Are we Living in a "Lost at Sea" Society?

You and I are living in strange times!

We are actually living at the very end of the age and as a result, we are going to see and experience things that no other generation has ever witnessed. Some things will be so far-fetched and bizarre that as rational, thinking people, we will find it incomprehensible. Indeed, to many of us, it already seems that common sense has been thrown to the wind on various fronts, replaced with irrational beliefs that are cheered on by a morally delinquent society. But as those born to live in this hour, we must simply accept it as fact. You and I will be witnesses to strange developments as we near the end of this last-days timeframe.

The Scriptures long ago foretold that the last days would be strange. But because you and I were born in this time, we will inevitably be thrust into the face of some of the “weird” that goes along with living in this end-times territory. The challenge before us as God’s people is to keep the lunacy outside the Church and our families, refusing to allow our thinking to be muddied by the spirit of this age. We must dig our heels into the long-established truths of Scripture and determine to keep our heads on straight in a world that seems to have gone crazy. This book will show us how to do it.

Approximately 2,000 years ago, the Holy Spirit prophesied, “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils…” (1 Timothy 4:1). In this verse, the Holy Spirit alerted us that there would be an invasion of seducing spirits that would attempt to lead society off track and into unthinkable levels of delusion at the very end of the age. In the years ahead of us before this age ends, we will witness advances of delusion beyond what any of us could have imagined.

The Bible explicitly foretold that a worldwide mutiny against God would eventually come. By observing cultural changes that are developing all around us, we get an unmistakable feeling that surely we are already in the middle of this creeping rebellion.

Society today seems to be like a ship lost at sea that is drifting farther and farther off course. Over the passage of seafaring history, countless ships have been lost at sea because no course correction was put into place to get them back on track when they began to lose their bearings. Many Christian leaders believe that “lost at sea” describes exactly where society is right now.

As people of faith, we want to present the belief that God has good things in store for us and for society. However, we can’t ignore the evidence that a moral anchor has been lost and “the ship” is veering way off course.

There is no doubt that we are witnessing a society gone morally adrift at the end of the age – lured into depths of degeneracy and depravity over this past century that have not been seen since the days when paganism ruled the earth. In fact, we may be witnesses to a pandemic of reprobate thinking on a level that no generation of any epoch in history has witnessed before.

As believers, it’s so important for us to recognize the dangerous reefs that lie hidden from common view and threaten to shipwreck this last-days society, causing it to sink to depths of evil our minds don’t want to accept that man could ever go again.

Many Christians are baffled about how to respond to the moral changes confronting them through every arena of society, such as science, medicine, media, entertainment, and education. They see the deception that is trying to influence their children and grandchildren. If they are being sensitive to what they see, their spirits are on full alert.

Many pastors and spiritual leaders are deeply troubled by these events and are earnestly seeking for God’s wisdom about how to navigate these times. On one hand, they feel the utmost need to project hope that common sense will return. On the other hand, these same leaders feel compelled by the Spirit to help their followers stay on track in a world that is morally drifting further and further from shore.

Like it or not, this is where we find ourselves.

Society is changing. The moral climate is devolving while progressives assert it is upwardly evolving to new and previously unknown levels of sophistication. Even 20 years ago, you would have shaken your head in disbelief to hear that such developments could happen. But as crazy as it is, this is the state of our modern world. And as demonically inspired changes continue to cut their way through society, it will leave hurting, shattered lives in its wake.

We will be given the opportunity to minister to people who are confused and struggle with depression, addiction, thoughts of suicide, and other destructive behaviors. The wide-scale nature of such destructive behaviors is evidence that end-time demonic activity is attempting to ravage the earth’s population before the age closes. When seducing spirits — or spirits of delusion — come with “newfangled ideas” that are in reality thinly cloaked doctrines of demons, they indeed come to steal, kill, and destroy on every possible level (see John 10:10).We must seek the face of God to know how to respond to this confusion and help people find peace, healing, and restoration. Those who are wayward, confused, and bound in sin are not to be rejected because of their deception. All need the forgiveness, deliverance, and freedom offered through the Cross of Calvary.

The Early Church also had to seek God to know how to confront the moral dilemmas and consequences of sin of their own generation. Only the Holy Spirit could provide the wisdom and help that those converted pagans needed as they sought to live free from their past lives when they were outside of Christ.

In the same way, it is imperative that we seek the Holy Spirit’s assistance to help those who come to us shattered and broken by the effects of sin and regretful decisions. Every person needs the message of Christ, salvation, and the redemption that is offered to him or her in the great plan of God. No one is excluded from the salvation and freedom that Christ gave so freely when He laid down His life for all.

Rick Renner

Rick Renner is a highly respected Bible teacher and leader in the international Christian community. He is the author of a long list of books, including the bestsellers Dressed To Kill and Sparkling Gems From the Greek 1 and 2, which have sold millions of copies in multiple languages worldwide. Rick’s understanding of the Greek language and biblical history opens up the Scriptures in a unique way that enables his audience to gain wisdom and insight while learning something brand new from the Word of God. Rick and his wife Denise have cumulatively authored more than 40 books that have been distributed worldwide. 

Rick is the overseer of the Good News Association of Churches, founder of the Moscow Good News Church, pastor of the Internet Good News Church, and founder of Media Mir. He is the president of GNC (Good News Channel) — the largest Russian-speaking Christian satellite network in the world, which broadcasts the Gospel 24/7 to countless Russian- and Ukrainian-speaking viewers worldwide via multiple satellites and the Internet. Rick is the founder and president of RENNER Ministries in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, and host to his TV program, also seen around the world in multiple languages. Rick leads this amazing work with Denise — his wife and lifelong ministry partner — along with their sons and committed leadership team.


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