Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times
Rick Renner

God Showed Me What’s Coming to America!
God is raising up an Ekklesia filled with authority! Prophetic voices Isaac Pitre, Alan DiDio, and Joseph Z declare a supernatural awakening where the church steps into its rightful place in the heavenly realm—decreeing, declaring, and witnessing miracles unfold.

It’s Coming Quickly. And Nothing Can Stop It…
Many believe revival is a thing of the past, but Mario Murillo is witnessing a supernatural move of God that is shaking America. Ministers Sid Roth and Mario Murillo reveal how God is aggressively demonstrating His power through miraculous healings, mass salvations, and an unstoppable harvest of souls!

4 Ways Fresh Fire Transforms Your Spirit: How to Walk in Last Days Power
“The power of the Spirit is called for in times of crisis, compromise, and opportunity.” Nationally acclaimed evangelist Mario Murillo uncovers the four defining traits that emerge when the Holy Spirit falls on you.

4 Pitfalls of Charismatic Movements: A Prophetic Call to Reignite Your Spiritual Fire
“They boast of great authority, but they crumble at the first wave of adversity.” Bestselling author, minister, and evangelist Mario Murillo exposes these 4 sins of the modern Charismatic movement so you can reignite your holy fire.

Tragic Misuse of the Holy Spirit: A Cry for Deep Spiritual Renewal
“We are a Spirit-filled movement. We must go back and seek a fresh fire!” Bestselling author, minister, and evangelist Mario Murillo calls you experience a fresh renewal of the Spirit so you can experience God’s fullness.

Unlocking Divine Promises: How Your Consecration Fuels Revival in the Nations
The Lord is calling you and me today to a deeper place of consecration. What is your response? Minister and missionary Luke Loeber invites you to answer the call to see yourself transformed into the image of Jesus!

Divine Visitations in Your Home: How to See God Move
The Holy Spirit dwells within you, and His purpose in your life includes equipping you with exactly what you need, when you need it. Bestselling author, apostle and Bible teacher Rick Renner teaches you how you can see God’s power at work in your home.

You Won’t Believe What Andrew Wommack Said
If you want to see God move, you have to shift how you pray. Respected Bible teacher and minister Andrew Wommack shares powerful insights that will change your prayer life so you can see God's power throughout your nation.

#1 Killer of Revival: Why God’s Outpourings Die Out
Often people wonder what is the #1 killer of revival. Revival historian, minister, and pastor Ron McIntosh uncovers the reason why revivals suffer from "burn out syndrome" and how avoiding this syndrome will allow you to experience God in a greater way.

Why You Aren’t Experiencing Revival
Desiring for more of God, but aren't experiencing the great outpouring of His Spirit? International revival historian and Bible teacher Ron McIntosh uncovers the secret to ignite God's revival fire in your life.

The Last Move of God Has Already Started. Don’t Miss Out!
In the past, the great moves of God were focused on preachers, but God's doing a new thing. Senior pastor and minister Mark Cowart lays out strategies how you can join this last move of God before Jesus' return.

Kathryn Kuhlman: ‘Healed by the Power of Holy Spirit’
Communion with the Holy Spirit unlocks the miraculous power of healing and miracles as shown in the powerful moves of God. Minister and revival historian Ron McIntosh shares first-hand experience of God’s power and shows you how to be empowered for His move today!

Discern the Season of Revival We’re in Right Now
Now, more than ever, we need a refreshing from the Lord. Revival historian and Bible teacher Ron McIntosh shares how to discern the season of revival we’re in now and how you can ignite that revival fire in your life today!

Stopping Demonic Forces that Unleashed on America
You are living in the last days―a season where God is pouring out His Spirit upon believers. Prophetic voice and minister Annette Capps reveals the key to stopping demonic forces that have been released on America.

Find Your Place in the End-Time Harvest of the Lord
God is about to change everything. Director at Charis Bible College and senior Pastor at Church For All Nations, Mark Cowart reveals the end-times harvest of the Lord and the shift that is about to take place in your nation.

5 Prophetic Words Will Change Everything
There is something coming and you need to be ready. Senior pastor and director at Charis Bible College, Mark Cowart received 5 prophetic words that reveal the movement of God in the End-Times, and he teaches you how to rise up as the army of God.

Take Back What the Devil Has Stolen!
Most Christians firmly agree the nation is on a dangerous trajectory. Pastor Mark Cowart puts the blame―and the solution―for our nation’s ills squarely on the Church.

Don’t Be a Successful Failure
There's two kinds of success: temporal and eternal. Pastor and minister Mark Cowart encourages you to unlock the spiritual deposits God has stored up for us through the presence of God.

Reclaim the Culture the Devil’s Stolen
God is raising up a generation that understands the times and are given the courage to do what's right. Will you heed the call? Pastor and minister Mark Cowart lays out a strategy to engage our society and reclaim ground the devil's stolen.

The Forgotten Miracles of Azusa Streets
Before his passing, the last living connection to the Azusa Street Revival told Jody Keck never-before-heard, firsthand testimonies. These testimonies are part of the prophetic purposes of God, which include you and millions of other believers.