Did Fallen Angels Build Ancient Structures Hidden Throughout the World?

Around the world there are thousands of ancient structures.

These structures are built with such precision that modern man cannot explain how they were constructed without the aid of modern equipment. Many of these could not even be duplicated with the machinery that is available today.

Who built these ancient structures? How were they able to cut the stones (which many times were hard granite) with such razor-sharp precision that it defies comprehension of how it was achieved? Who built these ancient megalithic wonders and where did they attain the mathematic, scientific, cosmic information, knowledge, and skills required? How did they move the massive megalithic stones that many times came from quarries that were miles away?

First of all, we must understand that all the ancient structures discovered and examined by archeologists were not built in the same time period. Without understanding who was on the earth during the time of their construction, it would be difficult to determine who the builders were.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of these mysterious structures.

Mysterious Structures

The island of Malta specifically played a vital strategic role in World War II as a base for the Allied Powers.

But centuries before that, it was home to the Knights Templar who built enormous fortresses and temples that stand to this day. These structures are visited by millions of tourists because of their massiveness and the secrets they contain.

But millennia before all of this, there were other ancient temples and structures that reveal a past that could only be inhabited by a civilization that had immense strength and access to beings with higher intellect and skills.

Many structures reveal an ancient past that challenges rational thinking about ancient history. One such structure is the Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum.

The Hypogeum

On one of my trips to Malta with two of my friends, L.A. Marzulli and Bob Ulrich, we explored the Hypogeum, which is now overseen by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Before we could enter the Hypogeum, they required us to put all communication devices, lights, cameras, etc. into a locker. Only one group of 10 people is allowed to enter at a time, and that usually requires a wait of several months. But because of one of my personal contacts in Malta, we were given special entry.

The word hypogeum simply means “underground” in Greek. The Hypogeum was accidentally discovered in 1902 while workers were cutting a cistern for a new housing development.

They started excavation in 1903 and discovered a large underground palace hewn from solid stone. The palace contained thousands of skeletons, some of which had elongated skulls. For some unknown reason, the contents (including artifacts found in graves with human remains) were emptied and discarded without being properly cataloged.

Excavations continued, and in 1908 visitors were allowed to observe the ongoing discoveries. It’s estimated the Hypogeum was in use at least 6,000 years ago. There is a lower main chamber that is called “The Holy of Holies.” During the winter solstice, it is illuminated when light comes through its original opening above.

There is also a room called the “Oracle Room” that was studied in 2014 by an international team of scientists for the sole purpose of analyzing the acoustics. The rock was hewn in such a way that one man speaking in a normal voice from a certain place in the Oracle Room could speak to thousands throughout the Hypogeum and be easily heard. As Bob, L.A., and I stood in that place in the Oracle Room and spoke, we were amazed as our voices carried throughout the massive underground palace. Interesting fact: women’s voices do not carry in the same way.

There are many other interesting details and numerous artifacts that were discovered in the Hypogeum, but to detail all of them would require more than a section in a book. However, I would like to recount a historical event concerning the Hypogeum that will give the true feeling of the massiveness of this underground ancient palace hewn from solid rock.

On the third and lowest level of the Hypogeum, in one of the burial chambers, is a doorway into another underground world. However, after the refurbishment of the Hypogeum, this lower level is no longer accessible to visitors. But why is this lower level and passageway no longer accessible?

The Lost Students

Many years ago, before the lower level was sealed, a teacher and her 30 students entered the underground palace for a field trip. At that time, it was reported that there were several overlapping layers of tunnels, and one could travel across the country—even under the Mediterranean Sea all the way to Rome. It was also reported that in the 16th century, the knights built fortifications over broken passageways and blocked doorways.

In the August 1940 issue of the National Geographic magazine, there is a story of students being lost in the massive network of tunnels. They were never found. The following is an excerpt from that magazine article:

While we cycled homeward, our friends told us that the island was honeycombed with a network of underground passages many of them catacombs.

Years ago we could walk underground from one end of Malta to the other, but all entrances were closed by the Government because of a tragedy.

On a sightseeing trip, comparable to a nature study tour in our own schools, a number of elementary school children and their teachers descended into the tunneled maze and did not return.

For weeks, mothers declared that they had heard wailing and screaming from underground. But numerous excavations and searching parties brought no trace of the lost souls. After three weeks they were finally given up for dead.

Interesting Structures in Malta

As an eyewitness to the Hypogeum and the ancient temples of the giants on the islands of Malta and Gozo, I can testify that these ancient structures hold many secrets that the natu- ral human cannot comprehend.

Who were these ancient people who numbered in the tens of thousands and lived completely underground in a series of hewn-from-stone tunnels and palaces? Where are the giants who occupied the temples that are scattered aboveground throughout the nation of Malta?

How do we explain the ancient “railway lines” carved into solid rock that stretch from one end of the island nation to the other? These railway lines are estimated to be at least 7,000 years old or possibly even older. If Adam left the Garden of Eden in 4004 BC as the Bible says, then how could a civilization be in existence a minimum of 1,000 years before the departure from Eden? Likewise, many artifacts discovered in Malta date back tens of thousands of years earlier.

If this time dating is correct, then the structure must have been constructed by the angels and non-humans before Adam left the Garden in 4004 BC. How do we explain the skeletons found? That can be easily answered by understanding that a future civilization could easily occupy a previously built structure. Structures built pre-Adam and pre-flood could obviously be occupied by post-flood humans. In other words, a civilization could build a structure and at a later time in history, when the structure has been abandoned, could be occupied by a later civilization. Structures of stone would not necessarily be destroyed by the waters of a flood.

Second Oldest Temple on the Planet—Ġgantija

Also, within Malta are some of the most interesting ancient archaeological discoveries. It has been called the land of the giants because many ancient temples and unexplained artifacts are plentiful there. Ġgantija, the second-oldest temple and man-made structure found anywhere on the planet, is located in Malta. This megalithic complex is thought to have been erected as far back in time as 3600 BC. That would mean that it predates the flood of Noah’s day by many centuries. By bib- lical chronology, Adam would have been about 400 years old at the time of the construction.

It is thought to be a place of ritual significance. Some of the stones used to build the complex are massive, measuring five meters (about 16 feet) in height and weighing as much as 50 tons. Archeologists and engineers have not been able to explain how an early agricultural society, equipped with only stone tools at its disposal, could have moved the massive megalithic stones.

While there, I asked one of the guides this question, and his reply was almost humorous. He pointed to a group of round stones about one foot in diameter that were scattered around the temple and around several of the other structures on the island. He claimed the huge megalithic stones were rolled on those small stone balls.

Given the long distance the stones were moved from where they were quarried, their massive weight, the rough uneven terrain, and the fact that the small round stones would have simply been crushed from the weight, the answer was obviously the politically correct, talking-point answer required to be given by the governing authority (UNESCO).

However, the residents have a legend passed through the generations that gives another explanation of the overwhelmingly impossible construction of the Ġgantija Temple. The legend says that the temple was dedicated to a goddess named Sansuna, who was a giantess that bore a child to one of the local men. The legend says that Sansuna was from the island of Gozo and was the builder of Ġgantija. She went to the town of Ta’ Cenc, carried huge stones 4 kilometers (about 3 miles), then placed them at Ġgantija, “The Place of Giants.” She did this in a single day by transporting the stones on her head while holding her half-giant, half-human baby over her other shoulder.

A second legend that seems more likely is that the structure served as a defensive tower, again built by a race of giants. But either way, the folklore involves giants of enormous size and strength.

As we approached the temple, an enormous wall of gray interlocking monoliths, some weighing at least 20 tons, rose into view. Without the modern equipment of today, the feat of constructing this temple complex would seem to be impossible. Is it possible that the builders of this temple complex

(assembled 5,500 years ago) had assistance from or even been completely built by giants? This timeframe was after Adam’s sin and banishment from the Garden of Eden, and before the flood of Noah’s day. And Genesis 6:4 says that during this time, “there were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward.”

Göbekli Tepe

Göbekli Tepe is a Neolithic site in southeastern Türkiye (formerly Turkey). The site is marked by layers of carved megaliths and is estimated to have been constructed in approximately 10,000 BC. At Göbekli Tepe there are T-shaped limestone megaliths, some of which are more than 16 feet (five meters) high, weighing as much as 50 tons. The megaliths are arranged in circular formations positioned on top of one another. Some of the megaliths are carved with elaborate designs featuring foxes, lions, scorpions, and other images.

Although Göbekli Tepe predates Stonehenge by 6,000 years, it was not seriously investigated until the 1990s. Most experts identify it as a ritual site.

Because of the remains at the site, some archeologists believe that Göbekli Tepe was constructed by hunter-gatherers. But how did this hunting, agricultural pre-historic tribe move, carve, and strategically place the massive monoliths? Did they have help? Could that help have come from fallen angels? If this structure is estimated to have been in use 12,000 years ago, then we can calculate that time to be 6,000 years before Adam and Eve were driven out of the Garden of Eden.

Who were these inhabitants? According to the Bible, they could not have been human because Adam was the first human being, but they must have been humanlike. Or could they have been a civilization of fallen angels, a mixture, or a hybrid civilization?

The Sphinx of Giza

The Sphinx of Giza is one of the most mysterious construction projects in the world. It is over 60 feet in height, 240 feet in length, and hewn from one stone. Located on the Giza Plateau, 10 kilometers (6 miles) west of Cairo in Egypt, it is near the three great pyramids of Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure. This structure is estimated to have been constructed sometime between 5000 BC to 8000 BC. If this dating is correct, this could be another structure that pre-dates Adam and was not built by man. Who could have built the sphinx?

The Pyramids of Egypt

The great pyramids of Egypt have baffled archeologists and the scientific community for centuries. There are currently more than 118 pyramids that have been discovered in Egypt. Archeologists believe there are more yet to be discovered.

Their construction defies logic. Modern engineers and geologists have been unable to determine how the ancient builders designed the foundations. Modern buildings settle at a rate of 6 inches per 100 years. There are great communities and cities that are literally sinking. In fact, the U.S. Capitol Building has settled over 5 inches since its construction in 1793. Yet the Great Pyramid has only settled one-half inch in over 5,000 years and the blocks used in its construction weigh approximately 6 million tons.

How did the ancients of Egypt understand geology and engineering to a greater degree than the modern engineers of today? The Great Pyramid is constructed with 2.25 million blocks. Each block was cut, transported, and then assembled with razor-like precision with only 2/100ths of an inch spacing between the stones.

Traditional teaching has been that the Great Pyramid was constructed in 20 years. This would mean that each stone had to be quarried, transported a great distance, cut to precision, and put into place in less than five minutes to fit that time frame, which of course seems impossible.

Archeologists are still discovering secrets hidden within the Great Pyramid. In 1940, a pilot for the British Air Force flying over the Great Pyramid of Giza discovered it had eight sides instead of four. At dawn and sunset during the spring and autumn equinox—when the sun casts a slight shadow—the eight sides can be clearly seen from the air. This required an extremely precise alignment of this 6-million-ton monument millennia ago. Did the ancients have greater knowledge of geology and science than we do today? Or were they assisted by more advanced beings?

Larry Ollison

Dr. Larry Ollison is founder and Senior Pastor of Walk on the Water Faith Church and founder of Larry Ollison Ministries. With over fifty years in the ministry, he is a very popular speaker nationally and internationally. He ministers the Word of Faith through radio, television, Internet, and daily devotionals. As the author of eight books (including The Power of Grace, The Practical Handbook for Christian Living, Breaking the Cycle of Offense, Life is in the Blood, The Paradise of God and recently released Unlocking the Mysteries of the Holy Spirit), he is in frequent demand for radio/TV interviews, book signings, and magazine publications.


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