Overcome Spiritual Blockages—How to Reignite God’s Anointing Power in Your Life
Excerpted from Returning to the Ancient Paths.
The church needs to get out of the mentality of wanting someone else’s anointing.
Paul said that the mystery that was hidden in the past has now been revealed (Colossians 1:26). This mystery is that through the church—the body of Christ—the manifold wisdom of God would be revealed. It will not come through Brother Hagin, a prophet, me, or you as individuals. It is revealed through all of us as the church (Ephesians 3:10).
Many, Many Faces
But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all (1 Corinthians 12:7).
The Lord Jesus told me, “The day of the heroes is over. It is the body now. It’s many, many faces.” Many of you have the fire of God burning within. You have gifts of the Spirit inside you that you may want to speak forth. You should want to exercise your gifts and release what is inside you because that’s God’s plan. Unfortunately, ministry has been whittled down to one person controlling everything. Nobody gets to prophesy except the pastor. Notice that there are nine gifts of the Spirit, not just one (1 Corinthians 12:4-11). It is not the pastor alone.
A pastor is a shepherd who is supposed to lead you to still waters and green pastures (Psalm 23:1-3). They are not called to put your face in it and make you drink or eat but to lead you there. Since you have to eat and drink, there is a lot of pressure on pastors to perform.
Similarly, an apostle is sent to a place to start a work. He does not take sheep from other folds but gets new converts. That is what Paul did. He was fathering people, which is why he had authority over them. The modern church seems to know very little about apostolic authority.
As we discussed, Paul said you have many teachers but not many fathers (1 Corinthians 4:15). He essentially said to the Corinthians, “I fathered you, so you’re mine. And I’m jealous over you that people are coming in and taking you away through false doctrine” (2 Corinthians 11:5-15). Paul talked more about false doctrine than anything else. That’s because he was a father. Again, he had authority over people because he fathered them, not because he was an apostle.
Prophets are sent to speak what the Lord says, which does not have to be foreknowledge. They are not called to fortune-tell. True prophets speak the heart of God; sometimes, it just happens to be forward-looking. However, these people telling you your Social Security number and the last four digits of your credit card are not operating as prophets should.
I was in a service where the so-called prophet said to someone, “You’ve got fifty dollars in your right pocket. The Lord says to give it to me.” That is a familiar spirit, not the Holy Spirit. Although the man did have a fifty-dollar bill in his pocket, that was not of God. I do not need to know the last four digits of your credit card number, nor does a false prophet. The demons know this stuff. Derek Prince called it a Christian séance and said it was happening everywhere.
Very few are brave enough to say this, so I will. I have watched familiar spirits work through some of your heroes. These spirits come right in and give people chills, so they think the words are correct. The information may be accurate, but it is a circus. They do not need to tell you your mother’s name. That is not a confirmation.
An example of an authentic prophetic confirmation is, “You were on your knees today at two o’clock in the morning, praying about who you should marry. And the Lord says that the person you are dating, [his or her name], is the person you’re supposed to marry.” However, you would already have known that because the prophecy is just a confirmation. While you were praying, God already told you. No prophet is supposed to tell you something new.
Returning to the Ancient Paths
Kevin Zadai
Acceleration Must Take Place
Altars open up access to the other realm. But Jacob defaulted to that and did not fully pursue God, and that’s what this generation is doing. We should have been further ahead, and we are not. We need to catch up and allow God to seal up His work; an acceleration needs to take place. That is why God raises up people to share this message. Acceleration and correction must take place because we are behind. If we were on time, God would not be speaking this way. Like Jacob, we must receive a name change—a change of identity. Jacob had to wrestle with God. He could not go in the way he was because he would not fit; therefore, he had to change his name. Israel could fulfill God’s purpose, but Jacob could not (Genesis 32:22-32).
God chose Jacob’s son, Joseph, as a deliverer. He walked out a vision where he saw every one of his family members bowing to him, but that was because he was being prepared to deliver his people (Genesis 37:1-11). Joseph (representing the teens and the youth) will be sent back to Egypt (representing the world); the Lord will use them in the marketplace. So Warrior Notes is training the teens, the Josephs, to go into the marketplace and own everything.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are an estimated 16,800 job openings for commercial and airline pilots each year. Employment in the field is expected to grow 4 percent annually from now until 2032. In some cases, due to a shortage of pilots, they have put airplanes in parking lots and canceled flights. The Lord told me to start an aviation program to train the kids, prepare them to pass all their tests, and then let them fly.
As a pilot, my salary would be $230,000 annually, but I do not charge the ministry; I am happy to do it for free. How would you like it if your teenager was guaranteed a job that starts at more than six figures? My point is that we are raising up youth as anointed ministers and prophets in the marketplace who will talk to the flight attendants, other pilots, and passengers. This is what we are called to do.
I believe the Lord is speaking this message to His church because He wants to delay the antichrist from being seated (2 Thessalonians 2:6). This has happened in every generation. I have studied all the major revivals and found that every generation has someone who stands up and ignites a fire to bring people into repentance, back to the altar, and back in line with what God has already spoken. The mystery has been revealed, so we are not waiting for it.
Paul wrote the letters of 1 and 2 Thessalonians to people who thought Jesus would return in a few months. He had to tell them to go back to work, saying, “If you don’t work, you don’t eat,” because they quit their jobs (2 Thessalonians 3:10). People were on rooftops waiting for Jesus to return. In every generation, people buy end-time DVDs, forecast dates for the Lord’s return, and think that He is coming, but it does not happen.
Heaven is Waiting for More People
And you know what is holding him back, for he can be revealed only when his time comes. For this lawlessness is already at work secretly, and it will remain secret until the one who is holding it back steps out of the way. Then the man of lawlessness will be revealed, but the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of his mouth and destroy him by the splendor of his coming (2 Thessalonians 2:6-8 NLT).
According to Paul, while the church is still here, the antichrist is prevented from being seated. As we already discussed, the one who holds him back, or the restraining force, is still in place. It seems as if everyone knows it is the church except us. While we are waiting for Jesus to come back, He is waiting for us to go to the streets, give people food, and share the love of God with them. He wants them to receive the kindness of God, turn from their wicked ways, and believe in Jesus. That is what Jesus is waiting for.
But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only (Matthew 24:36).
The Lord told me in person that He does not know when He is coming back, which matches what He said in the Bible. The Holy Spirit and angels do not know either—only the Father knows. I believe that if Jesus knew, He would tell the body of Christ. He told me, “I can give you a hint. You have to see a harvest in China, the Middle East, and Russia come in before I come back.” Jesus expressed that the Father’s will is for none of those people to go to hell. That adds up; if all those nations come in, we are well on our way since they comprise a large percentage of the world’s population.
The Lord does not delay [as though He were unable to act] and is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is[extraordinarily] patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9 AMP).
The Father will not allow Jesus to come back because there are not enough people in Heaven yet. You would be surprised by how few find the narrow way (Matthew 7:13-14). If you knew, you would be out preaching today. Kathi and I believe so much in what we are doing that we have done the opposite of what others do. Instead of taking an offering, we have given money to everyone who attended! The IRS says you must have a receipt for every person you give money to, and you have to prove that they needed it. That is what our lawyers told me, so I said, “Fine, Kathi, go to the bank.” That is how much I believe in what we are doing.
I only shared what Kathi and I have done to win people because you can do it too. I encourage you from the heart to do what you can. We started Warrior Notes with our own money. We bought our own cameras and paid to publish our first books. An eighteen-wheeler delivered my first books, which we paid for ourselves. We believe in this. Kathi always asks me, “Hey, do you want to give so-and-so some money? I feel like we should give to them,” or “Do you want to write a check to anybody today?” She is the biggest giver.
We need ministers who know how to ignite people in this generation and operate under the power of God. We have lost a lot of generals who were good at what they did. Brother Hagin did not even need music when he ministered, and now the same anointing is on me. At our one-night events, I walk up to the pulpit without music or anything to engage the people. Yet the power of God is so strong, and people are so hungry for Him that they stand against the walls when there are no seats.
I want you to flow powerfully in the Spirit and be able to operate in any environment. Now you have the keys and the devil’s playbook. He is angry that I have given you his black book. The demons do not want you to know what you know. I have also noticed that if you live in a place that has had a lot of bloodshed on the land, you will face a lot of resistance. People will be irritated because of the spiritual environment. They can feel it. Wherever you are, you need to tap into the altars. Find out where people prayed and made covenants with God and go there. Return to the ancient paths, to your godly heritage.
A Prayer for You
Father, let the resurrection power of Jesus Christ that is dwelling in all of us become the predominant presence around us now. I break every sickness, disease, and weakness in the flesh in the name of Jesus. I command every foul disease to leave in Jesus’s name. I rebuke every imbalance and command your body to come in line with God’s will right now, in the name of Jesus. I command all your systems to be corrected by the authority of Jesus Christ, who took stripes upon His back for our healing. Every disease must go in Jesus’s name.
Lord, I pray for the release of finances. We command every evil spirit withholding finances to let go of them now. I command every roadblock to be removed and call forth every financial blessing for the people. These must come in Jesus’s name. I command the finances to be loosed and to come to their proper owner right now, in the name of Jesus. Thank You, Lord, for financial miracles.
Lord, heal our families. I command all familiar spirits that are corrupting families, family members, and relationships to desist in your maneuvers against God’s people. I break the power, the deception, the lies, and the control over the children, in Jesus’s name. Lord, send Your angels to go forth and make these relationships work. Bring the children and family members back. Thank You for healing our land and families, in Jesus’s name.
Father, may the righteous rod of Your justice come across this nation. Come in Your righteousness to judge, Lord. Separate those who are Yours and let the blessings come upon Your people in the midst of every crisis. Let it be like Goshen and preserve Your people, Lord.
Father, we ask that the holy fire of Your altar would burn up all the wood, hay, and stubble—all that is not of You. I pray that You would work in us and cause us to be unhindered in Your work, Lord. Help us submit to Your Spirit and make us into Your image so that we can go further in the situations we find ourselves in. Give us grace to please You by following Your Spirit. We do not want to do anything in our own merit, abilities, or flesh. Lord, help us submit to You in every circumstance, in Jesus’s name.
The Lord wants to release your heart to just be free to be yourself. He wants you just the way you are. He loves you. He is going to refine you. He will cause you to be productive and effective by His Spirit. The Spirit is saying that now is the time of visions—of being able to see in the Spirit. It is a time of seeing and knowing the power of the coming age. God has given His people vision and is commanding them to dream again. Dream again.
The Spirit is saying, “Yield and be healed. The blood of Jesus is enough. Be healed. Be delivered. Be set free right now.” The Lord says, “I’ve called you to Myself. I’m calling you out from among all those who are troubled, who are just evil and working evil. The separation has come. I am calling you out. You are Mine. I want to honor you. I want to set a table in the presence of your enemies and honor you because you are Mine.”
The Lord says, “Come forth. Come out from among them. Know that from now on, it is all about what I have. It is what I am doing. Always ask Me what I’m doing. From now on, it’s all about My plan. I’m going to include you in it. I will tell you before it happens—great and mighty things that you know not of. You are well able to do these things.” The Spirit is saying, “It’s a setup. I’ve set you up. Watch what happens. I will not stand back. I will come in. I will help you. It’s a Holy Spirit setup.”
Father, thank You so much for everything You have done for us. Let there be permanent open heavens over us. We are not going back, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Are We on the Right Path?
This is a critical hour for the Church! The clock is ticking toward the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, and it's time we take a hard look at our beliefs and actions. Are we building on the right foundation? Do we need a course correction? Are we even on the right path?
Dr. Kevin L. Zadai pulls back the veil on our modern Christian practices and sheds light on what needs to change so we can pursue the way of true holiness and relationship found on the ancient paths that God carved out for us long ago.
In Returning to the Ancient Paths, Dr. Zadai powerfully shares how God will empower you and every other believer to walk in His divine purpose. Through this book, you will:
Learn there’s great power in consecrating your life.
How to walk in the anointing that already abides within you.
Expect miracles, signs, and wonders to be a regular part of your life.
Overcome obstacles by tapping into God’s unlimited supply.
Experience the convergence of the Word and Spirit.
Dr. Zadai invites you to journey back to the life Jesus modeled―a life full of the Holy Spirit’s power and direction. As you read page after page, you will find yourself being restored to ancient paths and living the life you were meant to live.