Discern Angels vs. Demons: Identifying Legitimate Encounters & Demonic Deceptions

Let no one cheat you of your reward, taking delight in false humility and worship of angels, intruding into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind (Colossians 2:18)

A worthy conversation is a topic that has gained more momentum in recent years.

It is the growing infatuation with all things supernatural and the wide acceptance of extra-biblical encounters.

When it comes to a greater fascination with the supernatural, a lesser emphasis on the written Word of God is always a path to error, at the very least, or it could lead all the way into occultic behavior and witchcraft.

In my book Servants of Fire, a deep study of angels is presented, and many of the points here will reflect facts and information from that book.

Out-of-Bible Experiences

Regarding the prophetic spectrum, infatuation can turn into deception. On the very basic level, wandering will occur in the lives of naïve, simple individuals who listen to every wind of doctrine, especially sensational stories. It is concerning that there is an intense rise of out-of-Bible experiences, a play on words from the supernatural phenomenon known as out-of-body experiences. I say this because many tell fantastic tales of what they have seen and where they have gone, which leave question marks.

We must first acknowledge supernatural encounters do happen! Yet they must find a foundation in the written Bible. Without that foundation, a growing trend of out-of-Bible experiences will lead to deception and masses of good-hearted believers being impacted.

Through bad teaching and the influence of sensational mechanisms, improper belief systems can be put into practice. Opening believers to influences or realms of darkness is a legitimate danger, as it induces a floating sense of acceptance from the voices of misguided influencers. Deception is an issue on several levels, one of the most common being those caught in it tend to wander. We will deal with this issue more as we go into the topic of false prophets.

If There is a Counterfeit, There is a Real

Now please understand there is nothing wrong with desiring the supernatural as it relates to God and the Holy Spirit. First Corinthians 14 even encourages us to “desire spiritual gifts,” which are supernatural. Many of our encounters with Jesus are filled with supernatural moments. However, the infatuation with the supernatural minus a deep love of the truth allows deception to position itself right around the corner and spring open the door for counterfeit experiences.

You see, experiences are wonderful when they involve the supernatural movement of the Holy Spirit. My life has been forever impacted by dramatic supernatural encounters, which I thank God for.

What is of great concern is how many people place experiences (or the deep desire for them) in such a high regard that it leads to irresponsibility. An encounter alone should not be the verification for any scenario when it comes to supernatural events—especially in the arena of the prophetic as it relates to angels, heaven, and various outlandish scenarios.

Please listen to me carefully, as it is vital for the days we are living in. More than ever, there is a mania related to these things. The concern comes down to more than false experiences and specific individuals who may sensationalize an encounter for attention.

Although this is very unhealthy and can and does happen, it is the listener who believes the sensationalized story that was never true to begin with. Damage ensues, leading the listener to have false expectations based on smoke, mirrors, and storytelling. Jesus takes the misleading of His sheep very seriously.

There will be a day of accountability for those who would not surrender or repent of knowingly deceiving susceptible people in the body of Christ. Giving them a false image based on fairy tales that produce little to nothing and ultimately derail them from their God-given destiny.

For all encounters, it is of utmost importance that we do not sensationalize, as it can lead to deception.


One of the most tragic forms of deception is self-deception. Someone might ask, “Why is that so tragic?” Well, self-deception takes shape in a person’s life when they are not honest with themselves about experiences or their encounters. If a person embellishes the truth and knows they are doing so, it will eventually lead to self-deception and ruin their own heart’s confidence in themselves.

Sometimes when speaking with people about their encounters, I am led to conclude that they have intellectually rationalized what they have experienced or testified to. In all reality, their encounter or experience is an imagination they have chosen to embrace as a revelatory experience. When these things are as easy to experience as having a thought, then these people are walking on dangerous ground.

Why Inner Integrity

We must tell the truth of a matter for the sake of our hearts, so we have inner integrity. Self-deception lays a foundation that is very unhealthy to build on. Beyond this is the issue of outside deception. Supernatural forces are always looking for avenues to enter through. The first step is bending the truth, then doing it repeatedly until, ultimately, a violation of the gospel can take place.

The Gospel Trumps Encounters

We notice that Paul refers to two points when referencing the authority of the gospel he was preaching. In Galatians 1:8, he states, “But even if we, or an angel from heaven.” His statement in this scripture aligns with 2 Corinthians 11:13, where Paul again warns his listeners about false teachers and ministers operating by cloaking themselves as legitimate ministers.

For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:13-14).

It is fascinating that Paul speaks of false fivefold ministers and angels in the same context. Often, this scripture has given me pause when dealing with the realm of the supernatural.

Legitimate Encounter Bear Fruit unto Jesus

Now for those who are mature, having their senses exercised to discern both good and evil, this is not a problem. Even true angels would always direct all glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. For example, the angel in Revelation 19:10, who saw that John was falling to worship him, said to John, “See that you do not do that!” and “Worship God!” going on to say, “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

This is how legitimate supernatural encounters go, according to Scripture, with an outcome that always points to God the Father and Jesus the Son. A growing area of concern, especially in prophetic circles, is many runaway notions regarding supernatural interactions.

Very seldom do these encounters have a scriptural basis, especially when few even care to question the validity of these moments. Many of these could very well be legitimate encounters. Still, regardless, we must hold fast to the Word of God when considering the narratives of those who have frequent encounters with the unseen realms and have fantastic tales to substantiate them.

Deceiving God’s People

For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect (Matthew 24:24).

The Bible says that in the last days some will be deceived. We read that there will be false christs and false prophets equipped and ready to deceive the masses. Not only will these arise, but the enemy will also use people to share things that didn’t happen. To stretch the truth, so to say.

Those not in tune with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God could be deceived. It is so crucial for every believer to test the spirits! (See 1 John 4:1.)

It can be highly offensive to someone having an experience or an encounter to then be questioned about its authenticity. Some will believe anything they experience, fabricate an encounter, or even worse—intentionally create narratives for deception. Sadly, some will intentionally deceive others by fabricating an encounter and using people’s gullibility for their agenda.

The angel of light is deception at its finest. If you are gullible to encounters that are off, willing to bend the Word of God to fit a sensational narrative, but only mildly, then falsehood can creep in until full-blown deception takes hold.

An angel of light might have little trouble deceiving such individuals pre-filled with this type of self-deception. These are the sort who, upon any encounter, are wildly blown away, having little foundation to bring balance. These easily surrender to deceptive persuasions.

Joseph Z

Joseph Z is an author, broadcaster, Bible teacher, and international prophetic voice. Before the age of nine, he began encountering the voice of God through dreams and visions. Joseph has dedicated his life to preaching the gospel around the world. He and his wife, Heather, are founders of Z Ministries, a media and conference-based ministry in Colorado.



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