Cultivate a God-Level Mindset for Breakthrough in Your Life

The truth is that God has made a way for people to rise up in life, moving from one level of life to another.

God Himself lives in a realm higher than the physical realm that humanity lives within. Yet He has sent His Son to die for humankind, making it possible for us to rise from a sinful life into a life of righteousness and holiness, to move from the darkness of the past into the brightness of God’s promises.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9 NKJV).

God’s thoughts are not only different but also higher than human thoughts because they are from a different realm. They reflect the spirit realm of God, which has greater powers and higher purposes than humankind has in the earthly realm in which they live. However, when we know what God’s Word says about a certain situation, we know His thoughts about it, for His thoughts are always in agreement with His Word.

Every Level Has Its Own Thoughts

One day as I was meditating on the Word, this truth became evident to me: “Every realm has its own thoughts.” God’s realm—the spirit realm—has thoughts according to His Word. The human realm has thoughts dictated by the limitations of its physical environment of the earth. This helps us understand why the natural man in the world doesn’t understand the things of God. The apostle Paul said, “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14 NKJV). The natural man and God live in two different realms and thus they think differently.

Different Levels of Life Surround Us

Even in the world we live in, there are different realms and levels of life. People in different professions and vocations must have certain knowledge and thinking to be successful and complete their required assignments and tasks. People in different geographical locations think and act differently. Poor people don’t understand riches. Chronically sick people often don’t comprehend the realm of health. Often there is conflict between employers and employees. When people are in different realms, they each have their own thoughts suited to the way they live and work.

Racial problems have their roots in this fact. This doesn’t mean that any particular race is better than another, but they do think differently. One person said, “One of the signs of maturity in Christ is that you can appreciate the diversity of people who are under the common cause of Christ.” We can recognize our differences and still be unified and work together under the banner of Jesus Christ.

We need to know that satan tries to work in people’s minds to magnify the different thoughts people have to create division, conflict, chaos, violence, crime, and corruption among them. Satan and his realm are full of demonic, evil thoughts that are against God, humanity, and all that is good. Jesus said satan is a liar and a murderer (see John 8:44) and he comes to fulfill his evil agenda to steal, kill, and destroy (see John 10:10). He whispers lies into the minds of people trying to get them to yield to the thoughts of his realm.

Thoughts of the Past Can Hold You Captive

A number of years ago, I was in a former communist country in Eastern Europe that had just changed over to a democratic government. While they were under communist rule, the government dictated how the people lived and functioned, but under the new democratic government these same people were now free to make their own choices.

Yet the attitudes and ways of many of these people who were now under democratic rule still reflected the laws and regulations of the former communist government. Why was this? Every realm has its own thoughts. A communist government and a democratic society are two different realms, and people in each one think differently. In order for these people in this Eastern European country to change their lifestyle, they had to embrace a major mind shift or change of thinking.

Even though they were now essentially free to live a different way, many were not yet able to function successfully in this new environment. They didn’t do well in making their own choices regarding where to live, their professions, activities, and lifestyles. In order to experience the freedom that now belonged to them, they had to go through the process of adopting the thoughts of their new realm.

The First Step to the Next Level

The first step in going to another level or realm is to begin thinking the thoughts of that level or realm. A person must be enlightened according to the thoughts of the realm they want to function in. This is true no matter what realm a person wants to enter into or in which they want to work.

I remember as a young boy living on the farm, every day we got up early to do chores, plant and harvest crops, bale the hay and put it in the barn, and take care of the animals. It was a good life. But the farm was beside a county highway, and every day I watched the cars and trucks go by and wondered where they were all going. I wanted to find out and dreamed of living a life beyond the farm. I thought about living on my own place, imagined driving my own car, and having a job. What I didn’t know at that time was that every person’s life journey begins with thinking thoughts of the place they want to go.

A friend of mine who was an artist in New York City told me he could always tell who was new in the city, because they were always looking up at the tall buildings! These newcomers were in an environment or culture that was new to them and did not really know the thoughts of people in that realm. So they acted differently than those who already lived and worked there.

Think God’s Word for the Next Level

As we receive God’s thoughts from His Word, the Holy Spirit will begin to change our thinking. As we continue to imagine and meditate on the thoughts of another level or realm, we will begin to comprehend its benefits, and a desire to go there will begin to stir within our soul. Eventually, as we keep those thoughts in the forefront of our mind, we’ll be able to believe them, say them, and do them.

It is true that rich people think differently than poor people do. Therefore, if we want to go from poverty to prosperity we must learn the thoughts of the realm of prosperity. Unless we change our thought patterns and the level of the knowledge we have about money and financial principles, we’ll never rise to a higher level of wealth than where we are right now.

Even if we receive a large sum of money, in some way we will eventually return to the same financial condition we were in before unless we change our thinking about money. Remember, the decisions of life, including what to do with money, are made in the soul. The ability to keep and use money wisely comes with thinking the right thoughts concerning prosperity. Then the money that comes to us will be a blessing, and we can be a blessing to others.

Think God’s Word for Improved Health

Doctors tell some people who are sick that they must change their diet and way of life in order to be physically healthy. For those people to consistently follow the doctor’s orders, they must make thoughts about eating healthy and regular exercise a priority in their mind. Even when receiving divine healing, a sick person must change their thoughts by habitually dwelling upon the healing promises of God’s Word. This helps them to believe and speak the promises of God on a consistent basis until they receive their healing.

Many people are not healed because they never take the time to change their thoughts to what God’s Word reveals about healing. It is possible for a person to be ignorant of the thoughts in the realm of divine healing and still receive healing through a special manifestation of the Holy Spirit. But that person may not know enough to stay healthy if the devil tries to steal from them. For a person to consistently enjoy health and healing year after year, they must change their thinking so that it agrees with God’s healing promises.

Marvin Yoder

Marvin Yoder has served as Dean of Rhema Bible Training College and as Dean of Christian Training Institute. Currently he serves as an instructor at Rhema Bible Training College and travels extensively, both nationally and abroad. He is a frequent speaker at churches, seminars, leadership meetings, and conferences.

Marvin and his wife, Leah, have pastored several churches, both denominational and nondenominational. They have also traveled extensively for a number of years ministering in churches as guest speakers, conducting seminars, and as a conference speaker.

Marvin is a 1984 graduate and Leah is a 2003 graduate of Rhema Bible Training College. Marvin has authored several books and study guides, including Movin’ On Up and The Traveling Minister’s Handbook.


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