Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times

Rick Renner

Demonic Altars vs. God’s Altars: Exposing the Enemy’s Plan to Counterfeit God’s Power

Demonic Altars vs. God’s Altars: Exposing the Enemy’s Plan to Counterfeit God’s Power

Demonic altars are real, but you have the power to tear them down! Minister and prophetic voice Kevin Zadai reveals their hidden influence and equips you with faith-filled strategies to break their power and establish God’s dominion in your life!

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Stop Waiting for Miracles—Activate God’s Supernatural Power in Your Life Today!
Spiritual Growth, Miracles, Supernatural Kevin Zadai Spiritual Growth, Miracles, Supernatural Kevin Zadai

Stop Waiting for Miracles—Activate God’s Supernatural Power in Your Life Today!

Miracles are not something you strive for—they should be the natural overflow of your relationship with God! Prophetic voice Kevin Zadai unveils how embracing God’s presence activates His divine power, positioning you to walk in the supernatural, experience heavenly encounters, and release miracles as part of your everyday life!

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Nephilim Cannibals! Unmasking the Pre-Flood Giants That Terrorized the Ancient World
Bible Study, Supernatural Rick Renner Bible Study, Supernatural Rick Renner

Nephilim Cannibals! Unmasking the Pre-Flood Giants That Terrorized the Ancient World

“From Eusebius to Josephus, ancient sources seem to agree that giants were murderous cannibals that not only ate other giants, but also ate human beings and drank human blood.” Drawing from his extensive studies of ancient texts, historian and Bible teacher Rick Renner reveals the truth behind the Nephilim and the destruction they caused in the pre-Flood era.

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7 Ways Demons Enter Your Life: How to Recognize & Stop Demonic Oppression

7 Ways Demons Enter Your Life: How to Recognize & Stop Demonic Oppression

“The Bible lets us know who we are fighting against: spiritual beings, principalities, powers, rulers of wickedness in heavenly places!” Deliverance minister and pastor Donna Howells reveals the 7 ways that Christians open themselves up to demonic oppression, allowing you to walk in freedom by closing these doors.

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Hereditary Curses and Bloodlines: Recognizing and Removing Demonic Oppression in Your Life

Hereditary Curses and Bloodlines: Recognizing and Removing Demonic Oppression in Your Life

“Family trauma, generational habits, or inherited genes can be responsible for the situation a person can find themselves in.” Deliverance minister and pastor Donna Howells teaches you how to exposes generational curses and teaches you how to break the devil’s strongholds against you and your family.

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