Receive Your Christmas Miracle


The birth of Jesus in a manager was a miracle. Will you receive another miracle in your life?Everything about Jesus’ birth was natural and normal except one thing: A man didn’t provide the seed. The Holy Spirit of God placed the seed in Mary’s womb. First Peter 1:23 calls God’s Word the “incorruptible seed,” and the Greek word translated seed is spora. This comes from the same root from which we get the word sperm. God’s Word is His seed or sperm. (Mark 4:14.)Gabriel took the Word of God that had been spoken through prophecy about the Messiah and brought it to Mary. Then the Holy Spirit moved upon her as He did over the waters of the earth in Genesis 1:2. He took God’s seed and impregnated Mary with it. Therefore, John’s description of this is very accurate. “And the Word was made flesh” (John 1:14).A similar process is involved in every miracle we experience.  In a very real sense, we must become pregnant with God’s Word. The Word must be received into our hearts and nurtured over a period of time before there is actual manifestation of the miracle. A woman goes through stages of pregnancy. Likewise, when God’s Word first takes root in our hearts, it’s not always obvious—even to us. Eventually, it begins to show that His Word is working in us. Finally, there’s the birth of what we have believed. This could be anything from growing in faith to becoming more responsible to prospering in our health and finances.

Get ready to receive your miracle!

No one but Mary has ever had a virgin birth, but even that birth took a seed to make it happen. You must conceive (receive and believe) God’s Word in your heart to give birth to your dreams in the natural realm. Put His Word in your heart today and prepare to receive the miracle you need! God has no shortage of miracles!Text passage: Luke 1:26-38 Text scripture: “And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her” (Luke 1:38). 

Harrison House: “Equipping believers to walk in the abundant life.” (John 10:10b)