The Dead Sea Turned Blood Red!

We are getting so close to the coming of the Lord! Joseph Morris brings you updates happening around the world this past week. Iran fired missiles into Iraq and Turkey fired missiles into Northern Syria. Two Chinese fighter planes flew right over a US Destroyer. Russian and Chinese War ships located off the coast of Alaska. Nor stream gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea got sabotaged. Jupiter was the closest its been to Earth in 59 years. Chief of Police in Israel went to the temple mount to try and bring peace. Palestinian leader said he’s going to completely denounce Israel.

Joseph Morris

Rev. Joseph Morris has been traveling for over 30 years encouraging believers to use their supernatural equipment for the harvest and awakening the Church to the soon return of Jesus. Joseph hosts End of Days Update, infusing believers with precise and hopeful signs of Jesus’ return. Joseph and his wife, Colleen, reside in Tulsa, Oklahoma.



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