Stop Waiting for Miracles—Activate God’s Supernatural Power in Your Life Today!

Miracles should be flowing from your relationship with God.

They have already been given, but each of us must receive them. In the same way, everyone is meant to hear the gospel, just like you did. No one should be in hell right now.

You did not choose yourself; God chose you. However, He wants you to produce fruit as a result of your repentance. Miracles are a part of that fruit and are from God, not us. A miracle is a supernatural manifestation from the other realm. They happen because of your relationship with God when you surrender and allow Him to work through you. The Lord wants you to minister with Him.

As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust (2 Peter 1:3-4).

Peter said that through the precious promises God gave us, we are called to be partakers of the divine nature. Can you imagine what that looks like? Moses’s face actually glowed (Exodus 34:29-35). I picture him coming down from the mountain and people saying, “Can you turn your face off? You’re scaring us.” The Lord told me that when Moses was up there on the mountain with Him, he started to trans- form back to the pure stock of Adam—the original sons of God. Adam and his children were made in the pure image of God (Genesis 1:27). The divine nature transfers through a person’s face.

The Most High, Your Dwelling Place

Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling (Psalm 91:9-10).

Moses wrote Psalm 91 during his encounter with God on the mountain in the cleft of the rock, which is recorded in Exodus 31–34. If you read those chapters and live there, you will always have miracles—that is my secret. Moses realized that as God passed by, no evil could touch him; no demon, disease, or anything else could harm him. Moses understood that if he made the Most High his dwelling place and abided in the shadow of the Most High, nothing would ever hurt him (Psalm 91:1-2). Moses had that revelation; that is the secret.

Moses was a friend of God and had a relationship with Him; however, the Lord was angry with the rest of the Israelites and wanted to wipe them out (Exodus 32:9-10). He called them stiff-necked and rebellious, stating He could no longer be among them. The same thing took place in Jeremiah 6:16, when the people would not ask for the ancient paths and refused to walk in them. God’s anger was hot against the Israelites, and He was set to destroy them.

Returning to the Ancient Paths

Dr. Kevin Zadai

God expressed that He wanted His presence to go only with Moses and that He would make his descendants a great nation. When the Lord said that, Moses realized that he had to intercede. He urged God to remove His anger against the Israelites, calling them “Your people” (Exodus 32:11-14). He essentially told the Lord, “Oh no, they’re Yours, and we’re not going anywhere. I’m serious.”

And He said, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Then he said to Him, “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here. For how then will it be known that Your people and I have found grace in Your sight, except You go with us? So we shall be separate, Your people and I, from all the people who are upon the face of the earth” (Exodus 33:14-16)

Our English translations say, “My presence,” but did you know that in Hebrew, there is no word for presence? The word used here is pānîm, which means “faces.” In Exodus 33:14, God is literally saying, “My faces will go with you.”

If you see God’s face, there is no way your flesh can live (Exodus 33:20). When I was in Heaven, I was shielded from looking at the Father’s face. Jesus told me I was returning to earth, so I could not see His face. I thought, Well, if I look at Him, I won’t have to go back, right? So, I tried to sneak a peek, and Jesus body-blocked me.

He stepped in front of me and said, “No, you cannot see the face of your Father and live on the earth.” My body would not have been able to take me back and would have melted. If you see the face of God, your spirit will be imprinted forever, and because your body is in a fallen state, you will not be able to handle it.

Moses was as close as anyone could get to seeing the Father’s face. He saw Jesus’s face on Mount Sinai because He was the one who gave him the law. If you want a snapshot of what his encounter looked like, read about what happened at the Mount of Transfiguration (Exodus 34:1-28). Peter supernaturally witnessed Jesus presenting the law; He took them all back to Mount Sinai and brought Elijah too (Matthew 17:1-13). Elijah and Moses were comfortable being with Jesus because they had met Him before. Being led by God’s presence is part of returning to where the good way is. We are changed and transformed when we walk in His presence and let Him lead us.

When the Holy Spirit Takes You

But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God (1 Corinthians 2:9-10).

When Jesus tangibly enters a room, the Spirit of God is so strong that you have no idea what is happening in your spirit. You may start to transfigure or be taken to the future while sitting there. I always feel that way, and it reaches the point that I can hardly stay where I am. Whether somebody rolls their eyes at me or tells me they love me, it does not affect anything because He does not change. You must get to the place where the Holy Spirit can take you where He wants you to go. He may take you to your future and show you what you are called to live out.

But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).

The impressions that you receive in your spirit are not just a flash or a vision; you are literally being shown your future. God is revealing the path that you are to take; however, many discredit these impressions because they seem too good to be true. What they see does not seem possible. Everything happening to my family, staff, and me every day would be impossible without God.

The Lord appeared to me before the COVID-19 pandemic and said, “You are going to see water from a waterfall flow up the wall. Your ministry is going to quadruple next month, and you’re going to see miracles. It will never stop.” He essentially said I would experi- ence the supernatural, like water flowing up the wall against gravity! I had to choose to take hold of that promise because the Lord spoke it to me, even though it was impossible.

For the past three to four years since the Lord spoke to me about Warrior Notes, the School of Ministry has experienced exponential growth. Five years ago, Kathi and I prayed over a list of six partners, which was all we had. Now, we have thousands of partners whom God has called to come alongside us and help this ministry. If it were not for our partners, we would lose money everywhere we go. I tell people, “Do not give if you don’t want to, and please do not give unless you can laugh about it. And if you don’t have money for the book table, just take something.” The professionals have told me that this is ministry suicide. Yet God sent me back for you, and you should have whatever you need. Therefore, I will make sure that happens on my watch.

Are We on the Right Path?

This is a critical hour for the Church! The clock is ticking toward the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, and it's time we take a hard look at our beliefs and actions. Are we building on the right foundation? Do we need a course correction? Are we even on the right path?

Dr. Kevin L. Zadai pulls back the veil on our modern Christian practices and sheds light on what needs to change so we can pursue the way of true holiness and relationship found on the ancient paths that God carved out for us long ago.

In Returning to the Ancient Paths, Dr. Zadai powerfully shares how God will empower you and every other believer to walk in His divine purpose. Through this book, you will:

  • Learn there’s great power in consecrating your life.

  • How to walk in the anointing that already abides within you.

  • Expect miracles, signs, and wonders to be a regular part of your life.

  • Overcome obstacles by tapping into God’s unlimited supply.

  • Experience the convergence of the Word and Spirit.

 Dr. Zadai invites you to journey back to the life Jesus modeled―a life full of the Holy

Spirit’s power and direction. As you read page after page, you will find yourself being restored to ancient paths and living the life you were meant to live.

Kevin Zadai

Kevin Zadai is the host of Warrior Notes TV and founder of Warrior Notes School of Ministry. Called to ministry at age 10, he attended Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri, where he received a bachelor’s degree in theology and later training in missions at Rhema Bible College. At age 31, during a routine surgery, he found himself on the “other side of the veil” with Jesus in a heavenly visitation that forever marked his life. This encounter ushered his ministry into new dimensions of power, activation, and impartation. Kevin is retired after being employed by Southwest Airlines for 29 years; he and his wife, Kathi, reside in New Orleans, Louisiana, and are ordained by Dr. Jesse and Dr. Cathy Duplantis.


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