Need Healing? 5 Proven Ways You Can See Healing Miracles Manifest

What must a person do to be healed until they have attained to the measure of faith to possess and have divine health?

1. You may be healed directly by faith in Jesus.

A. The woman with the issue of blood. Luke 8:43-48

a. Jesus said that where two or three were gathered together, there He was in the midst.

I. Touch Him in the Spirit. Matt. 18:20

2. Call for the elders of the church.

A. Is any afflicted let him pray. Afflicted from Greek kakopatheo, to undergo hardship. If you are going through hardships, pray. God will hear you and see you through them. James 5:13

B. A general responsibility for all believers.

a. Let him call—you let him call. James 5:14, 15

b. Hindrances to “Let him call.”

I. Teaching that sickness is God’s will.

II. Teaching that sickness is to help perfect the sick.

III. Teaching that sickness is God disciplining the sick.

i. In any of the above cases or teachings, the sick would be afraid to call for fear he may be interfering with God’s work in his life.

IV. Teaching that would hide your lack of faith because you are afraid the sick would call on you.

i. Why afraid?

  • Fear of failure

  • Fear that God will not respond

  • Fear that your faith is not enough

C. The responsibility of the sick

a. You are to call

b. Another may call for you. John 4:46

c. To call shows that you have enough faith

I. If you had no faith you would not call

i. Example—only a few would let Jesus lay His hands on them consequently only a few were healed. Mark 6:5

D. The responsibility of the elders

a. To anoint with oil

b. To pray the prayer of faith—their faith shall save the sick

I. The elders have a greater responsibility than the sick person

E. The Lord’s responsibility

a. The Lord shall raise them up—the sick one.

I. This is a positive commitment. If the prayer of faith is prayed, God always raises up the sick. He cannot break His Word.

b. If the sick have committed sins, they are forgiven.

3. Healing through the prayer of a righteous man.

A. Confess your faults. James 5:16

a. Dr. John G. Lake told of the following experience: A man who was desperately ill came for healing. When I started to lay my hands on him, I saw $5,000. Thinking it might be just me, I started to lay hands on him and again, I saw the $5,000. So I asked him about the $5,000. He confessed that in administering his parent’s estate, he had cheated his sister out of the $5,000. I asked him if he had that much in his checking account. He admitted he did. At my urging, he wrote a check for the $5,000 made out to his sister. He addressed an envelope and put a stamp on it. Inside was the check for $5,000. We dropped it into a nearby mailbox. God healed him instantly.

4. What you can also do if the elders are not available.

A. If two will agree. Matt. 18:19, 20

B. Call one who has the gifts of healing. 1 Cor. 12:9

5. Other considerations.

A. Consecration

a. Romans 12:1-2: This makes Christ Lord of your body. With this consecration, Jesus is now Lord of your entire being—spirit, soul, and body. As you can go to no other for the salvation of your soul so you can go to no other for the healing of your body.

b. The depth of such a sacrifice and consecration.

A Comparison

A lady whom I know was going up to the hospital for an operation. The Spirit of God spoke to her and told her that if she had been this desperate with God, He would have healed her.

What did this mean as far as the doctor was concerned?

1. He could do her no good unless she put herself completely in his hands.

2. There can be no reservations.

3. She must have faith in him.

4. Her hope is in his skill.

5. It is absolute trust.

What did this mean as far as the Lord was concerned? (The Great Physician)

1. Jesus can do you no good unless you put yourself completely into His hands.

2. There can be no reservations.

3. There must be absolute trust in Christ first.

4. Do not think a person can get far by making mental reservations to go to the arm of flesh in case healing doesn’t come as they think it should. Healing may be instant and it may be gradual.

The same courtesy must be shown Jesus Christ as the world shows to the arm of flesh at the very least. The arm of man often fails but the arm of God never fails.

1. Some good qualities.

A. Be persistent. See Mark 7:26-30

a. If a sinner could persist and receive, how much more those of His household?

B. Be firm—do not waver. James 1:6-8

a. You cannot commit your body to God and at the same time commit it to the arm of man and expect to please God. God will not share His glory with another. Isaiah 42:8

I. God asks for all of you. Luke 14:26-35 shows that Jesus must have totally committed people if He is to build successfully. (The word “hate” in the 26th verse is the Greek word meaning to love less.)

C. Look to the Word—take the Word—let it be final.

a. Because some have failed does not affect the promise of God for you. You cannot go by other people’s experiences.

D. Keep your eye on Christ—He never failed in His healing ministry. He will not fail you now as He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Heb. 13:8

a. 2 Cor. 4:18: Do not look at the things that are seen (sickness, troubles, trials) but look at the things that are not seen (the power of God to heal and deliver) for the things that are seen are temporal (He heals and keeps from them) but the things that are not seen are eternal (the power of God to heal and deliver).

b. He gave Himself to deliver us from this present evil world. Gal. 1:4. This present evil world includes sin and sickness.

c. Disease is a peace-breaker. Disease is unhealthiness. How can God keep you in perfect peace if He cannot keep you healthy?

d. Because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world, do not let sickness overwhelm you. Behold I give you power over all the power of the enemy. Luke 10:19

Consecration Prayer

My God and Father:

In Jesus’ name I come to thee,

Take me as I am. Make me what I ought to be, in spirit, in soul, in body.

Give me power to do right, if I have wronged any, to repent, to confess, to restore.

No matter what it costs, wash me in the blood of Jesus, that I may now become Thy child, and manifest Thee, in a perfect spirit, a holy mind, a sickless body. Amen.

John G. Lake

A leader of the 20th century Pentecostal movement, John G. Lake (1870-1935) was a renowned divine healing minister and missionary who traveled the world proclaiming healing. Beginning in 1908, he lived as a missionary in South Africa and started more than 700 churches where miracles became commonplace. After ministering throughout the United States and England, Rev. Lake relocated in 1914 to Spokane, Washington, where he opened healing rooms and trained healing technicians. He later duplicated the work in Portland, Oregon, Rev. Lake went on to establish churches, healing rooms, and healing campaigns along the California coast as well as in Huston, Texas. More than 250,000 confirmed healings were documented during a 10-year span of his ministry.


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