The Devil Can’t Touch Your Heavenly Account


We have the kingdom of God in us, and it’s time we learn how to operate in it!

Heaven is our country, and we are ambassadors and citizens of its government. But we must understand that the Kingdom of God has laws and a constitution just as there are laws operating in the world’s governments. When we understand the laws of God’s system, we can access our inheritance and live the abundant life Jesus provides for His own. 

In Luke 16 Jesus tells the story of a man who worked for a rich man and wasted his goods. The rich man called him in and said, “Give an account of your stewardship, for you can no longer be steward” (v 2). In other words, he was going to fire him. To save his position, the steward ran out and started making deals with the rich man’s debtors. To someone who owed his master a hundred measures of oil, the steward said, “Take thy bill, and sit down quickly, and write fifty” (v 6). He offered similar deals with every one of his lord’s debtors. Each debtor gladly gave him what he asked. When his boss saw what he had done, he “commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely” (v 8). 

After telling this story, Jesus said, “The children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light” (v 8). Jesus was saying, in essence, “This dishonest man worked a dishonest system and increased. The children of light are in an honest system—the kingdom of God. Why don’t they work the system I have given them so that they can increase?”

The wicked increase because they work the wicked system. God’s people have a better system, and they need to work that system because the kingdom of God rules over all other systems. Up to this time, it seems that what Jesus said is true. The people of the world are much wiser in their use of the world’s system than the children of God are in using the system of the kingdom of God. 

Too often the children of light just let the kingdom of God sit inside of them and do nothing. Meanwhile, the children of darkness have been working the kingdom of this world. They’re busy cheating on income tax, robbing pensions, defrauding and underpaying, telling people lies, or making inferior products. I’m not saying all people in the world do that, but some folks do. They’re working a wicked system to get ahead, and that’s what Satan wants. He wants to keep the resources of the world under the control of the kingdom of darkness. 

We need to say, “Wait a minute! I have the kingdom of God in me, and this kingdom can produce everything needed in abundance! We need to work the system of the kingdom of God and set a new standard for the world as His ambassadors. 

For example, the kingdom of God gives a hundredfold return on seed planted. A hundredfold return will affect people for miles around. A hundredfold in our marriages will affect every relative we have. A hundredfold of joy will affect everybody around us. A hundredfold in our finances will enable us to take care of everybody we meet who has a need. 

The trouble is that we’re still trying to work a little of the world’s system and a little of God’s system. It’s time to come out of the world’s system and live according to the kingdom inside of us. For those who obey Him, the King gives power and ability without measure. 

The Heart’s Treasure

The kingdom is in us Jesus talked about having this system inside when He said:

Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit. O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things (Matthew 12:33-35).

What comes forth in our lives comes from our hearts. This is why God desires to change the hearts of unbelievers by the new birth and then the renewing of their minds by His Word. The treasure in our hearts is Jesus, the Living Word. 

Jesus referred to the good or evil “treasure” of a person’s heart. We could call that treasure a deposit and read the verse this way: “A good person out of the good deposit of the heart brings forth good things, and an evil person out of the evil deposit of the heart brings forth evil things.”

What we deposit in our hearts is what our lives will produce. A good deposit will yield good things in our lives, and an evil deposit will yield evil things. These “evil things” are all the things that oppose our health, wealth, and human existence. They are things that are not from Him but from the devil (John 10:10). These “good things” are the fruit and power of the Holy Spirit, which come from consistently sowing God’s Word in our hearts. 

Whatever is being produced in our lives is coming from our heart. Our provision is not from “The Man” and not from a paycheck. It’s from the treasure of the Word of God in our hearts because that’s how God made His system to work. 

Letting Go of a Paycheck Mentality

Most of us have been programmed with a paycheck mentality, but that is not the way God’s system works. When Israel was in Egypt, they worked as slaves. Then when God delivered them and they came into the wilderness, He provided for them. They learned that they didn’t necessarily need a job. 

I’m not suggesting that anyone should just quit their job. However, we need to recognize that our source and supply are not a job. God gave Adam work, not a job. Work and a job are two different things. A job is for making money, but work is for manifesting our potential, and for that we end up getting paid. Many people go to their jobs on Monday mornings looking miserable because they’re on their way to a job they can’t stand. Some people are doing a job that is not their work. It is not what God called them to do, so it is not drawing out the gift that God has placed inside of them. Therefore, it provides them no fulfillment. 

The purpose for work is to manifest our potential so that we can serve others and serve God better. That is how we will find fulfillment in what we do. 

People have attached their worth to their job,  and they’ve attached their paycheck to what they can have. Both of these assumptions are false. One way Satan keeps people bound is by convincing them that their paycheck is all there is and their job is all they are. 

After their exodus from Egypt, God wanted to show His people that they didn’t even need a paycheck. They didn’t need any human providing their material needs (Ex 16). He wanted them to know, and He wants us to know, that He can provide for His people without a paycheck. It’s not done in the natural; it’s done by the Spirit. 

God also wants us to do the work He has called us to do. God wants us to know that in Him we have genius in us. Satan’s goal is to divert us from our gift and calling and have us just doing a job (unless it’s used for his benefit), but God wants to get us back into the work He has for us. And He wants to show us that He can provide more than enough for us even if the work we are doing shuts down. 

In the kingdom, God’s assignment could send us to work temporarily at McDonald’s. It wouldn’t be a  job;  it would be our work. He could send us there because in six months someone would come in hungry for more than a burger. They’d come in looking for eternal hope, and we’d be there to offer them the kingdom. We could work at McDonald’s and still have a corporate jet. Why? Because increase in the kingdom doesn’t come by what you sell, but what you sow. The kingdom is the only place we could do that because it isn’t based on a paycheck. It’s based on God’s Word and what we believe. 

Blessings from the Inside Out

God’s system is one of supernatural deposit and return: A good man out of the deposit of his heart brings forth good things. Good things come from the deposit of the Word of God in our hearts.  They don’t come from the world.  The enemy tricks us into thinking that our blessings, healing, and every good provision come from the outside in. However, the truth is that they come from the inside out. In fact, our entire lives are lived from the inside out. Our thoughts and beliefs concerning God’s Word manifest in our deeds, and thus, our lives reflect the Word of God that is inside us. 

Matthew 12:34-35 says: “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things.” When Jesus told His disciples to feed the five thousand (Matt 15), they were probably thinking, “Now wait a minute, Boss, You know we just left our jobs about eight months ago.”

However, God is in the business of placing a demand on us beyond our natural resources and ability. He does it on purpose because He wants to manifest who He really is and who we really are. We are spirit, in a flesh body, and our supply comes not from a job but from the Word we know and believe within. 

Working the System

Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matt 6:33, emphasis added). He also said, “Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him” (Matt 6:8). 

When I was a full-time Bible school student in Tulsa, my wife and I began to work the system of God’s kingdom by looking to access employment for my wife. People were being laid off by the hundreds, but we had the kingdom of God, which is designed to produce a harvest independent of what’s going on around us. 

First, my wife and I started pursuing her new employment with the Word. Every pursuit in God’s system starts with the Word because it is the seed that produces what we need. My wife and I wrote scriptures on index cards and placed them around the house to remind us of God’s promises. For example, when we opened the refrigerator, we saw the card that said, “We are redeemed from the curse” (Gal 3:13). We kept the Word before us because Proverbs 4:20-22 says we are to keep it in our eyes, our ears, and our heart. 

When a friend came to visit and asked, “Veronica, do you have the job yet?” she said, “Yup, sure do.” She didn’t have it in the natural, but in the spirit she had already received it by faith. That’s the way the Spirit of God produces. 

Then my friend asked, “Where is it?” and she said, “I don’t know where it is, but I have it.” She was operating in the kingdom of God, trusting the Word of the King completely to supply the work she needed. She took her eyes off the world and focused them on God and His ability to provide for her. 

For us to operate in the kingdom of God, we have to trust Him alone. We can’t serve two masters. We have to choose whom we will serve and trust. Jesus told the rich young ruler that if he would sell everything, give it to the poor, and follow Him, he’d have treasure in heaven. Then He said, “Take up the cross, and follow me” (Mark 10:21).  Jesus wasn’t telling the rich young ruler to go broke. He was telling him that he could make a deposit of faith in Him and receive everything he would ever need from His kingdom. 

When we deposit our treasure in heaven by having faith in His Word, God multiplies it and gives us back more than we can contain. When we need it, all we have to do is call for it. We can let heaven be our reservoir, our bank, and our depository, because He said, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Luke 12:34). We’re not to place our trust in the stock market; we’re to place our trust in God. 

Regardless of what happens to the world’s system, we’ll always have more than enough when we have laid up our treasure in heaven. We can call for it when we need it and where we need it because the wealth of God is infinitely portable.

When Peter told Jesus that they needed tax money, Jesus didn’t say, “Peter, go get a second job.  Work the night shift.” No, He said, “Go to the river, and throw in a hook. The first fish you pull up will have the money in its mouth. Use it  to  pay our taxes” (Matt 17:27). Jesus had laid up His treasure in heaven, and that treasure was made available on earth when He needed it. 

When we give an offering, we lay up treasure in heaven. God records that offering in the heavens, adds a hundredfold to it, and makes it available for us when we need it. 

There is more than enough in God’s kingdom. God knew that we were going to be in the earth.  He knew there would be times when we would need something beyond our natural resources, so He placed within us a system that would provide more than enough. 

My wife could have said, “Well, I guess there aren’t any jobs,” but she didn’t.  She worked the system.  God prompted her to write her job of choice on an index card, so she wrote, “I want a job in computers. I want a nice office ten minutes from the house. I want [this salary], and I want a car with it.”

While no one was hiring in town, and many were being laid off, my wife got a call for an interview. God’s system doesn’t care what everybody else has or is doing. The system will work for us. 

However, God will allow what we’ll allow. The Bible says He knows what we have need of even before we ask Him. Nevertheless, we have to ask Him (Matt  6:32-33).  It just doesn’t automatically happen. We’ve got to work the system! We have to ask according to His Word. 

When my wife went to check out that job, she learned how well God’s system works. The job was in computers, in a nice office about ten minutes from the house, paid five thousand dollars more than she had written on the card at home, and came with a new Buick that she got to pick out for herself!

You may not need a job, but you may need something else. No matter what you need, God has already provided it. He is Jehovah Jireh, your provider He sees and has already provided everything you need in abundance. 

Rewards in Heaven

Once we understand how to work God’s system for everything we need, we will begin to say and do things that unbelievers and believers who still have no revelation of the kingdom of God will not understand. Some will persecute us for having faith in God and His Word instead of our paycheck, for finding our value in Him instead of the work He’s called us to do.  Some people will try to hold us back. They’ll persecute us by talking badly about our church and the steps we’re taking to better our lives. 

Matthew 5:11-12 says we are to rejoice when we’re persecuted because when we do, rewards are sent up to heaven. When we’re persecuted, we’re not supposed to say, “You know what she said about me? I can’t stand her anyway.” Instead, we’re supposed to say, “Praise God! You are taking care of me.” It’s part of working the system. 

You have to rejoice and forgive them, but you also have to say, “Persecution can’t hold me back.” Maybe you’ve been letting blessings pass you by for years because persecution distracts you from pursuing God’s best for you. This time when persecution comes, start jumping up and down, saying, “This is my hour! This is the time of my rejoicing for all the rewards I’m getting in heaven because I believed God and His Word inside me!”

Called Away from the World’s Provision

In Matthew 19:27, Peter said to Jesus, “Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee; what shall we have therefore?” Jesus said, “And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life” (v 29). 

When God was calling me to go into ministry full time, at first I just couldn’t go. I was bound to the world’s system. I was deep in debt. I had religion and Bible verses, but I didn’t have revelation. Finally, I listened and meditated and received the revelation that I could no longer serve God and money. I began to see myself as God saw me. 

When I told my boss I was leaving, he sat back in his chair and squinted his eyes. He said, “Take two weeks off.” He thought I’d been working too hard. 

So I took two weeks off and got into the Word of God. As soon as I got back, my boss called me in to his office to find out how I was doing. He thought I had recovered. He said, “How do you feel about the job now?”

I said, “John, not only am I leaving, but I’m leaving now.”

What had happened during my two weeks in God’s Word was that I converted my job to a heavenly deposit. In obedience to God’s calling, I planted the seed of the Word in my heart and made my deposit in the kingdom of God. In other words, I worked the system. 

Satan’s  system  had  been  working  me,  but  the  kingdom of God rules over all. When I took the leap of faith into the kingdom of God and went into full-time ministry, one of the rewards I saw in this life was that God brought me totally out of debt. I saw right away that God’s provision through faith in His Word was much better than the world’s provision through faith in a paycheck!

Operating in the Spirit

To live in the kingdom and work God’s system, we have to operate from the spirit. Why? Because His system operates by faith. God didn’t make us to live naturally.  The natural realm only provides experiences, not life. True living comes by faith in God. 

We can’t live by faith in the natural.  Faith is a spiritual reality only God can provide (Eph 2:8). When we are operating by faith in God, we can withdraw what we need from our heavenly account. Our heavenly account is above the world’s system, so Satan can’t touch it. Inflation and depression can’t touch it.  If we go to another continent, we can withdraw it right there because we are carrying the treasure of God’s exceeding great and precious promises in our heart. 

What we need to always remember is that this is not natural wisdom. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. We cannot forget that. The kingdom of God is not for flesh but for spirit. What comes out of our lives comes from our spirits, or our hearts. 

In the kingdom of God, the condition of our hearts determines the condition of our lives.  A good tree can’t bring forth bad fruit. What’s in our lives in the unseen realm will manifest in the seen realm.  If we’re broke on the outside, it’s because we’re broke inside. We have an image of ourselves as broke. At some time the world’s system, our family, or somebody put an image inside of us that’s not from God. That’s why we have struggled every step of the way. However, as we meditate on God’s Word, we will tear down the distorted image the devil placed in our hearts and build the image of our redemption in Christ. 

We cannot receive our inheritance from the kingdom of God without walking in the spirit, and we cannot walk in the spirit without walking in God’s Word. We are going to work God’s kingdom system by reading and speaking and meditating on the Word. We are going to plant Word seeds, for Jesus said, “The sower soweth the word” (Mark 4:14), and we will harvest the good fruit of God’s kingdom. 

Psalm 115:14 says, “The Lord shall increase you more and more, you and your children.” We and our families will experience the promises of the kingdom everywhere we go when we walk according to the Spirit and not our flesh, when we continually sow His Word in our hearts and live from our heavenly bank account instead of the world’s system and way of thinking. 

The Devil Can’t Touch Our Heavenly Account

In Daniel 10, we read about an angel who said:

O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am I now sent....

Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia (Daniel 10:11-13).

God has provided everything we need. He has answered our prayers. Now we’ve got to keep praising Him for that, because a war is being waged in the heavenlies 

The world’s system is crumbling under the deceptive control of demonic spirits. Its government is corrupt and led by a thief. This is why God says to not store up our treasure in this world’s system, because the thief may break through and get it (Matt 6:20). What we have to do, instead, is to deposit our treasure on a higher plane, in heaven. 

This is what Jesus did, and no thief could touch His treasury John 12:1-2 says:

Then Jesus six days before the passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead. There they made him a supper; and Martha served: but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him.

Lazarus had been sick and had even died, but God had raised him. Now he was sitting in the room with Jesus and his sisters, Mary and Martha, getting ready to eat the Passover supper. 

Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment.

Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, which should betray him, Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor? (John 12:3-5).

God is not financing poverty. He is out to destroy it. He wants us to give to poor people, but not to foster their dependence on us. We have to always point them to the true Provider. We have to get them off the world’s system and point them to God’s system and kingdom, a place where they can be blessed and be a blessing to others. 

Jesus gave to the poor, but He didn’t encourage them to live off welfare generation after generation. In verse 6, we find the cause for Judas’s accusation:

This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein.

Judas was a thief, and as Jesus’ treasurer he was stealing Jesus’ ministry money. Some folks think that Jesus was broke, but how many broke people have you seen who have a treasurer? Judas was stealing, but as quickly as he could steal it, more came in. You can’t steal from a man and have no one notice unless that man has a lot of money! You also cannot empty the bank account of someone who has a revelation of their kingdom identity. 

We may have deposits in heaven right now that we need to withdraw.  The devil can’t touch our account any more than he could touch Jesus’ account.  God has it, and it’s for us.  God had us sow His Word in our hearts and live according to His Word, and now He wants us to reap the good harvest of the good seed we have sown. 

The gospel of Jesus Christ brought us salvation, and the gospel of the kingdom will teach us how to live now that we have been saved. As we learn the principles of God’s kingdom and apply them to our lives, we will experience a whole new life of victory. We will make our deposits in heaven, and we will receive an abundant return from God when we need it. We will be free from the corruption of the world’s system, and we will walk in the liberty of God’s kingdom.  

Bill Winston

Bill Winston is the visionary founder and senior pastor of Living Word Christian Center, a 20,000-member church in Forest Park, Illinois, and Living Word Christian Center-Tuskegee in Tuskegee, Alabama. He is also founder and president of Bill Winston Ministries, a partnership-based global outreach ministry that shares the gospel through television, radio, and the Internet; the nationally accredited Joseph Business School which has partnership locations on five continents and an online program; the Living Word School of Ministry and Missions; and Faith Ministries Alliance (FMA), an organization of 700 churches and ministries under his spiritual covering in the United States and other countries .Dr. Winston's ministry also owns and operates two shopping malls, Forest Park Plaza, in Forest Park and Washington Plaza, in Tuskegee. He is also the founder and CEO of Golden Eagle Aviation, a fixed base operation (FBO) located at the historic Moton Field in Tuskegee. Bill is married to Veronica and is the father of three, Melody, Allegra, and David, and the grandfather of eight.


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