It’s the Lord’s Battle

No matter what you feel today.

The Lord is still in control.

I woke up this morning with a renewed fighting determination. Normally I wake up this way, but the past week took a toll on me. Extraordinarily busy, a little more overwhelming than I wanted it to be, early morning, late nights and everything in between.

Those moments take a toll on you!

What are you supposed to do when you get overwhelmed?

Personally, I’m a fixer, I’m a fighter.

Sometimes, I get paralyzed though. I get tied up in the overwhelming details of whatever situation I am up against. Regardless if I can do anything about it or not. Sometimes, I ignore the inferno in front of me and I try to pretend nothing is going to happen. Just a full disclosure statement right there. That’s the part of my leadership I am working most intently to correct. We cannot ignore what we have been commanded to lead through.

Whoa! That’s a tweetable leadership lesson.

Everyone is in leadership.

Whether it’s leading the most powerful nation on earth, down to the smallest family. Everyone is leading something.
Even self leadership is a thing.

In moments, in seasons such as these, the most important thing we can do is anchor to a stronger hope.

Knowing that I was feeling a bit anxious and wondering what were the right next steps, my best friend, my partner in good crimes, Crystal, sent me an encouraging message and a recommendation to read Isaiah 40.
While it’s a passage I’ve read so many times before, this time it breathed new life into my thoughts and anxieties.

It reminded me that the fight is not mine.

While there are many moments that we must rise to the position of power and speak the mighty words the Lord puts in us to declare, the battle is still the Lord’s.

Regardless of the battle you are facing today, let me quantify by declaring that a battle is usually life or death and while it may only be life or death for you alone matters not, the battle is the Lord’s.

I woke up encouraged and confident today, that the battle this country faces is not mine. It’s the Lord’s.

I’m encouraged today that while I have many things I must fight with, many things that I must lead through confidently, they are all the Lord’s.

Input your own situation there today. In the last week I’ve encountered people with legal battles, marriage battles, battles for truth, battles against sin, regardless of the battle; it’s all the Lord’s.

You can rest in the reality that today, the Lord has your battle and you need not exhaust yourself in fear of what may come. He knows, He’s got your flank covered and is surrounding your giving you the strength and determination to take one more step.

Originally published on

Kevin Elworth

I am the Campus Pastor of Grand Point Church Shippensburg, a multisite extension of the Grand Point Church in Chambersburg, PA. It's been my joy to be a part of this church for nearly a decade. Grand Point Church is a thriving community of called out believers who are dedicating their lives to the expansion of Gods Kingdom. More than that, I am a husband and father. My wife, Crystal, is the love of my life and we've on joint adventures for close to 20 years now. Several of those adventures were our 5 children. Each of them a story in their own. Four of them have been adopted but that does not define them, it doesn't define us either. We just love children; ours, yours and the neighbors too. This is my personal blog. I chose to write about a lot of things, but my passion and what I define as a life purpose is to help people experience God in amazing ways. I've come to realize that sometimes people need some help connecting their lives to God's amazingness, so I try to help visualize that connection and make it become a reality. What you’ll find here initially and as you return sequentially is inspiration for your daily life. Well cover so many different things on this journey to find and follow Christ. Its important that you know the statements, concepts, and ideas I make here may or may not be that of my employer, Grand Point Church.


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