How to be Renewed Every Day


In order to benefit from the Holy Spirit indwelling us at the New Birth, we must be renewed daily through studying God’s Word and seeking God in prayer. Another word that we could use for “being renewed” would be “quickening”—quickened by the Word of God and quickened by the Spirit of God. We must diligently seek to be renewed and quickened by the Holy Spirit on a continual basis.

We do not receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit at the New Birth. The verse below refers to salvation and says “renewing” of the Holy Spirit, not “receiving” of the Holy Spirit.

He saved us, not because of any works of righteousness that we had done, but because of His own pity and mercy, by [the] cleansing (bath) of the new birth (regeneration) and renewing of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5 AMP).

Sealed with His Promise

After salvation, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. So the Holy Spirit is there, and He can bring you into that quickening, that renewal. Ephesians 1:13 states:

In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise.

Ephesians 5:18 says that we should be filled with the Spirit.

And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit.

The Greek language has many tenses. Like the English language, it has past, present and future as well as a continuing tense. When you look at the word, “filled,” in the Greek, it means “continually” filled. The verse should read like this, “You should be not drunk with wine wherein is excess but be constantly in the process of being filled with the Spirit or full of the Spirit.”

Continually Filled

Ephesians 5:19-20 tells us how to do this:

Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

You can do that by praying in tongues, by building your- self up, keeping yourself aware of the Holy Spirit, knowing you are full of the Holy Spirit. With the filling of the Spirit, comes the anointing. Because of the quickening in your mind and your body, you can worship the Father.

You can renew your relationship with Him every day by taking the time to yield yourself to Him, to pray, sing and rejoice in the Spirit. In this way, you will not only be renewed in your spirit, but you will maintain your joy as well. Nehemiah 8:10 says the joy of the Lord is your strength. A spirit of praise and joy renews, quickens, and strengthens the believer.

The Inner and Outer Man Quickened

The inner man and outer man are quickened by the indwelling of God’s Spirit. Romans 8:11 says:But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.That means our outer man (mortal body) is quickened by the Holy Spirit also.

Second Corinthians 4:16 states:

For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.

Ephesians 3:14-16 states:

For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man.

The two verses above show us that the inner man is renewed day by day and strengthened with might by the working of the Holy Spirit.

You have to realize that we are not named just in heaven, but we are named also in the earth. If you are operating in the fullness of the Word of God, the Devil knows you. He knows who you are. The only reason the Devil doesn’t know who you are is because you are not operating in the fullness of the Word and taking your dominion in this earth.

God grants you according to the riches of His glory to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man. In that renewing comes might. We are strengthened by the might of His Spirit.

Soaring Like the Eagles

Now let’s look at Isaiah 40:28-31 AMP:

Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, does not faint or grow weary; there is no searching of His understanding. He gives power to the faint and weary, and to him who has no might He increases strength-causing it to multiply and making it to abound.

Even youths shall faint and be weary, and selected young men shall feebly stumble and fall exhausted; But those who wait for the Lord-who expect, look for, and hope in Him shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.

Through the renewing of the Holy Spirit when we are weak or weary, we are given power and might if we yield ourselves to the Spirit. Not only will He give us the power and might we need, but He multiplies it and makes it abound. Hallelujah! Our God is a mighty God, and He never grows faint or weary!

Verses 30-31 say that the young men will exchange their weakness and faintness and weariness for the power of God, for the might and strength that only comes through the Spirit of God. We can exchange our weakness and weariness, but we must look for and expect it and hope in God. Knowing that there is hope through His Word and by His Spirit, you will find it and exchange it for all the strength, might, and power you need.

Then it says, they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun.] The sun represents light that renews and brings power. They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired. There is that multiplication and abounding. Glory to God!

We should not grow weary in well doing. If we are constantly exchanging our weakness, our faintness, and our weariness for the power, might and strength of the Father God by the Holy Spirit, God says He will multiply His power, might, and strength in us and cause us to abound in it. Now that is something to get excited about!

Did you know that eagles never fly against the current? But how often do we do just that by trying to do things in our own might or our own way? The eagle flows with the current because he knows that the current is not going to stay where it is. It is going to go a little higher, and it will pull him up higher. When we learn to flow with the current of the Holy Spirit, we won’t stay where we are because the Holy Spirit doesn’t stay at one level. He will bring us up closer to God, closer to that light.

Renewed Like the Eagle

The eagle also renews himself by shaking himself to shake off all the things that attach themselves to his wings and feathers. He shakes himself all over until everything falls off. As we begin to shake ourselves in the might of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, all the weights that have attached themselves to us will begin to fall off. Then we can soar in that flow of the Holy Spirit. The eagle renews himself every day, and we need to do the same thing. We need to recognize how important it is to be renewed in the Spirit daily so that we can multiply and abound in His might and strength and flow with Him.

I get excited when I read this Scripture because I can see myself through the Word and by prayer, shaking myself and getting rid of those things that attach themselves to me that are weights causing me not to be able to hear and flow with the Spirit. Then I see myself not going against the circumstance, but just flowing with the Spirit in that circumstance. As I learn to flow with the Spirit in that circumstance, in the might and power of the Holy Spirit, of the Father God, and of the Word of God; then I soar in that circumstance. As I allow the Holy Spirit to flow in my life, He brings me above the circumstance, closer to God, where I can see clearly what I am supposed to do rather than succumb to the circumstance.

Finding the Right Balance

This is how we can be victorious by renewing ourselves every day in the Word and soaring with the Holy Spirit, getting closer to God the Father. We can’t have one without the other— the Word of God and the Holy Spirit—they go together. There are some people who say, “It’s the Word, the Word, the Word.” Bless God I am a Word person, but without the Holy Spirit, it becomes legalistic bondage with no life in it. Then, on the other hand, there are people who only know the Spirit of God and say, “We just let the Holy Spirit flow, whatever.” And then there is no order and no foundation.

God is a God of order, and He expects us to have a foundation in His Word. We need the Holy Spirit to bring the Word to life in us.

We now see clearly that the inner man and the outer man are quickened by. the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit and that there is a dual purpose of the workings of the Holy Spirit—the working of the indwelling presence for the benefit of the individual believer and the workings of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit with power from on high to bless others. We must do something every day to keep ourselves aware that is what needs to be happening in our lives.

He is Our Righteousness

A daily renewal of the Holy Spirit will bring us awareness of the fullness of God and awareness that we are righteous. It will bring us awareness that Jesus lives on the inside of us and that we are one with Him because He has made us that way. He is our righteousness; we are righteous because of Him, not because of anything we have done. It is His righteousness that causes us to go forth and be what we need to be. We can do whatever is needed because we have the Spirit in us, just as it says in Philippians 4:13:

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

The Holy Spirit is there waiting for us to draw on Him because He is our helper. But He can’t help us if we don’t ask and then give Him instructions. In the natural, it would be like saying to someone who works for you, “I want you to help me,” but he just stands there. You are thinking, “Well, why isn’t he helping me. I brought him over here to help me?’’ It is because you haven’t given him any instructions. He doesn’t know what you want him to do. The Holy Spirit is on the inside of you to be your helper, but you have to ask and then give Him instructions.

Just because the Holy Spirit is on the inside of you doesn’t mean that you are just going to be mature overnight in the family of God. In the natural, a baby can’t do the same things a fourteen-year-old can do. It is the same way spiritually. There is a growing process which can be sped up when we allow the Holy Spirit to work in us, to bring forth knowledge instead of trying to do it within ourselves.

So, begin to pray in the Spirit, begin to sing in the Spirit, begin to quicken yourself, begin to speak your joy and your gratification unto the Lord, and praise Him for who He is and not for what He has done. As you do this, there will be a quickening that will come within you, and you will begin to see and be aware that the Holy Spirit is there.

Exercise Yourself in the Spirit

I find that when I pray in the Spirit, He quickens me. Then I go to the Word of God and start reading it, so my mind stays renewed and I am edified by it. When you exercise yourself in the Spirit, He brings life into you. When you exercise the Holy Spirit within your life, you can’t stay down, and you can’t stay depressed. You will be full of joy, you will operate in it, and everything you are looking at in the Word will be exciting to you.

I just get excited talking about it because I know Him, and I know Who He is, and I know what He has done for me. I’m not as mature as I need to be or as I want to be, but I have learned to allow the Holy Spirit to be to me what I need at that time—whether that is comfort, quickening, renewing, helping me pray, whatever—He is there.

I am an inspirational teacher, and sometimes when we are in seminars, I am given a subject to teach and I think, “Oh, God. I can’t do this!” But then the Holy Spirit says, “Wait a minute. You can do this.” Anyone who knows me or has heard me teach knows that no matter what subject I start with, I’m going to come back around to the love of God or to the Holy Spirit. After all, everything in the Word involves the Holy Spirit and the love of God, because God is love and the Holy Spirit is the one that causes things to be done on the earth according to the will of the Father. So the Holy Spirit always reminds me of the truth, and I am able to do it because the Holy Spirit causes me to be able. He is my Helper.

We have the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit after our new birth. Then we are indued with power after being filled with the Holy Spirit. The only prerequisite for being filled with the Holy Spirit is being born again. The Holy Spirit is a gift to the believer, and as we exercise that gift and continually get renewed, He will cause us to maintain our joy. If you ever feel like you are weak in faith, check up on your joy because if you are weak in joy, then you have no strength to operate your faith.

God's Nature in Us

By the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we have the nine fruits of the Spirit, the nature of God, on the inside of us. The fruit can be perfected in our lives so that we can walk in these characteristics of the nature of God. We must let the Holy Spirit do His work in us and mature us or perfect us. The nine manifestations of the Spirit bring forth signs and wonders in your life that will bless others as we read in Mark 16.And these signs shall follow them that believe....

And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen (Mark 16:17,20).

It does not say in the Word that we are to be seeking signs and wonders, it says that signs and wonders are to follow those who believe. Many of us have gotten it backward. That is the reason we get all caught up in things and are deceived. We follow after things that aren’t really of God because we are looking for signs and wonders. We don’t need signs and wonders when we have the Word of God and the Holy Spirit on the inside of us. But signs and wonders will follow because we are full of the Word and the Holy Spirit.

The key to being victorious in any situation is to remain full of the Spirit. That is why Ephesians tells us to be in the process of being filled with the Holy Spirit all the time. And if we are going to maintain the joy that comes through the fullness of the Holy Spirit, then we have to continually praise the Lord.

There should be within us a spirit of praise to the Father God and joy all the time.

In the Family of God

When we are in the family of God, God is involved with us every day. If we understand how the Spirit of God works in us, then we are aware when God is working in us. As we pray in the Spirit and read the Word each day and follow through on what the Spirit reveals to us, then we can run the race to the full measure.

Every day when I wake up, before I even get out of bed, the first thing on my lips is, “Thank you, Father God, for this day. Because You have blessed me, this is a blessed day. Thank you, Father God, because You saw fit to give unto me all the wonderful things that I have and enjoy because You love me. Not because of what I have done that’s right, not because I am so pure and holy, not because I am perfect, but because You love me.”

We need to be aware of the Father God because through the awareness of Him, we allow the Holy Spirit to work in us so that we begin to know the heart of God. Then we can have a relationship with Him because we know Him, and we know His voice. We don’t waste time because we have taken the time each day to love and appreciate Him and to be grateful for that with which He has blessed us, not because we have earned it but because of His mercy and grace.

A familiar Scripture in Lamentations tells us that the Lord’s mercies are new every morning. We need to thank Him every morning and continually be renewed with hope in Him.

It is because of the Lord’s mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His[tender] compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness. The Lord is my portion or share, says my living being (my inner self); there- fore will I hope in Him and wait expectantly for Him (Lamentations 3:22-24 AMP).So every morning as you begin to pray in the Spirit and praise Him, the joy of the Lord fills your life and your soul. Then you get up and begin to read the Word of God, and it is beautiful.

Many times, in those morning times, the Holy Spirit begins to speak to me about what I am to do that day. It is often very different from what I would have planned to do, and it may not be what I want to do that day, but I am learning the way of the Spirit in my life and in my daily walk with Him so I can live as He would have me to live on this earth.

Quality Not Quantity

Our inner man is renewed every day by the Word of God and by prayer, and it is the quality of our time with Him not just the quantity. Quality time involves getting your mind quiet and totally concentrating on just you and the Holy Spirit, just you and the Word of God with no distractions.

How many times have you sat down to read the Word but your mind keeps distracting you? When you can’t keep your mind in line, get up and rejoice. Begin to pray in the Spirit and sing in the Spirit. Why do we emphasize singing in the Spirit? Because it ministers to your spirit man and to your soul.

It is by that daily renewal with Him, continually worshipping and being aware of Him and being full of Him, that we know Him. The Holy Spirit indwelling within us is what enables us to have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and with the Father God. By that everyday quickening and renewal, we know we are on the right track. We walk forth energized with His power, with His might, and with His goodness.

Pat Harrison

Dr. Pat Harrison is recognized for prophetic ministry to awaken the body of Christ with an emphasis on the love of God and living every day by the leading of the Holy Ghost. Pat is the daughter of the late Kenneth E. Hagin, recognized as the pioneer of Word of Faith teaching, and the wife of the late Buddy Harrison. Buddy and Pat co-founded Harrison House in 1975, which has published and distributed more than 100 million books in 49 languages in 180 countries. In 1978, the Harrisons founded Faith Christian Fellowship International (FCFI), a global fellowship of leaders, ministers, and churches that today includes more than 2,000 credentialed ministers and 1,000 churches in the United States and around the world.


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