In a world where a mother’s influence shapes the next generation, you are called to nurture your children with faith, wisdom, and the power of prayer! Bestselling authors Germaine Copeland and Lynn Copeland empower you with scriptural declarations and prayers to help you speak life over your children, align them with God’s destiny, and raise them in His unwavering love!
False teachers infiltrated the Colossian church, introducing a mix of Jewish legalism and mystical practices that threatened the gospel of grace. Bestselling author Frank Viola unveils how Paul’s letter to the Colossians combats this deception by revealing Christ as the fullness of God, the fulfillment of the Law, and the source of true spiritual union!
Many believers are waiting for someone else’s anointing, but God’s plan is for the entire church to rise up in power. Minister and prophetic voice Kevin Zadai reveals the dangers of spiritual dependency and empowers you to step into your God-given authority!
These 13 decrees will unlock prophetic insights, providing fresh divine perspective for your circumstances! Prophetic voice and pastor Troy Brewer offers powerful proclamations that prepare your heart for profound spiritual encounters.
We’re reading the Bible through a fragmented lens, missing the powerful story that ties it all together. Bestselling author Frank Viola reveals how the true chronology of the New Testament and the cultural backdrop of the early church will revolutionize the way you understand and apply God’s Word!
Demonic altars are real, but you have the power to tear them down! Minister and prophetic voice Kevin Zadai reveals their hidden influence and equips you with faith-filled strategies to break their power and establish God’s dominion in your life!
Many believe revival is a thing of the past, but Mario Murillo is witnessing a supernatural move of God that is shaking America. Ministers Sid Roth and Mario Murillo reveal how God is aggressively demonstrating His power through miraculous healings, mass salvations, and an unstoppable harvest of souls!
“Behold, the Earth will stand, and they will see, and they will know that I am God!” Prophetic voice Hank Kunneman reveals how the Lord is shaking the nations, exposing corruption, and ushering in a supernatural Renaissance to establish righteousness, restrain darkness, and restore His divine order in the Earth!
The next 32 months will be a season of testing, purification, and supernatural breakthrough—but only if the Church rises to the challenge! Prophetic voice Joseph Z unpacks a powerful vision of 32 moons, revealing how believers must contend for revival, reclaim what’s been stolen, and step into a divine reset that will shape the future of nations!
In Jesus’ Name, every illness and disease must bow to the name of Jesus! Renowned pastor, minister, and prophet Troy Brewer equips you with prayers and decrees that release supernatural healing.