Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times
Rick Renner
Rick Renner: ‘Want Your Life to Count? This is Essential’
“This makes it abundantly clear that having clear direction from Heaven is not only empowering—it is essential.” Internationally acclaimed Bible teacher Rick Renner unveils how to live a life that truly matters, thriving in the fullness of God’s extraordinary vision for you.
New Year, New Vision: How Writing It Down Unlocks God’s Best for the Year
By aligning your vision with God's, you can fulfill your divine purpose and make an eternal impact. Minister and pastor Mark Cowart urges you to embrace God-sized visions, bringing faith, hope, and deliverance to a hurting world.
3 Prayer Assignments God Has Given You—Are You Fulfilling Them?
“God has entrusted three powerful prayer assignments to every believer—spiritual mandates to partner with Heaven’s plans on Earth.” Renowned prayer teacher and pastor Marcus Tankard reveals how these assignments ignite God’s perfect will, unleashing transformation in your life and beyond.
Embracing God’s Plan for You: How to Discover Your Divine Assignment!
“Within the many purposes in God, each one of us has a part.” Seasoned teacher and pastor Patsy Cameneti reveals how to align your life with heaven, tapping into supernatural resources that can only be found in the spirit realm.
What Are Mantles? How to Recognize the Transfer of God’s Anointing
“A mantle is a supernatural ‘cloak’ that God places on a person of His choosing to accomplish a task of significant importance and that normally flows generationally.” Well-known Christian author and orator Roberts Liardon explains what mantles are, bringing much-needed insight and understanding to this powerful spiritual concept.
The Danger of Casual Prayers—Why You Need to Work WITH God Instead
We are called to work with God through our prayers. Seasoned teacher, pastor, and prayer leader Patsy Cameneti teaches you how to pray with confidence and see God change your situation around!
Mantles, Anointings, and Impartations: What’s the Difference?
Christian verbiage sometimes interchanges anointings, impartations, giftings, and mantles as if they referred to the same spiritual realities, yet all four refer to something different. Drawing from 40 years of ministering the Gospel, Roberts Liardon tackles the misconception between anointings, impartations, giftings, and mantles, so you can understand the difference with clarity.
Effective Prayer: Accessing the Spirit Realm to Work with God
When we pray, we need to connect with God in the most effective place—the realm of the spirit. Seasoned prayer leader and pastor Patsy Cameneti teaches you how to access the spirit realm, positioning you to engage in Spirit-led prayer.
Breaking the Resource Myth: Why God’s Supply is Waiting on Your Vision
There is more than enough supply available and accessible to you for you to accomplish fully the thing that God has called you to do! Javan Smith, international speaker and Bible teacher, challenges you to reframe your understanding of God's abundant resources, calling you to focus on the destiny He has placed in your heart.
Secret Place of Power: How to Hear God’s Voice & Walk in Miracles in the End Times
“You are a part of this mighty move of God manifesting on the earth.” Drawing from 40 years as pastor, preacher, and teacher, Ginger Ziegler calls you to take your place in God’s end-time move, empowering you with His supernatural breakthrough and miracle-working power.
Role Call of the States: Prayers that Reclaim America from Forces of Darkness
When you speak these prayers, you are laying foundations in the spirit realm, transforming the atmospheres from darkness to light. Bestselling authors and frontline prophetic voices Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce equip you with the activation to break demonic holding patterns over your home and city.
Covered by His Power—How God’s Anointing Transforms Your Ordinary into the Extraordinary!
“The Bible identifies the shadow of the Almighty as both a place of divine protection and a place of divine conception.” Javan Smith, international speaker and Bible teacher, reveals how to position yourself in His shadow: the secret place where you can abide in total safety, security, and peace.
Become Who You Were Born to Be: Unlock Your Divine Destiny
“Your potential is not what you have done, but what you are yet able to do.” #1 USA Today bestselling author Myles Munroe unearths your divine potential, revealing how to unlock your divine destiny.
Led by the Spirit: How to Know God’s Will in Every Decision
“Being led by the Spirit is a lot easier than many have made it out to be.” With over four decades of ministry, Pastor RayGene Wilson reveals how to be led by the Spirit and walk confidently in your God-given victory.
Praying Patriots: How God’s Remnant Can Save America From Evil Agendas
“As we step up and take our places, we will see His plan get the best of the enemy’s schemes.” Host of Flashpoint Gene Bailey and his wife, Teri, call you to stand against the enemy’s evil agenda through prayer, partnering with God’s plan for America.
5 Ways Believers Serve as Priests
Here are the 5 ways that every Christian can embrace their priestly calling. Internationally respected apostle and pastor Rick Renner joins Tony Cooke to teach you how to fulfill your full divine purpose with confidence!
They’re Killing America: How to Stand Up Against the Anti-God Darkness
“Our country is suffering a slow, painful death by poisoning from inside.” Host of Flashpoint, Gene Bailey, and his wife, Teri, equip you with a practical battle plan to retake the nation against anti-God darkness.
Operate in the Gifts of the Spirit: Answering God’s Call to Engage in His Fullness
“When Jesus left this earth and ascended into Heaven, he did not leave believers helpless.” Minister and former dean of Rhema Bible Training College Tony Cooke teaches you how to operate in the gifts of the Spirit, calling you to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Embrace Your Kingdom Identity NOW!
God never desired a religion. He sought a personal relationship with you! #1 USA Today bestselling author and Bible teacher Myles Munroe reveals how to rediscover the Kingdom of God and how you can step into your role as co-heirs with Jesus!
Dreams & Visions: Wisdom on Hearing God’s Prophetic Words
“Prayer is essential to fulfilling your vision.” Internationally recognized and respected Bible teacher, apostle, and pastor Rick Renner empowers you with timely wisdom on how to see the dreams and visions that God has for you come to life!