Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times

In Matthew 24, Jesus spoke to His disciples about the end times, answering their questions about what would specifically take place toward the end of the age, before the Rapture and before His Second Coming, which will be two separate events.

Jesus’ discourse of events that will occur can be found in Matthew 24:3-41, and I encourage you to read the entire passage. However, I want to focus on one statement Jesus made to His disciples. But before we go any further, I want to caution you that some of this might be considered offensive to some.

Please note that Jesus’ words in this passage were recorded for us, the Church today.

But as the days of Noe [Noah] were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be (Matthew 24:37).

What did Jesus mean by this statement? Was He prophesying that there will be an exact replication of events that occurred in the time frame preceding the Flood? What activities should we expect to see — and do we see any of these things happening today?

Jesus was exactly saying in this verse that there would be a “duplicate moment” in time before His return. I’ll explain as we look at this verse again.

But as the days of Noe [Noah] were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be (Matthew 24:37).

First, notice Jesus said, “But as.”

The Greek word used in the original text means just exactly as or precisely as, and it describes a duplicate moment. When Jesus said, “But as the days of Noah were,” it essentially meant, “Exactly as, just as, or precisely as it was in the days of Noah.” Thus, Jesus prophesied that in some way,

those living at the end of the age will experience a replication of what was occurring before the Great Deluge that was released on the earth in the days of Noah.

Second, Jesus said in verse 37, “…So shall also….”

These words literally mean so it accordingly will be, or thus it will be, or it will be keeping in line with. This indicates that the verse could be interpreted, “Exactly and precisely as it was in the days of Noah, thus it will be before the coming of the Son of Man.”

Third, Jesus said in Matthew 24:37 that these events would occur before His “coming.”

The word “coming” is a translation of a Greek word that some argue only describes the Second Coming of Christ when He returns at the end of the Great Tribulation with the saints. Although this particular word for “coming” can be used that way, it is not exclusively a word that only applies to Christ’s Second Coming. This word is additionally used in the New Testament to describe when Jesus comes to retrieve the Church at the time of the Rapture. Therefore, how this word is used depends on the context.

In any event, the original Greek word for “coming” is a technical expression frequently used in ancient texts to describe the coming of a king whose arrival and presence alone could deal with a wrong situation and bring order to it. Thus, the use of this word can refer both to the moment Jesus returns to retrieve His Church and to the time seven years later when He comes back to the earth with the saints at the end of the Tribulation. Both of these events mark a time when Christ activates a final plan to put down evil, deal with the devil, and begin to put everything back in order.

Taking into account all these meanings from the original Greek text, we can gather from Jesus’ words in Matthew 24:37 that just before He returns — referring both to the Rapture of the Church and to His Second Coming at the end of the Tribulation — the earth will experience some type of bizarre replication of many of the events that were occurring in the days preceding the Flood. Since God has tagged us to live in this closing season of this age, it is highly likely we will see some of these evil replications.

I want to present to you a list of six major events that occurred before the Flood and consider how they compare to what is happening in the world today. Are we already seeing a replication of the days of Noah in our day? I believe the evidence speaks for itself.

6 Major Occurrences in the Days of Noah that are Outlined in Genesis 6

1. An Exploding Population (Genesis 6:1)

Genesis 6:1 specifically states that in the days that preceded the Flood, “… men began to multiply on the face of the earth….” Hence, the human population was exponentially exploding on the earth. In fact, it is likely that by the time of Noah, there were already several million people on the earth.

Jesus said, “But as the days of Noe [Noah] were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:37).

Therefore, we must ask: Is the world today experiencing a population explosion as it occurred in the days before the Flood?

 The following information is provided to help you understand the population growth of the world since the time of Jesus’ birth during the First Century to the present.

1 AD: When Jesus was born approximately 2,000 years ago, the global population is estimated to have been roughly 300 million people.

1-1500: During the next 1,500 years, the global population grew very slowly3 for several reasons, among them being widespread illnesses and plagues that ravaged major population centers and poorer health, in general.

1700s: In the Eighteenth Century and during the Industrial Revolution, the world saw rapid population growth as families began to have more children, and more babies survived their first years.

1800s: Growth of the population finally reached 1 billion people in the early 1800s.

1958: Over the next 100 years from the late Nineteenth Century, the human population doubled so that by 1958, when I was born, there were approximately 3 billion people on the earth.6 The second half of the Twentieth Century brought along some additional exorbitant growth.

1976: This year, which was the time I enrolled at the university as a student, the global population had skyrocketed from 3 billion (in 1958) to more than 4 billion — 4,142,505,882 to be exact.

1976-Present: From 1976 until now, the world population has doubled again. Today, there are more than 8,000,000,000 — 8 billion people — comprising the global population.

Future Projections: At the current rate of growth, it is projected that the world’s population will reach 9.7 billion people by 2050 and 10.4 billion by 2100. Currently, the global population is growing at an average of 1.5 percent annually.

This present, booming period of growth is unprecedented in human history — except for in the time frame that preceded the Flood.

2. Gross Sexual Perversion (Genesis 6:2,11,12)

Genesis 6:2 states, “…The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.”

We have determined the “sons of God” were fallen, mutinous angels who began to abandon their God-assigned positions during the time of Jared, Adam’s great-great-great-grandson. And as these beings came down to earth and sexually mingled with mortal women, the sexual depravity and perversity raged, reaching an intensity in the days before the Flood that would be impossible to overstate.

The Bible goes on to say that in the days before the Flood, “The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth” (Genesis 6:11,12).

Three times the word “corrupt” appears in this text, it is a translation of an original word that depicts something that has been blemished, marred, or ruined. This same word is used throughout the Old Testament and seems to be inseparably linked with sexual sin and perversity. Thus, this blemishing and marring that was occurring was initiated and accelerated by the fallen angels engaging in forbidden sexual relations with earthly women. Eventually, “all flesh” — even the animals — with the exception of those who eventually boarded the Ark with Noah became contaminated through rampant sexual perversity.

In my book, Fallen Angels, Giants, Monsters & The World Before the Flood, I reveal in deeper detail that the fallen angels taught sexual “passions” that caused humans to veer from God’s original design for sex. These passions included fornication, adultery, homosexuality, bestiality, and every evil act of sexual deviance imaginable.

Again, Jesus said, “But as the days of Noe [Noah] were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:37).

Therefore, we must ask: Is the world today experiencing gross sexual perversion as it occurred in the days before the Flood?

Without question, sexual perversity in society today is unparalleled, as sexual taboos are being thrown to the wind, and what was once considered blasphemous, degenerate, and deviant is now accepted and celebrated. It is unthinkable, but the sex-trafficking and porn industries combined generate nearly $250 billion annually and continue to exponentially grow.

Moral and sexual confusion have reached such an apex that many are confused about whether they are male or female. In fact, there are multitudes that are so mixed up they actually embrace the nonsense that there are dozens of genders from which to choose. Confusion is so pandemic that there are even growing numbers of people who believe they are of a different age or race than what is biologically true of them. Moreover, there is an increasing number of individuals who allege that they are animals, a delusion that has the capacity to ultimately lead to bestiality and to people marrying animals, which we may see happen in the not-so-distant future. All of this is indicative of a deeply delusional societal state or condition.

It wasn’t so long ago that such kinds of thinking and behaving would have been associated with mental illness. But now these behaviors and lifestyles are progressively being legalized and normalized. Rather than treat these deviancies as the insanity they are, courts, educational institutions, fields of medicine, and science are unthinkably endorsing and promoting them — often prosecuting and punishing those who stick to God’s prescribed moral values and refuse to bend to the spirit of the age.

This delusional thinking is so prevalent that now, to be admitted to universities, many incoming students are required to sign a document of agreement with new policies of diversity and inclusion as a prerequisite for acceptance. Imagine, to be accepted into many universities, young Christian believers are being required to either compromise what they believe, modify themselves to the new moral agenda, or forego higher education. At this point it must be stated that while we are called to be compassionate and loving toward everyone, we are not called to bend to such delusion in our own beliefs and values.

Only seducing spirits interacting with human beings could convince intelligent people to embrace such absurdity. The moral compass has been skewed so far that now outrageously dressed, cosmetic-riddled transvestites are regularly invited to perform at events for children and to participate in book-reading events for them in public libraries. This is a demonic attempt to desensitize the youngest generation to what is morally right and wrong and to cause children to tolerate and embrace alternate lifestyles that the Bible condemns as abominations. This is the social condition in which we’re living.

The fact is that we are living in a time when minds are being inundated with false information, and there is an almost across-the-board celebration of immorality. This last-days attack is occurring as seducing spirits, who are bent on modifying the collective mind of society, interact with humans and work to create a way of thinking that is free from moral restraint. This modification process has spread its tentacles into every sector of society so that now even many who grew up in church are becoming affected and are slowly changing what they believe about issues that should be set in stone.

This insidious shift in sexual morals has evolved over several decades and has occurred so gradually — and has been so well-disguised as “progressive thinking” — it has become more and more palatable to the masses. This progressive shift has also successfully intimidated many who see that moral values, and society with them, are running amuck — but they are so stigmatized by the new narrative as being hateful and bigoted toward those caught up in the moral haze that they remain quiet about their faith and about the Word and the power of God that could set those captives free.

Indeed, Satan’s agenda of deception and intimidation has stepped up in scope and momentum in this end-time season. But to anyone with a sound mind and spiritual eyes to see, it is clear that dark demonic forces are working full-force to numb society and lead our youngest members down a treacherous immoral path.

This level of sexual perversion we are experiencing worldwide is unprecedented in human history — except for in the time frame that preceded the Flood.

3. Increased Demonic Activity (Genesis 6:2)

In addition to revealing gross sexual perversion, Genesis 6:2 also shows us that in the time before the Flood, there was an increase in demonic activity, which included humans inclusively worshiping a pantheon of various gods and interfacing with evil on a wide scale.

As fallen angels were entering Earth and interacting with mankind, the pre-Flood population was introduced to many forms of religions and absorbed in dark activities that became widespread in society. Again, Jesus said, “But as the days of Noe [Noah] were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:37).

Therefore, we must ask: Is the world today experiencing increased demonic activity as it occurred in the days before the Flood?

In the world before the Flood, the word “inclusion” would have perfectly described the way people were welcoming and embracing a vast array of beliefs. Likewise, in our own time, society is returning to an inclusive and pluralistic mindset, which is deeply indicative of a past system of paganism. By definition, “paganism” is idolatry or heathenism; the worship of false gods or idols; and the rejection of Christianity and of Christ as THE way to ONE God, who is Lord over all.

There are many examples to demonstrate how today’s culture, and even many in the Church, are departing from timeless truth to become more “inclusive” of beliefs and behaviors that are clearly against the teaching of Scripture. Indeed, the moral framework of society is being modified by media, education, government, and other societal institutions. Rather than stay with the scriptural truths that are foundational to a godly society, now the culture is adapting to a new mindset in the name of tolerance and open-mindedness. In an accelerated fashion, modern society is doing away with the Word of God — as God’s unalterable will — in order to create a world free of the Bible’s authoritative voice.

Unfortunately, many Christians are in this number, gravitating toward more pluralistic, inclusive positions. In fact, the trend toward such thinking is increasing so rapidly among young people in churches that many are wavering on the very basic tenets of the Christian faith. Foundational beliefs — such as the virgin birth, the sinlessness of Christ, the need to repent, the reality of Satan, and a literal Heaven and hell — are all beliefs that are “up for grabs” with the younger generation.

Recent statistical analyses also show that the belief in absolute truth has already declined to such a point that the younger generation generally sees no need to witness to and convert those of a different faith to Christ. Instead of sharing the life-saving message of the Gospel, many young people find ways to rationalize their decision to remain silent, thinking things such as:

  • “If what they believe is working for them, why should I bother sharing my beliefs?”

  • “Who’s to say that Christians are right, and they are wrong?”

  • “Isn’t it possible that there are alternative ways to God and that Christianity is just our particular way of believing in God?”

This seductive trend toward inclusivism (which is simply paganism with a modern twist) is growing so rapidly that believers are now often hesitant to publicly affirm what they believe for fear of the backlash of being labeled intolerant. But those who remain faithful to the standards of God’s Word must be prepared to be ostracized as members of a fringe group of non-conforming outcasts. If we adhere to the teaching of the Bible, we will not condone others’ immoral life choices, and we must face that our being labeled as “hateful” and “bigoted” as a result is a near certainty.

If today’s Church and its leadership don’t stand up for the faith — regardless of the price required to proclaim it in its purest form — it will be only a matter of time until Christianity is reduced to nothing more than another lifeless religion or philosophy among a cast of many others. Indeed, what pagans believed in the pre-Flood world is creeping back into our homes through education, television, Hollywood entertainment, government, and the courts. Because this trend is having such a dangerous impact on our children and grandchildren — and on our society as a whole — it is vital that we understand what modern paganism is, how to recognize it, and how to guard against it.

In addition to the increasingly pagan mindset of our age, there is also a dramatic increase in dark spiritual activity. To the shock of many, idols of Satan have been permitted to be erected for worship in some public parks and in government institutions. Likewise, there are public schools now offering “Satan clubs” for kids, and some government council meetings are opening with prayer, hailing Satan and asking him to guide the decisions made in their chambers. Add to this the Luciferian-laced themes broadcast to millions during Superbowl halftime shows and demonic influences proliferating on TV and movies — even in children’s cartoons — and we have a recipe for the days of Noah repeating themselves before our eyes.

Western society as a whole has become numbed by the growing prevalence of such diabolic influences because their eyes, minds, and senses are being bombarded with it continually. The regularity of dark images and devilish, occult-related entertainment has modified people to tolerate greater and greater levels of evil until now they no longer see evil as they once did. The toxic effect of it all is searing their minds and hardening their consciences so that what once deeply bothered them now doesn’t bother them at all.

The onslaught of pagan-minded inclusiveness and demonic activity in the world today, which is coming from every direction in sophisticated ways, is unprecedented in human history — except for in the time frame that preceded the Flood.

Rick Renner

Rick Renner is a highly respected Bible teacher and leader in the international Christian community. He is the author of a long list of books, including the bestsellers Dressed To Kill and Sparkling Gems From the Greek 1 and 2, which have sold millions of copies in multiple languages worldwide. Rick’s understanding of the Greek language and biblical history opens up the Scriptures in a unique way that enables his audience to gain wisdom and insight while learning something brand new from the Word of God. Rick and his wife Denise have cumulatively authored more than 40 books that have been distributed worldwide. 

Rick is the overseer of the Good News Association of Churches, founder of the Moscow Good News Church, pastor of the Internet Good News Church, and founder of Media Mir. He is the president of GNC (Good News Channel) — the largest Russian-speaking Christian satellite network in the world, which broadcasts the Gospel 24/7 to countless Russian- and Ukrainian-speaking viewers worldwide via multiple satellites and the Internet. Rick is the founder and president of RENNER Ministries in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, and host to his TV program, also seen around the world in multiple languages. Rick leads this amazing work with Denise — his wife and lifelong ministry partner — along with their sons and committed leadership team.


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