Surround Yourself With Godly Friends

Father, help me to meet new friends – friends who will encourage me and lift me up.

I want to spend time with wise people so that I may become wise by learning from them. I know that You are my source of love, companionship and friendship. Help me to find Your love and friendship expressed through my relationship with members of the body of Christ.

Just as iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend As we learn from each other, may we share the same love and have one mind and purpose. Help me, Lord, to be well-balanced in my friendships so that I will always please You rather than others.

 Lord, I ask for divine connections and good friendships, and thank You for the courage and grace to let go of detrimental friendships. I ask for Your discernment for developing healthy relationships. Your Word says that two people are better than one because if one person falls, the other can reach out and help.

Father, only You know the hearts of people so help me to discern and not be deceived by outward appearances. Thank You, Lord, that every good and perfect gift comes from You and I thank You for quality friends.

Help me to be a friend to others and love at all times. When others are happy, I will be happy with them. When they are crying, I will cry with them. Help me to learn how to be a responsible and reliable friend.

Develop in me, Lord, a fun personality and a good sense of humor. Help me to relax around people and to be myself – the person You created me to be. I want to be a faithful and trustworthy friend to the people You are sending into my life. You are my help, Father, in my friendships.

Jesus is my best friend. He is a real friend who is more loyal than a brother. He defined the standard when He said in John 15:13 that there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

Thank You, Lord, that I can trust You with myself and my need for friends. I praise You that You are concerned with everything that concerns me. Hallelujah!

Scripture References

Proverbs 13:20 NIV Proverbs 13:20 NIV Ephesians 5:20 NIV James 1:17 NIV Philippians 2:2,3 NCV Proverbs 17:17 1 Corinthians 15:33 WE Romans 12:15 WE Psalm 84:11 NIV Proverbs 18:24 NLT Ecclesiastes 4:9,10 NLT Psalm 37:4,5 NCV Proverbs 27:17 NLT

Germaine Copeland

Germaine Griffin Copeland, founder and president of Word Ministries, Inc., is the author of the Prayers That Avail Much family of books. Her writings provide scriptural prayer instruction to help you pray more effectively for those things that concern you and your family and for other prayer assignments. Her teachings on prayer, the personal growth on the intercessor, emotional healing and related subjects have brought understanding, hope, healing, and liberty to the discouraged and emotionally wounded. She is a woman of prayer and praise whose highest form of worship is the study of God's Word. Her greatest desire is to know God. Germaine is the daughter of the late Reverend A.H. "Buck" and Donnis Brock Griffin. She and her husband, Everette, have four children, and their prayer assignments increase as grandchildren and great-grandchildren are born. Germaine and Everette reside in Greensboro, Georgia.


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