The 3rd Great Awakening Has Already Begun!


I recently shared that the Lord spoke to me on March 5 during the worship service at The Encounter in Oklahoma City, where Lance Wallnau and I were speaking.

The presence of the Lord was manifest and powerful. I was praising the Lord as I beheld the young people who were standing so strong in the Lord and preaching the true Gospel. I was encouraged about the future.

Then the Lord spoke to me and said, “Some of the young people in this service will one day be telling the young people of their day about what it was like to be a part of the Third Great Awakening.”

I said, “You mean we are going to have a Third Great Awakening?”

The Lord very clearly replied, “No, it’s not coming. It has already begun.”

Wow! This overwhelmed me!

The previous two Great Awakenings provided the motivation for the American Revolution and the end of slavery. It has yet to be seen what this move of God will do, but I believe it will turn the tide of socialism and the woke culture and all the demonic assaults on this nation. I’m excited and expectant that righteousness will once again exalt this nation (Prov. 14:34).

I’ve been praying and laboring toward that my whole life. I’ve seen thousands changed by the power of God’s Word, but the evidence of ungodliness is all around us and seemingly getting worse. I’ve said for years that America is at a tipping point and could go in either direction.

Second Chronicles 7:14 promises that the Lord would hear our prayers, forgive our sins, and heal our land, but that is only if His people would humble themselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from their wicked ways. That’s a conditional promise and only the Lord knows if these conditions have been met.

Therefore, I haven’t had any certainty that this nation will survive the onslaught of liberalism and immorality, which seems at an all-time high. I’ve even had many Christians tell me this is a sign of the end times and a fulfillment of Scripture; we need to just resign ourselves to America being a post-Christian nation.

I have always rejected that mentality. Praise God our forefathers didn’t think that way during the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, or World Wars I and II. Even if this is the end, I believe it is my Christian duty to oppose the devil on every front. If the Antichrist does take over during my life, I’m going to stand and fight him with all my might. He will not have my cooperation or silence.

So, I’ve been laboring on, doing what the Lord leads me to do not knowing for certain the outcome of my efforts. On an individual basis, I am seeing more lives changed than ever before, and that encourages me. But on a national level, we seem to be going in the wrong direction.

Then the word of the Lord came to me saying, “No, the Third Great Awakening isn’t coming. It has already begun.”

I can’t tell you what this has done inside of me. It has given me a certainty that I didn’t have before, and it has encouraged me to increase my efforts knowing that my labor is not in vain in the Lord (1 Cor. 15:58).

I know many of you reading this may not share my confidence. I understand. The Lord didn’t speak this directly to you, but He did speak this to me. It’s mine. I believe it and I am acting on it.

All we see and hear is the ungodly media pushing the devil’s agenda on America. Even the conservative news outlets mostly report how bad things are. It looks like evil is winning on every front. But now I have a word from the Lord that says, No, this is a time of spiritual awakening.

I believe Charis Bible College and AWM are a big part of God’s plan for this awakening.

The Lord has placed this ministry in a position to influence the hearts of millions of Americans as well as people all over the world. Our Gospel Truth television program is available to over 3.2 billion people, and we add new programs all the time. We have offices in eighteen countries of the world with Charis Bible College campuses in twenty countries. Our 9,400 graduates are everywhere sharing the good news of the Gospel. Praise the Lord! “It has already begun.”

If the Lord is speaking to your heart about participating in the Third Great Awakening by helping us build out our main Charis campus, call 719-635-1111 or visit this page.

Thanks for your partnership. You are a blessing.

Andrew Wommack

Andrew’s life was forever changed the moment he encountered the supernatural love of God on March 23, 1968. The author of more than thirty books, Andrew has made it his mission for nearly five decades to change the way the world sees God.Andrew’s vision is to go as far and deep with the Gospel as possible. His message goes far through the Gospel Truth television and radio program, which is available to nearly half the world’s population. The message goes deep through discipleship at Charis Bible College, founded in 1994, which currently has more than seventy campuses and over 6,000 students around the globe. These students will carry on the same mission of changing the way the world sees God. This is Andrew’s legacy.


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