Secret Place of Power: How to Hear God’s Voice & Walk in Miracles in the End Times

Learning to live in the spiritual or the fourth dimension changes life completely.

For the most part we all know there is more than what we can see, feel, and touch. The new, uprising, Blood-bought church is coming alive to the fourth realm with dreams, visions, prophecies, and visitations being part of our normal these days.

We’ve heard it said by the world we are in the new normal. That’s not so with God’s triumphant church. Our normal is the supernatural!

I’m not suggesting in any way we lose touch with reality like going to work, family time, and fulfilling financial responsibilities. There is a way we can do both. In fact, responding correctly to God’s spirit realm is most helpful in those areas, because we need more than the natural to exist and be able to deal with the unseen that is manifesting both good and bad.

The devil sure pushed his agenda out in the open with all his demonic witchcraft practices being exercised today. We almost let him take over before we woke up. But that has changed!

The Supernatural: Our Normal

The normal for our time is like this: in the Scriptures we see how a piece of cloth from Paul’s body cast our devils, and Peter’s shadow healed people (Acts 19:12; 5:15-16). How about all the people who were healed, raised from the dead, and devils cast out by Jesus Himself in the four gospels?

We’re in a time when the supernatural in the church and the world is being recognized and accepted. In fact, people are crying out for the Lord to bring miracles in manifestation. They’ve found out this world has no answers or any real help for them.

We’ve heard it said by the world we are in the new normal, but that is not so with God’s triumphant church. Our normal is the supernatural!

Many prophecies for centuries have stated God’s glory will be manifested worldwide (Isaiah 60:2). The Bible says that His glory will be seen! Accepting this as part of our destiny and knowing how to handle all this is what you are all about. Be sensitive to His Voice, His leading, and His direction through worship. He is the only God, and we have no other god before us (Exodus 20:3).

It’s an amazing way to live and interact with others. Prophets have declared this last revival includes every one of us!

We will not be without our challenges, because the devil does not give up easily. Our faith in God’s Word reveals the truth of who we are and what we can accomplish because of whose we are! Jesus proved it! None of us want to live under the burden of the evil hand of satan, especially when we have been given the power and authority of Jesus Christ to rule and reign now in this lifetime (Romans 5:17).

Your Place

Find your place and allow whatever training, education, and development of skills is necessary to fulfill the destiny and plans the Lord has for you. You’ll be amazed at what all the Lord will show you and accomplish through you.

One of the biggest things I’ve seen and learned in all these years of ministry is to not get offended no matter what hap- pens—not at the Lord, others, or yourself. If you carefully read Matthew 24, Matthew 18:21-35, and Luke 12:53, you can see where Jesus discussed how the power of offense has the ability to separate and destroy.

Moses was known as the meekest man on earth (Numbers 12:3). Meekness is strength held back; it means, “I could, but I won’t.” Lastly, forgive quickly, even 70 times 70 in the same day for the same thing (Matthew 18:22).

It’s Your Time to Arise

You are a part of this mighty move of God manifesting on the earth. The Lord is training a very strong group of people today who are like those we read about in the four gospels and the book of Acts. Some have been waiting for this amazing time we’re in for centuries. Many prophecies are being fulfilled about this great army of God as we watch revivals breaking out in our nation and parts of the world especially among the youth. Darkness is definitely getting darker. God’s light is getting brighter as we arise to the occasion.

Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: all they gather themselves together, they come to thee: thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side (Isaiah 60:1-4 KJV).

Different Seasons

We’re entering some different seasons over the next decades that we must be prepared for, which is normal for the world since Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Jesus as the Second Adam took satan’s authority and told us the gates of hell could not prevail against His church (1 Corinthians 15:45-58; Matthew 16:17- 18). Jesus took control and translated us from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God, triumphing in authority and power. Remember, keys always prevail against the gate. The gate can do nothing but stand there until the key starts turning!

Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; and having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it (Colossians 2:14-15 KJV).

These next years and decades hold unforeseen spiritual wars we’ve never had to face before. Knowing the Lord in the power of His resurrection has to be more than just a fun Sunday to enjoy family, kids, and going to church on what some call Easter Sunday. Paul said, “I have to know Him in the power of His res- urrection so I will go on to visions” (see Philippians 3:10). Jesus said to overcome satan himself we must know how to “testify” about His Blood and His resurrection (Revelation 12:11). There have not been days like what is coming.

I’m not trying to scare you but prepare you. The things I’ve shared in this book will help you to graduate from boot camp to the real spiritual wars ahead. Our mouth has to be properly trained to decree and not just to mumble a little prayer.

One prophet saw our shoes had swords on them. We need to stand firm in faith declaring the power of Jesus’ Blood to tread on scorpions. Nothing by any means can hurt or harm us (Luke 10:19). One night I faced a grotesque-looking demon. I saw him eye to eye. All I said was, “The Blood, the Blood, the Blood.” He backed up and ran.

Along with the big spiritual battle ahead, we must work with the prophets and apostles to reap from their authority level because of the world harvest.

Think about all those who will not know what you know and are not prepared. We have to be able to be strong enough to help them. Churches will overflow with newly born-again people coming from all walks of life, off the streets, drug gangs, those abused from trafficking, the elderly, the babies, and the long list goes on! We must be able to respond with authority and ability to help.

When Russia, Germany, and Poland had a change in government years ago, I went to several of those countries. I had never seen anything like it—thousands of new baby Christians who did not know where to find anything in the Bible if they even had one. This new outpouring is worldwide, not just here and there. Multiply what I just said. Ask the Lord to reveal everything you need to know to get ready for this!

I hope all this lights your fire! Get prepared, you are needed! Preparation is essential to secure the good and to prevent evil, not from a fear standpoint but from a solid faith and trust in God that says: “I can do this” because of the following:

  • He made me more than a conqueror now in this life (Romans 8:37).

  • I’m strong in the Lord and the power of His might (Ephesians 6:13).

  • I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13).

  • I rule and reign by the abundance of Grace and the gift of righteousness (Romans 5:17).

  • I have overcome because I testify by the Blood of Jesus and His resurrection that I can overcome satan (Revelation 12:11).

You are all these things and so much more! We are crossing into a time like Joshua did when he crossed the Jordan River. Yes, he knew there were battles before them, but the Lord gave him specific directions so they would know the way because they had not passed that way before (Joshua 3:4). As the Ark went before them, you keep your eyes on the Lord and He goes before you.

We are in the “Kingdom of God Church” movement. By that I see big spiritual wars ahead we must win, and we can. As you read the four gospels you can see how Jesus explained that the Kingdom of God is here now. He went on to teach how Grace and Truth had come, which would change the way they had been “doing church” (John 1:14-17). Later, Paul explained salvation had come through faith in His Grace and not works (Ephesians 2:8).

With that in mind, today and in the future, we are in the outpouring of the glory of God bringing signs, wonders, mir- acles, and no need among us (Acts 4:33). We now have the Blood-bought church of Jesus Christ coming to the forefront moving mightily in the Kingdom of God’s authority and power doing exploits (Daniel 11:32)! He has and is equipping us with power from on high to push the anti-Christ back from dictating when he will rule and reign, because it’s not time!

Does the Lord want to share secret things with you and show you mysteries so you can be a huge part of all this? Yes! Does He want you to meet Him in that secret place? Yes! Does He want you to take your place in prayer and help make a way for the prophetic voices to be heard? Yes!

Although your face may be hidden, are you called to use your voice that will be heard in prophetic places? Yes! Yes! Yes!

He has placed you here for this end-time move of God. The Lord is calling you to come up to a higher place, to the high places to walk with Him.

Come. Meet Him in that secret place of prayer.

Ginger Ziegler

Ginger Ziegler has served in ministry for more than 40 years as a pastor, preacher, teacher, and overseer of a prison ministry. She has also preached the gospel of Jesus Christ in several foreign countries as well as working at Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Affectionately known as “Mom” after her many years in ministry, Ginger’s passion is helping people personally experience God’s love so they can fulfill their destiny in life.



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