Becoming the Father God Says I Am

I choose to glorify God in my role as a father. I choose to live a godly life before my family.

I am committed to live a life that honors God. With God’s help I will live a model Christian life before my children. I will be faithful to mentor them in the ways of God. I will be faithful to teach them, by instruction and example, the laws and precepts of God’s Word. I will not provoke my children to wrath. I will discipline with God’s love in my heart. I will be consistent and fair when disciplining my children. I will be careful to use God’s Word as the cornerstone and benchmark of all our family’s discipline. It will be our standard of how we conduct our lives.

 I am loving, caring, and compassionate toward my children. I keep my cool during times of stress and do not become frustrated and lose my temper. I am patient and understanding and do not jump to conclusions. With God’s help, I incorporate into my relationships with my children just the right balance of worship, work, and play.

If I do something that is wrong or offensive, I am quick to repent. Because I live a spirit-controlled life, I am peaceful, consistent, and faithful. I walk in love at all times, and I am quick to provide encouragement and inspiration to my children.

 I accept my responsibility as a father to guide, guard, and provide leadership to my family. I am anointed of God in my role as a father under God’s direction.


...we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world. Titus 2:12

 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. James 1:5 thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12

Keith and Megan Provance

Keith and Megan Provance have been in Christian publishing for over 30 years, with Keith serving as President of Harrison House Publishing for 20 of those years. Together, they founded Word and Spirit Resources, a company dedicated to the publishing and world-wide distribution of life changing books. Keith also works as a publishing consultant to national and international ministries. Their book, Pray for Our Nation, has sold over 1.2 million copies and they have authored several other bestselling books including Scripture Confessions for Victorious Living, Scripture Confessions for Healing, and Scripture Confessions for Finances. They are the parents of three sons, Ryan, Garrett, and Jacob, and they reside in Tulsa, Oklahoma.


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