Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times
Rick Renner

Overcome Spiritual Blockages—How to Reignite God’s Anointing Power in Your Life
Many believers are waiting for someone else’s anointing, but God’s plan is for the entire church to rise up in power. Minister and prophetic voice Kevin Zadai reveals the dangers of spiritual dependency and empowers you to step into your God-given authority!

9 Supernatural Gifts: Tapping into God’s End-Time Power
You have been called to walk in supernatural power, and now is your time to step into the fullness of what God has for you. New York Times best-selling author Rod Parsley invites you to break through religious barriers, cast out demons, heal the sick, and operate in the manifestation gifts of the Holy Spirit to transform lives and ignite revival.

Living in Overflow: How Spiritual Gifts Release Blessing-Living
“The five spiritual gifts are to keep you stable and solid, so you aren’t tossed to and fro.” With over four decades of ministry, Pastor RayGene Wilson equips you with the tools to live in the supernatural overflow of God’s abundance.

The 5 Types of Prophecy—And How to Know It’s Legit
There are five types of prophecy given in the church, but how do you know if they're legit? Drawing from 4 decades of ministry experience, Pastor Duane Sheriff teaches you how to hear, recognize, and respond to the voice of God through prophetic words.

Operate in the Gifts of the Spirit: Answering God’s Call to Engage in His Fullness
“When Jesus left this earth and ascended into Heaven, he did not leave believers helpless.” Minister and former dean of Rhema Bible Training College Tony Cooke teaches you how to operate in the gifts of the Spirit, calling you to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Praying in Tongues for Breakthrough: How the Holy Spirit Enhances Your Prayers
“When we don’t know how to pray about a situation, we have help. The Holy Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up!” Pastor and host of the Faith Builders television program Michelle Steele teaches you how to partner with God in your prayers and see supernatural results.

Jesus’ Most Important Tool: How to Live A Spirit-Empowered Life
Jesus took His last hours to introduce the disciples to the spiritual Partner who would become their new Teacher and Guide in the world. Bestselling author, apostle, and pastor Rick Renner teaches you how Jesus equipped you with the Helper.

Empowered by the Spirit: How Jesus Harnessed Holy Spirit Power & You Can Too!
If anyone ever understood the ministry of the Holy Spirit, it was the Lord Jesus Christ. Bestselling international author, apostle, and pastor Rick Renner teaches you how to partner with the Holy Spirit just like Jesus did!

Prophetic Dreams: How God Speaks in Your Sleep!
It’s a biblical fact that God speaks through dreams. Renowned Bible teacher and bestselling author Andrew Wommack teaches you the importance of listening to God through your dreams.

End Times’ Signs, Wonders, and the Working of Miracles
The world system is building up for the Great Tribulation filled with signs, wonder, and the working of Miracles. Prophetic voice and minister Annette Capps reveals the end times outpouring of signs and miracles that are coming into the world.

Gifts of the Spirit: Why There’s A Debate
Why is there so much debate over the gifts of the Holy Spirit? Respected Bible teacher and founder of Charis Bible College Andrew Wommack reveals the truth about the Gifts of the spirit and why the Holy Spirit would equip you with miracle-working power.

Dead Raised, Deaf Hear, Blind See—6 Healing Testimonies to Bolster Your Faith
Stir up your faith through these incredible anointed testimonies of healing miracles. Drawing over 250,000 confirmed healings in his ministry, John G Lake reveals 6 stories of healings promised in the Bible, so you can grow your faith and stand on the miracle promises of God.

3 John G Lake Miracles: Epileptic Healed, Tumor Dissolves, Man Speaks Unknown African Tongue
In the 20th century, John G Lake’s ministry was saturated with miracles, healings, and divine favor. Here, in his own words, John G. Lake shares three of his favorite miracles where God showed that He is still Healer and Master.

4 Basic Ways of Hearing God’s Voice
If you want to hear from God, you have to understand the 4 ways He speaks to you. Highly respected Bible teacher and minister Andrew Wommack reveals how you can hear from God every day and revolutionize your relationship with Him.

The Gifts & Callings of God
Increase your understanding of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and how they work together to carry out God's will. Respected Bible teacher and pastor Bob Yandian teaches you sound Biblical understanding of the Gifts and callings of God and how they should work together in your life.

This Vision of Hell Saved A Man’s Life. What Happens Next is Shocking!
When David McIver caught a haunting glimpse of hell, it propelled him to take a life-altering step. What happens next showcases the transformative power of listening to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and calls you to listen to that still, small voice.

7 Biblical Steps to Transform Your Mind
Philippians 4:6 commands us how to present our supplications and requests to God. Respected Bible teacher and leader Rick Renner reveals and teaches you how to defeat fear and worry no matter what your situation is. You have the victory!

What Joel’s Last Days Prophecy Didn’t See
As powerful as Joel’s prophesy was, it was limited in its scope. Pastoral minister and Bible teacher Tony Cooke reveals the whole picture of the Prophet Joel’s Last Days prophecy, and shows where your calling lies in that previously unseen divine plan.

3 Spiritual Gifts: Partnering with Holy Spirit to Answer His Call
Paul teaches that each believer should partner with the Holy Spirit with his or her Gifts. Pastoral minister and Bible teacher Tony Cooke teaches you three spiritual gifts that will allow you to answer God’s calling over your life.

Balancing the Gifts & the Word
The Word tells us that there should be a proper balance of the Gifts of the Spirit and the Word. Pastor and bible teacher Bob Yandian teaches you how to find this balance so that you can unlock the potent combination of the Spirit's flow.