How the Devil Tricks You Every Day

In our culture today, we are tempted with countless opportunities to compare ourselves with others.

We live in a highlight-reel culture. We can see everyone’s achievements and fun times on social media, but none of their struggles or behind-the-scenes shortcomings. This can leave you wondering, What’s wrong with me? Why is my life such a struggle? The Word of God says it’s not wise to compare yourself with others (see 2 Cor. 10:12). Comparison will make you focus on what you don’t have (or in the case of social media, on an artificially manufactured lifestyle). Eventually, it will cause you to feel inadequate.

A very close friend once said, “Never compare yourself to someone else, because you’ll always discover you’re not them.” It’s a simple and profoundly true statement. Comparison kills confidence. The moment we wish we had the gift that someone else has, we automatically devalue our own gift.

The enemy often uses comparison as bait so that over time being yourself becomes less and less attractive to you. Then you find yourself trapped in a prison you can’t get out of, because you can’t escape yourself. The enemy doesn’t want you to be who you are, because being yourself is powerful. God made you unique, in your own skin, for your own purpose. Imagine you gave two different toys to two different children. The first child got a toy that walks around, and the second child got a toy that lights up. If the first child compared his toy to the other child’s toy, then he might start to devalue what he had because it’s not as bright. I’m a father of four children, and sometimes this happens in my house. One of my kids will ask, “Why didn’t I get what he has?” My answer to that is the same as what the Father tells us—be grateful for your own gift, and you will find much more happiness and fulfillment. I’m sure most parents can relate.

You will never be able to find peace within yourself if you don’t follow the guidelines for regulating your thinking. I like what Joel Osteen, pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, says, “Don’t focus on your weakness; focus on your God…When you think positive, excellent thoughts, you will be propelled towards greatness.” You can’t think negatively about yourself and be at peace with yourself at the same time. The apostle Paul tells us how to maintain a healthy thought life:

So keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising him always. Follow the example of all that we have imparted to you and the God of peace will be with you in all things (Philippians 4:8–9 TPT).

I believe the happiest people in life are those who have decided to fully accept who they are and what they are about. Such people allow themselves to be vulnerable by being authentic and true to themselves. They are okay with letting go of the expectations of others in order to become exactly who they were made to be.

It’s impossible to find happiness focusing on someone else’s story. It’s dangerous to compare your progress with the progress of others. The success of your journey in life should not be measured by the progress of others, but by your obedience to God in the things He has instructed you to do. God is focused on making us like Him—more like Jesus—not like other people. The Word tells us to be imitators of God (see Eph. 5:1). In turn, He will always show us who we are truly supposed to be.

As a pastor, I have found that it can be challenging not to compare myself with other pastors and ministries. I am often tempted to look at the great things other people, churches, and ministries are doing and say, “Why can’t I do that?” Or even think, “Why are they getting that opportunity? I’m just as good and just as anointed as they are.” But I have learned something extremely important: Do not focus on other people. Put the sole focus on God and serving Him. Focus on giving Him glory. I must serve the people God has placed in front of me.

You may not be called to minister to people from a stage, but your life has its own platform. Your significance is not based on having a certain number of social media followers or popularity. God has designed you to get the attention of those who need to be served by your gift. Whether you’ve been called to be a business owner, an educator, a politician, an electrician, an athlete, a health-care worker, or anything else at all, you can know that your gift comes with it’s own form of prominence.

God’s Blueprint

God’s blueprint is the image He had in mind for you when He designed you. It’s God’s original thoughts, plans, and ideas about you. His original concept when creating you comes complete with the strategy necessary to maximize on your existence. God’s blueprint gives you all the details you need to come into alignment with your destiny. This blueprint makes it possible for you to do what God has gifted you to do.

Once Adam sinned in the garden of Eden, our understanding of God’s blueprint (and our self-image) was damaged. But when Christ came and died for us, we were reunited with God, and our original image was restored to God’s original plan. The Bible says:

Death ruled like a king because Adam had sinned. But that cannot compare with what Jesus Christ has done. God has been so kind to us, and he has accepted us because of Jesus. And so we will live and rule like kings (Romans 5:17 CEV).

According to God’s original blueprint, He designed us to rule this earth as His chosen authority, as adopted sons and daughters of God’s royal family.

As we follow God’s blueprint for portraying His image, we can follow the purpose blueprint for our lives. When we don’t come into alignment with the image of who we are supposed to be, we’ll have a hard time accepting God’s plan for our lives. He has placed the future of what He wants to do in humanity within you.

I have found this revelation personally important. I had to accept some things about myself before God released me into another level of ministry and purpose. Until I understood who God has called me to be, as David Winston, I couldn’t continue to advance higher. There is no way to get around that.

You have to know who God has made you to be. He hasn’t made you somebody else. You don’t have to ask or wonder why you are not like others—why you don’t act, think, or speak like them. The Creator has deliberately selected your temperament. You are a never-before-seen original. He didn’t miss anything, forget anything, or leave anything out. You are just the way He wanted you to be, and He will lead you to people, places, and resources that will help you become the best version of yourself. That’s why it’s important to follow God and adhere to the blueprint. He knows the training, encouragement, and correction that your potential requires. You have been made how you are, not just for your own sake, but for the benefit of others.

God has called you to do something great. But you will not do something great by leaving Him out of the equation. It doesn’t happen that way, my friend. You have to team up with God. Together you are an unbeatable team. The team is not unbeatable because He teamed up with you, but because you teamed up with Him. You can’t go wrong, wholeheartedly following God. Remember, God cannot mismanage your life. Trust Him, because He has the blueprint for your success.

David Winston

David Winston is the pastor of Go Hard for Christ Youth Ministry at Living Word Christian Center and the director of Bill Winston Ministries, a worldwide outreach ministry. Both ministries are based in Forest Park, Illinois. In these roles, Pastor David has dedicated himself to planting and advancing the kingdom of God in the hearts of people around the world.


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