected leaders who will be instrumental in bringing about this transformation.
A Supernatural Restraining of Darkness
As the enemy seeks to unleash chaos in response to the coming reset, the Spirit of God is acting as the restraining force. The spirit of Jezebel is attempting to divide the body of Christ, but the Lord is calling His people into unity.
“A house divided cannot effectively steward over the new house, the White House, the Lighthouse. And the enemy has come to bring division, to create arguing, fighting, and bickering.”
But there is a call for preservation and alignment. The apostolic and prophetic voices will arise to bring order and decency back to the house of the Lord. This is not just a moment of reform—it is a restructuring of the very foundations upon which nations have been built.
The Restoration of Leadership and the Overturning of Corruption
The Lord is setting His justice in motion. He is raising up leaders of His choosing, and no power of darkness will be able to stop what He has ordained.
“I have declared a reset in your house called White, and I have declared it is the Lighthouse.”
A great revolution of light is breaking forth—an intentional overthrow of darkness. This will be seen even in the realm of medicine, where supernatural advancements will eradicate diseases such as cancer. Light itself will be used as an instrument of healing and transformation.
“Watch the manifestation of light and how it shall be used in this time. Because you are not in the season of darkness—you are in the season of light, says the Living God.”
A Call to Stand in Faith
As the Lord executes His divine reset, there will be a restructuring of nations. A great shaking will come, but it will not be unto destruction—it will be unto restoration.
“You cried out, you said, ‘God, heal this land,’ and this is what I will do.”
A great movement of unity will arise—even among those who were once divided by politics, ideology, and power struggles. The tattered wings of the eagle nation—the United States—will be repaired not by human effort, but by the hand of the Lord.
“Who can repair the tattered wings of an eagle nation, you United States? Is it your party on the left, your right? Is it those who stand in the middle? Do not make me laugh. I speak, and I say, I am the God of the nations, and I am resetting, reestablishing, and bringing a Renaissance that will bring a strange, strange unity.”
This is not just a season of transition—it is a supernatural reformation. The Lord is resetting the Earth, unveiling deception, and ushering in a Renaissance that will shake the foundations of the world.
The call is clear: Stand firm. Pray. Watch. The reset is in motion, and the time of divine intervention has arrived.
This prophetic revelation of the life giving Blood of Jesus is critical in these precarious end-time days!
“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death” (Revelation 12:11).
As believers in Christ, we are not immune to trouble. Challenges in areas like health, finances, jobs, and relationships come against us all. But Scripture shows us keys to our tremendous victory through Jesus' shed Blood!
Connecting both Old and New Testament principles, Hank Kunneman vividly highlights the prophetic revelation of Jesus' shed Blood and its overcoming power.
The Supernatural Power of Jesus’ Blood will encourage you in:
Understanding what is rightfully yours as a believer.
Remembering GodÕs faithfulness.
Declaring your covenant promises.
Pleading the blood of Jesus over yourself and your loved ones.
Grab onto these prophetic truths and walk in the victory Jesus has provided through His shed Blood!