Save America from Collapse: How to Defend Against the Darkness in the 9 Gates

We believe America has Nine Gates of Authority.

What that means is there are nine primary areas of access over our nation. The reason we use the word “authority” is because gatekeepers have influence and power. They are the ones who control the flow of whatever is coming into our nation.

These Nine Gates of Authority are: 1) the home; 2) the church; 3) the educational system; 4) the government; 5) the media; 6) arts and entertainment, including sports; 7) commerce and business; 8) science and medical; and 9) technology. It’s vital that the people of God realize the importance of their leadership outside of the church, particularly in these nine gates. If we had, we would not be in the dark tsunami we are now experiencing.

It has been all too obvious these past three years, beginning in 2021 that Christians have not been the leaders in these areas. In the medical field there has been a decline in saving and restoring life and more of a thrust to eradicate anything made in the image of God.1 It has become evident also in technology that there is a continual attempt to get rid of people and replace humans—or anything made in the image of God—with machines. Machines do not have free will and can be programmed and controlled. We see this in the implementation of self-service in just about everything, from checking out your own groceries to self-driving vehicles to deliveries by drones, etc.

There are many stories in mainstream media now about how if artificial intelligence grows unchecked, without proper precautions and regulations, there is a real threat of AI making humankind extinct. Let that one sink in for a while.

Also, there are people now who are obsessed with technology, from monitoring systems at home so you can even talk to your pet from work, to Tesla cars that drive themselves, to the latest and greatest smartphones and smartwatches with all the upgrades. It seems as if some people are so wanting to be loved, accepted, and thought well of because they have the latest and greatest technological toys available. Unfortunately, these same people may be the ones who are wowed into accepting the microchip.

We were just watching a woman on social media who was ecstatic because she bought her groceries with the chip that was placed in her hand. It’s so “easy”—all her banking, purchasing ability, medical records, all stored in the chip in her hand. Beware, people, that you too aren’t sucked into thinking of only the pros of technology and not the cons as well. Just like the science fiction movies of old, they can and will be used for both good and evil.

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name (Revelation 13:16-17 KJV).

One more thing. The world thrust is for zero population growth—actually, “Let’s decrease the population.” But study after study shows the world is nowhere close to being overpopulated. Overpopulation is a myth.

When you think about trashing the nuclear family—the dad, the mom, the kids—who’s the gatekeeper of the home? The par- ents. Who says what comes in and who’s allowed in and what is allowed in and what’s allowed out? The parents and the father are typically the protectors.

Marxists want the family authority structure destroyed. For decades we have been watching mindless movies and sitcoms that made Dad look like the bumbling fool—he should have been more sensitive, didn’t know what he was doing, he was clueless. We’ve gone from Father Knows Best to The Simpsons. Homer Simpson, the dad, was an idiot. Add to that, the government rewards having kids out of wedlock and there is the recipe for destruction of the family.

My mom used to say, “You know, you guys have it all wrong. Everybody’s so busy trying to get the biggest house. Three cars, an exotic vacation every year, and you’re turning your kids over to daycare from six weeks old on and you’re shoving them in school and you’re so busy saving the world, some of you volunteering for things or working on your career, staying late. You don’t know who’s teaching your kids.” Mom was never more correct.

As gatekeepers, we no longer can make the assumption that individuals and institutions that have authority over our children are safe and trustworthy. It is increasingly evident that we must be more involved in every aspect of our children’s lives to ensure their safety.

We’re not trying to be harsh. This is reality. We’re all about God’s grace and we understand many mothers have to work; but if we are going to turn back the tsunami of darkness, we have to make hard choices. That will play out differently in each home, office, school, and church.

Let’s look at the gate of education. We ought to be Christians with godly values who line up with the first covenant we had in 1607 when Robert Hunt’s ship landed and declared that America would be dedicated to propagating the Gospel. Our values and education should line up with that. And we, the Christians, ought to be at the gate of influence for education and the ones saying what is allowed “in” and what is “out.” “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people groan” (Proverbs 29:2 RSV).

The idea that Christians want to restrict freedom is a total myth too. Authentic Christianity is about free will for the individual, but it’s also about stopping the advancement of evil agendas. There is a grave misunderstanding when people say, “I don’t believe in God because why would He create evil?” God gave us free will. He gave us the choice to do what is right and just or do what is illegal and immoral. You wouldn’t want a spouse who had to marry you.

God wants a people who choose to serve Him and follow His principles and precepts. He wants the best for us and has given us this great manual (commonly called the Bible) on how to live. He shares His heart and how He wants you to have a great life, but ultimately it is your choice. When people choose not to acknowledge Him and operate outside of His recommendations, they get the kind of consequences we are living in today. If you have an evil agenda, of course you will cry, “Hate!” That’s what evil does.

Gene & Teri Bailey

Together, Gene & Teri Bailey inspire thousands every day to stand up as Americans. Through the hit television program FlashPoint, Gene hosts a variety of guests, leaders, newsmakers, and politicians each week, covering current events and stories that matter. With a background in business, childcare development, and with a heart for women, Teri inspires “mama bears” globally to rise up and protect their families from a very real evil: the destruction of the family unit. Unashamedly Christian, Gene and Teri speak to thousands at events nationwide, inspiring audiences and equipping them with the tools they need to affect their families, their communities, and their nation.


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