Victory Over Depression

Father, You are my Refuge and my High Tower and my Stronghold in times of trouble.

I lean on You and confidently put my trust in You, for You have not forsaken me. I know I can count on You for help no matter what. I put my hope in You. I praise You—my Savior and my God!

 Lord, You lift up those who are bowed down. Therefore, I am strong and my heart takes courage. I establish myself on righteousness—right standing in conformity with Your will and order. I am far even from the thought of oppression or destruction, for I fear not. I am far from terror, for it shall not come near me.

 Father, You have thoughts and plans for my welfare and peace. My mind is stayed on You, for I stop allowing myself to be agitated and disturbed and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.

In the name of Jesus, I loose my mind from wrong thought patterns. I tear down strongholds that have protected bad perceptions about myself. I submit to You, Father, and resist fear, discouragement, self-pity, and depression. I will not give place to the devil by harboring resentment and holding on to anger. I surround myself with songs and shouts of deliverance from depression, and I will continue to be an overcomer by the word of my testimony and the blood of the Lamb.

Father, I thank You that I have been given a spirit of power and of love and of a calm and well-balanced mind. I have discipline and selfcontrol. I have the mind of Christ and hold the thoughts, feelings, and purposes of His heart. I have a fresh mental and spiritual attitude, for I am constantly renewed in the spirit of my mind with Your Word, Father.

 Therefore, I brace up and reinvigorate and cut through and make firm and straight paths for my feet—safe and upright and happy paths that go in the right direction. I arise from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept me. I rise to new life; I shine and am radiant with the glory of the Lord.

Thank You, Father, in Jesus’ name, that I am set free from every evil work. I praise You that the joy of the Lord is my strength and stronghold! Hallelujah! Amen.

Germaine Copeland

Germaine Griffin Copeland, founder and president of Word Ministries, Inc., is the author of the Prayers That Avail Much family of books. Her writings provide scriptural prayer instruction to help you pray more effectively for those things that concern you and your family and for other prayer assignments. Her teachings on prayer, the personal growth on the intercessor, emotional healing and related subjects have brought understanding, hope, healing, and liberty to the discouraged and emotionally wounded. She is a woman of prayer and praise whose highest form of worship is the study of God's Word. Her greatest desire is to know God. Germaine is the daughter of the late Reverend A.H. "Buck" and Donnis Brock Griffin. She and her husband, Everette, have four children, and their prayer assignments increase as grandchildren and great-grandchildren are born. Germaine and Everette reside in Greensboro, Georgia.


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