Discover the Conqueror in You

I have read many books about divine healing, miracles, and supernatural ministries through the power of God.

So many times a writer can leave the reader with the impression that, while miracles are possible, only a very few special chosen ones would really have that kind of faith.

But when the book, Two Kinds of Faith, by E. W. Kenyon was placed in our hands, we noticed that the author sought to convince us that we could do anything and everything God said we could do. This message carried with it the spirit of a conqueror. It made us know that we could succeed.

We accepted the challenge of the author. By acting on the word of God as he suggested and having this encouragement that we could do exploits and be conquerors, our lives and ministries were revolutionized. We began to succeed from the day we read that book.

You Can Be a Conqueror

Christian, you can do everything God or His Son Jesus said that you can do. Jesus said, they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. That is exactly what will happen when you lay your hands on the sick, expecting God to keep His word.

Jesus said, In my name they shall cast out devils. He gave you power and authority over all devils. The Bible says He did. Therefore, when you command a demon to come out of one who is possessed, the demon must obey you, because you believe and expect God to keep His word.

If Jesus meant anything, He meant what He said. If the word of God means anything, it means what it says. God will do what He said He would do, and we can do what God says we can do.

 I Can Do All Things

You will never grow spiritually by confessing what you cannot do. Learn to make your testimony declare what you can do, according to what God said in His word, and you will begin to grow spiritually.

 Paul says: I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me (Phil. 4:13).

Paul never spoke of what he could not do, but of what he could do. Believe that you can do everything God says you can do. Believe that you are what God says you are.

We are more than conquerors through him that loved us (Rom. 8:37). We are victors. We are overcomers.

 We always triumph when we believe God’s word (2 Cor. 2:14).

If God was with Moses, He will be with us. When He promised to be with Joshua even as He had been with Moses ( Joshua 1:5), He meant that He would be with us just as He had been with Moses.

Ordinary People Like You and Me

Moses, Daniel, David, Elijah, Peter, and Paul were made of the same material we are made of. They were ordinary people like you and me.

 Elijah was a man subject to the same passions as we are ( James 5:17).

 Men and women who have been examples of God in other generations were ordinary people like you and me. They yielded their lives to God, believed His words, and acted on them. This is precisely what you can do; and when you do, you will realize the same results.

This Is Our Day

God wants us to face our world and to meet her need today as Peter did in his day. This is our day of ministry.

 Roll up your sleeves and go set the captives free. Open the blind eyes, unstop the deaf ears, and break the bands of Satan and his sicknesses. The world is depending on you. You have this power in you. It is given to you by God. Act on it today. Begin today, acting in Jesus’ name—in His stead.

Others Have Gone—We Remain

In the spring of 1947, while pastoring a church at McMinnville, Oregon, we heard of Dr. Charles Price’s death. We had never seen him; yet when we heard that he had died, I wept bitterly. God began to talk to me.

The Spirit called to my mind the names of spiritual leaders of the past, not one of whom we had ever met or heard preach. Now they were gone forever from this world’s scene of action. We would never meet them in this life. The world would never again feel the impact of their ministries. We would only hear of their dynamic faith.

I said, “Lord, they are gone. Millions are still dying. Multitudes are sick and suffering. To whom will they go for help? Who will reach our large cities and fill our large auditoriums with your power, healing the sick and casting out devils? What will this world do now?”

 My Commission

God answered me and said, “My son, as I was with Moses, so will I be with you. You go and cast out devils. You heal the sick. You cleanse the lepers. You raise the dead. I give you power over all the power of the enemy. Do not be afraid. Be strong. Be courageous. I am with you as I was with them. No demon shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life if you can get people to believe my word. I used those men and women then, but now I desire to use you.”

 Miracles and Healing

 Daisy and I took God at His word. It had never occurred to me that God might want to use us like that. Since then, we have taken the gospel to seventy nations and have probably reached and led to Jesus Christ more unreached souls and may have witnessed more great healing miracles than any couple who has yet lived.

Multitudes have received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and tens of thousands of amazing miracles have been done by God’s power as we have obeyed Christ and preached the gospel.

We made the discovery that Jesus meant what He said. As we have witnessed the deaf hear, the blind see, the dumb speak, and the lame walk, it has strengthened us to know Jesus’ words: Lo, I am with you alway, even to the end of the world (Matt. 28:20).

 God is wanting to use you, too. If you will obey His word and act on it, all things are possible to you.

Luke 1:37 says, For with God nothing shall be impossible. Now, add to that promise Matthew 17:20, Nothing shall be impossible to you.

 When God called Moses, He needed an obedient person whom He could use. When He called Joshua, or David, or Rahab, or Esther, or Ruth, or John the Baptist, or Mary, He needed someone obedient to His call. When Peter was anointed at Pentecost, God needed a vessel. People have always used methods, but God uses people.

God Will Use You

 God needs people for today. He chooses ordinary people like you and me. Be God’s instrument for today. Who knows whether you are come to the kingdom for such a time as this (Esth. 4:14)?

T.L. Osborn

The ministries of T. L. and Daisy Osborn have made an unprecedented impact on the world in our time. They are valued among the great soulwinners of this century. Married at ages 17 and 18, the Osborns were missionaries in India at 20 and 21. In 1949 they instituted the OSFO International Gospel Center-a world evangelism and missionary church organization. Their life commitment: To express and to propagate the gospel of Jesus Christ to people throughout the world. Their guiding principle: The top priority of the church is the evangelization of the world. The Osborns have conducted mass crusades in over 70 nations, preaching to audiences ranging from 20,000 to 250,000 nightly and more. They have sponsored over 25,000 national preachers as full-time missionaries, reaching their own unreached tribes and villages. They have published gospel literature in 132 languages and dialects. They have produced documentary films and crusade tapes for public evangelism in nearly 80 major languages. They have provided airlifts and huge shipments of soulwinning tools for gospel missions and workers worldwide. They have furnished vehicles with films, projectors, screens, generators, P.A. systems, audio cassettes and cassette players, and great quantities of literature for evangelism abroad. They are energetic and prolific writers. T.L. Osborn's living classic, Healing The Sick-now in its 38th edition-has been a faith-building best-seller since 1951. Their big 52 page Classic Documentary--The Gospel According to T.L. & Daisy, is unmatched among Christian Publications. The Osborns have probably reached and led more unreached souls to Jesus Christ in non-Christian lands, and may have witnessed more great healing miracles, than any other couple who has ever yet lived. Their team efforts in world evangelism are truly pace-setting as they proclaim the good news to the world: that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8).


Do Not Communicate With the Serpent of Old


Calling Things That are not