A Frank Word on Decreeing and Declaring



The principle of calling things that are not as though they are is the spiritual principle through which everything physical becomes manifest. God created the light by speaking it forth, when only darkness was there. Jesus used this same method—calling the lepers clean and healing them, arousing the dead to life, and bringing peace to the storm.

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Charles Capps

Charles Capps

Charles Capps was a retired farmer, land developer, and ordained minister who traveled throughout the United States sharing the truth of God's Word. He has taught Bible seminars for thirty years, sharing how Christians can apply the Word to the circumstances of life and live victoriously. Besides authoring several books, including the bestselling The Tongue-A Creative Force, and the minibook God's Creative Power, which has sold over 3 million copies, Charles Capps Ministries has a national daily syndicated radio broadcast and a weekly television broadcast aired over several networks called "Concepts of Faith."


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