Nicole Crank: ‘Not Today Devil! I’m a Daughter of God!’

I was totally mesmerized, weak-kneed jelly, gazing into those deep blue eyes. Ah!

My first marriage was falling apart. I really believed him when he said how sorry he was and swore he’d never hit me again. Or at least, I wanted to believe him.

Promises were broken. Bank accounts drained. I tried to hold it all together by myself. I excused bad behavior and supported him through every treatment program and relapse like a loyal wife.

When his addiction spiraled completely out of control and he threatened the safety of my son, when his violence left us bruised and terrified, when even the law couldn’t protect us, I finally had to put my trust in the Lord.

It was about time.

I’d like to think that my confidence had been in God the whole time. But now I realize I willingly surrendered my position, my power, and my purpose, and handed it all straight over to the enemy.

Oh, but those blue eyes! Dang!

Looks can be so deceiving, can’t they? Those sincere tears and heartfelt apologies. Promises. More promises. Deep down, I knew I’d been deceived and fallen for a big lie hook, line, and sinker! I think that’s what hurt the most. My life wasn’t stolen. I gave it away. Sucker!

“Sorry, Eve. I think I owe you an apology. I’ve totally misjudged you, girl!”

In Lessons from Eve, author MiChelle Ferguson raises an uncomfortable but critical question: “Are we still falling for some of the same old traps that Eve did?”

Who, us?

We’re probably a lot more like Eve than we want to believe. The enemy would love nothing more than to disrupt the peace in our own little corner of paradise. Steal our joy. Stir up doubt in our hearts and talk us into giving up our God-given authority without firing a single shot!

Words—mere words.

Never underestimate the power of suggestion. Don’t even entertain the serpent. Stop listening to all the wrong people, because whoever has your ear controls your life!

My friend MiChelle is a fierce, face-forward, put-your-money-where-your-mouth-is, go-big-or-go-home kind of girl! She’s someone who loves the Lord with all her heart—enough to take Him at His Word no matter what the circumstances look like.

There are a lot of people who teach on faith from a life that has never stepped out or stepped up into anything bigger than themselves. Not this girl! She’s the real deal! She has fought and won the big faith battles in her life and never given in!

Her book is full of fresh and usable revelation. Don’t be fooled by the lies of this world! She’ll teach you how to guard your heart and protect your identity in Christ. Be confident in who you are and what God has called you to do. In other words, you’ve got it going on, and the devil just hates it!

In her moment of weakness, Eve bought the lie of the enemy, willingly gave away her authority, and created her own demise. Oh, Eve!

Well, not us! Not today, devil! We’re wise to your tricks now! We’ve learned our Lessons from Eve.


Nicole Crank

Nicole Crank is a dynamic international conference speaker, popular television host, successful pastor, life coach, blogger, and author of the new book, I Will Thrive! (#1 Non-Fiction at Barnes & Noble and on USA Today’s Best-Sellers List).

Nicole and husband, David, are co-founders and senior pastors of, with a membership of over 18,000 at four campuses in St. Louis and two in West Palm Beach, one location in Fairview Heights, Illinois plus thousands more who worship Online.


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