Engaging the Unseen War with the Angels Fighting for You

Your entire life has been involved in an unseen cosmic war that began before time itself.

The conflict is territorial, the stakes are eternal, and all of it involves you more than you might realize. This conflict rages daily and will only increase as we find ourselves closer to the end of the age.

Effects of this unseen drama are observable in the natural world through deteriorating moral standards, political turmoil, and growing geopolitical tension between nations. Families, co-workers, friends, and strangers you walk past in life are all directly impacted by the invisible drama playing out even as you read the pages of this book.

As time moves along, tomorrow’s children are being persuaded at this very moment to fall deeper into a dark system that has a beginning birthed by rebellion. This dark system is specifically marshaled against the kingdom of God. As a result, the environment, which once held much higher respect for decency and the things of God, has been radically altered and continues to be so. Culturally, we are witnessing a rapid deterioration of what once was. New generations are not likely to experience the same days of peace that the former generations enjoyed. What would seem, only a few years ago, like strange or foreign events to ponder are the norm today. Perversion, corruption, and cultural deterioration seem to be the main talking points given to us via a highly developed infotainment culture. Pandemics, outbreaks, war jargon, economic challenges, famines, and so much more are now normal news. Not to mention the daily issues you and your family are confronted with routinely.

Unnatural Circumstances

Without some form of intervention, the outcome looks very bleak. As an onlooker, it would be easy to think everything transpiring around the world is purely the result of natural circumstances. However, nothing could be further from the truth. In all reality, there is an entire realm you cannot see—an unseen arena impacting your daily life in dramatic ways. To the uninitiated, this may seem outlandish or even mystical. Yet, it is a greater reality than the one you currently know! The reason for this is that this natural world did not create the realm of the spirit. Much the opposite is true. Spiritual substance, or the voice of God speaking from the realm of the supernatural, is what created this natural world. You might say the spirit realm is the parent force to the world we live in. Reality is only understood through what we can perceive with our five senses, but it is vital to know the greater truth is the one we cannot see with our natural eyes. The stakes are high because we are only in this natural arena for so long—then it’s over. We will transfer to the greater reality for all eternity!

A war between good and evil has raged since the rebellion of fallen angels, and it continues today. This war is in the realm of the unseen, but remember that it is the greater reality, and it impacts our lives in unimaginable ways. Regarding all that we don’t fully comprehend or entirely understand, it is very encouraging to know that God has not left us unarmed and defenseless. In all actuality, we have quite an advantage. Just as the unseen realm is influencing the world around us with darkness, there is another side to the issue.

On the right side of this unseen battle, a more significant, potent force is awaiting engagement. It is an unrivaled power for good. This force I’m speaking of is a combination of two agencies—angelic servants and believers who walk in biblical authority. It might be better understood to say it this way: most angels are not nearly engaged or utilized to their full capacity and original design. This is an issue that tragically lies at the feet of God’s people. Sadly, most believers do not know what is available to them. As a result, many suffer the consequences, wondering why God didn’t do more to help them. All along, what they didn’t know was hindering their effectiveness.

Gnawing questions rise in the hearts and minds of so many who feel as if God didn’t intervene, and it is disheartening. Those who have a sense that something didn’t happen that should have happened are not incorrect; there may have been angels who were right there watching—only unable to engage at the highest level.

You Were Made for War!

Your life is a much more potent force than you might realize. Why? Because you can alter your sphere of influence! The Lord God of Heaven and Earth has given you the ability to modify the narrative in the natural and spirit realm.

If we, as believers, knew the extent of what was available to us through angelic forces, we would utilize the profound advantages they provide. After all, the Word of God teaches us in Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Another way of saying this would be: what you don’t know can hurt you. It is time for you to understand how to engage in angelic assistance! You are needed in this conflict! Your life and the lives of those around you will begin to change when you start marshaling these heavenly agents (who are waiting for you to do so) into service.

Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation? (Hebrews 1:14)

These ministering spirits, sent to serve the heirs of salvation, operate by a specific set of rules—directed by how you pray and the manner of obedience in which you walk out your assignment for the Lord. As fascinating as it might be to understand, the reality is that these forces of Heaven are waiting for you to utilize them. They are standing at attention for you and waiting for their “marching orders.”

Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels (Hebrews 13:2).

Through each circumstance that we traverse, these unseen messengers and servants are present. Although our natural senses are not equipped to identify them, it does not alter the reality of their presence. Angels see what you are doing; they are beside you and your family. Present in circumstances, nearby, and in every scenario, they are there. While operating as heavenly emissaries, these servants of fire are on call! Never sleeping, never tiring, fulfilling the desire of God, and waiting for their marching orders. Both fearsome and kind, these fiery representatives are out to fulfill the desire of the great God of Heaven. They are witnesses to the testimony of Jesus and serve to see that His kingdom comes and His will is done on earth as it is in His kingdom in Heaven.

It is highly possible, even likely, that you have personally run into angelic messengers on more than one occasion. The thought of it is really sobering when embraced. Taking it seriously that they are around you at this very moment, even while you are reading this page, is essential as it will give you a sense of responsibility to engage them properly. Why are they around, and what would make them have any interest in you? Because you are made in God’s image and likeness.

Scripture teaches us clearly that God does not give aid to angels, but He does give aid to the seed of Abraham (see Hebrews 2:16). Meaning, they are created to serve God and His children. You are made to be served by angels, as you are made in God’s image and likeness.

Psalm 8:4-5 says that man was made a little lower than the angels. However, the actual Hebrew word the translators used was Elohim, a Hebrew word translated as “God” more than 2,600 times in the Old Testament and designates the one true God.

What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than angels (Psalm 8:4-5 KJV).

Angels are committed to you, as you are made in the image of God, and God delights in you. Think on that for just a moment—you are made a little lower than God! You are placed above angels in rank and authority. Your very existence has placed you there. Even unbelievers, who do not know the Lord, have more authority than spiritual forces, including angels, because although they are not in God’s kingdom they are made after Him. This is a clarifying point when considering why God and angelic forces can’t just do whatever they want, whenever they want. It is due to free moral agents (people) being influenced by forces other than the kingdom of God, resulting in the gates of Hell taking territory. When the righteous don’t know who they are or what they possess, darkness has an advantage. This of course is why it is highly imperative that you are learning about angelic forces and how you should relate to them. We will continue on this train of thought in greater depth.

Joseph Z

Joseph Z is an author, broadcaster, Bible teacher, and international prophetic voice. Before the age of nine, he began encountering the voice of God through dreams and visions. Joseph has dedicated his life to preaching the gospel around the world. He and his wife, Heather, are founders of Z Ministries, a media and conference-based ministry in Colorado.



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