The Answer to Every Problem

You may be facing insurmountable problems today. You may feel fearful, anxious, shaken or depressed over the way our world is going.

But instead of being overwhelmed, ask yourself one important question: What does the Bible say? Because it never changes, and it has the answer to every problem mankind will ever face. We have an unshakeable hope! Let’s look into God’s Word.


No matter what you’re facing today, and no matter how bad things look in the world, the Bible has the answers. For example, I’ve been hearing a lot about shortages – that there’s not enough food, or supplies, or medicines, or important things that we all need. I’ve been hearing about prices going sky high. What’s going to happen when we run out of things or can’t afford them?

It’s so easy to get fearful! But instead of letting ourselves dwell on the rumors and imagining the worst (which is so easy to do!) let’s ask ourselves what does the Bible say?

When we look into God’s Word, we see that He will take care of us. He is El Shaddai, the God who is more than enough, and He has promised to provide everything His children need, no matter what’s happening all around us. John 10:10 says that one of the reasons Jesus came to the earth was to give you a rich, satisfying life! Choose to imagine that, instead of imagining the worst. 

Philippians 4 says, Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (vv. 6-7). What a promise! Do this with every problem you face, every worry you have.

Earlier in that chapter (verse 4) the Apostle Paul tells us to rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say, rejoice! He wrote that from prison, so he didn’t rejoice because everything was looking so good for him. If he could rejoice in prison, we can rejoice in the midst of our world! When you look into the Bible, there are so many things to rejoice over. And you can’t be overwhelmed or depressed when you’re rejoicing.

Philippians 4 goes on to promise my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (v. 19). That’s great news! Next time you feel anxious start saying, “God is supplying all me needs! I’m not worried!”

The same God who created you will put you over no matter how much you have to pay for gasoline or groceries. What does the Bible say? It says you’re going to be okay! He will supply your need! He will provide! Start searching out and agreeing with His Word instead of the circumstances all around you.  


Sometimes when I share the Word with people, they say things like, “Yeah, I know the scripture says that, but….” And then they tell me what they really believe. “Yeah, but you don’t know how bad it is…” or “Yeah, but I still don’t have enough…” etc. What they mean is, their problem is bigger than God’s promises.

They need to move their “but.”

They need to ask themselves what the Bible says about their problem and start saying, “Yes, this problem looks bad, but the Bible says….” That’s the right place to put a “but”!

The only way to get your “but” in the right place is to spend more time looking at what God says than what your problem says. By that I mean, reading the Bible. Saying what it says. Listening to it, or listening to Bible-believing preachers explain it to you. That’s how your faith grows (Romans 10:17) and thankfully, it’s totally up to you. You get to choose how much Word dwells in your heart.

One way I do it, besides my daily Bible reading and devotional time, is to have the audio Bible going in my house as I cook or do chores…listen to preaching in my car as I’m driving…condition myself to speak scriptures and faith declarations as I fold laundry or wash my face or exercise.

When I do those things, it keep the fear and anxiety at bay an reminds me of all God has done in Jesus to make me victorious in life. Instead of thinking or talking about how big my problem is (“yeah, I know what the scripture says, but…”) I start telling my problem how big God is (“yeah, the problem’s big, BUT GOD…). Focusing in on what the Bible says helps me keep my faith on what God has promised, instead of being overwhelmed by the problems or bad news.

First Peter 5:7 says cast all your care [problems] upon Him, for He cares for you. This is what the Bible says. God will take care of you. This is how you move your “but” and believe Him for all the good things He has promised.


The answer to every problem you’ll ever face is in the Bible – but it’s your choice to look for it and believe it. Deuteronomy 30:19 says: I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing…. Then in case you don’t know which is the right choice, it says: therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.

Joshua 24:15 says it this way: …choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Notice that God tells us that we do the choosing.

You see, God will never force His answers on you. His answers are always right, and if you’re smart, you’ll choose them – but it’s always up to you. Just think how powerful that makes you! You are not a victim! You can choose any time to look into God’s Word, take hold of it and believe it. When you do that, your circumstances can change for the better.

Choose today who you’ll listen to, what you’ll think about, what you’ll talk about. Will you listen to the news or the naysayers around you, then spend hours thinking and talking about what they have said? Or will you look to the Bible and start thinking and talking about what God says?

He has said He will supply your needs (Philippians 4:19). He has already paid the price for your healing (Matthew 8:17, 1 Peter 2:24). He has promised you His peace in the midst of every storm (John 14:27). He has put His very spirit inside you (John 14:17, 1 John 4:4). He loves you with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3, 1 John 4:16).

When you know and believe these things – when you choose to think about them and talk about them instead of the circumstances and problems – you not only lift yourself up but you lift up those around and point them to Jesus. You shine your light and glorify God (Matthew 5:16).

It’s so important to stop in the midst of anxiety, fear and problems to ask yourself that key question: What does the Bible say? That’s where the answers are – both for you and for the world today.

Karen Jensen Salisbury

Karen Jensen Salisbury has served in ministry for more than thirty years and as a writer for more than forty years. She and her first husband, Brent, traveled as itinerant ministers and pioneered two churches in the Northwest. Upon Brent’s unexpected death in 1997, Karen became senior pastor of their church in Boise, Idaho. She went on to raise their sons, Josh and Ryan, through their teenage years into young men on fire for God. From 2005 to 2014, Karen taught at Rhema Bible Training College in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. In March of 2014, she married businessman Bob Salisbury, and they live in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


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