5-Step Deliverance: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Casting Out Demons
Excerpted from Devil Come Out!
So practically, what does the process of deliverance look like?
Well, it is generally the same for all those who make an appointment to come to our office. We prepare a private space at the church so we will not be interrupted or overheard (we always lock the doors). We have tissues, water, and a sick bucket, and we make sure we are prayed up as ministers, as we dare not even attempt to do anything without the assurance of the anointing and the presence of God. It doesn’t mean we spend hours in prayer before a deliverance, but it means we check in with the Holy Spirit to know and be assured of whose authority we are walking in and whose name we are using! We aim to have a team of at least three people. There will be one person who leads, and the others will support and speak in tongues quietly. We will always interact with one another. If one person hears from the Holy Spirit, we will allow that person to take the lead for a moment to call out the spirit, or they may just want to let the person leading know. Either way, the calling out of demons is done in an orderly fashion, calmly but forcibly and in unity.
There are five parts to a straightforward deliverance: counsel/talking, praying the prayer, breaking hereditary curses/bloodline ties, renouncing, and casting out. There are three things, however, that we require first from the person who is asking for deliverance. Number one, they must be honest—they cannot hide sins, hurts, or pain, past or present. We’re bringing everything into the light. Satan is a legalist. He knows the word of God backward and forward, inside and out. If sins are hidden or you are too embarrassed to say what has happened to you, his demons are not going anywhere; they have a right to remain because the sin remains in the darkness.
Second, they cannot have unforgiveness in their heart toward anyone or anything. Satan knows the word and he knows if they won’t forgive, he doesn’t have to go anywhere, he can legally demonize them.
For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses (Matthew 6:14-15 NKJV).
And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses (Mark 11:25 NKJV).
Take heed to yourselves. If your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him. And if he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times in a day returns to you, saying, “I repent,” you shall forgive him (Luke 17:3-4 NKJV).
Forgiveness may not always affect the person who has hurt you, but it will always affect you! When you forgive, you release all power that Satan has over your life. You shut the door in his face, giving God access to bless you. Forgiveness also allows God to intervene in the situation, whereas unforgiveness ties His hands! If you don’t let go but hold that person to account yourself, God cannot do anything. This is why it is vital that people forgive when receiving deliverance.
Third is the most necessary thing—they must be desperate! They cannot have an attitude of “I’ll give it a go and see what happens” or think “If it doesn’t work, I’ll try something else.” Just like the woman with the issue of blood, they must be all in and so desperate to get free that they don’t care what they look like or who sees them!
Devil Come Out
Donna Howells
As I have mentioned before, I believe in counseling, and this is where it is used during deliverance. The first part is talking and investigating how doors were opened in the first place. Quite often within ten minutes we will identify many of the root causes, the hows and the whys. It is often a shock to the person, yet at the same time the penny drops for them and for the first time in their lives they realize why they have been struggling with certain issues for so long. Everything all at once makes sense! I cannot overemphasize the importance of this part of the deliverance ministry, and even before we move to the second part, people begin to receive their deliverance.
Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much (James 5:16 NKJV).
This process is all about bringing to the light what has been hidden. Satan has power because he’s the hidden evil behind all sickness and disease. When we expose him or his schemes, he loses his power to control, and it’s almost as if the demons lose their grip to hold on to a person. I describe it as the truth being like oil—the demons have nothing to hook their claws into any longer. When you confess sin or sins that have been committed against you, deliverance and healing immediately begin.
Once we have established all of this and the person is able to bring to light all that they can remember, we will move on to the prayer, which is the second part of the deliverance. The prayer covers several things that are necessary for deliverance. We use the same prayer that one of my favorite ministers on deliverance, Dr. Derek Prince, used. We ask the person to repeat the prayer audibly after one of us, line by line.
Lord Jesus Christ, I believe You died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead.
You redeemed me by Your blood, and I belong to You, and I want to live for You.
I confess all my sins, known and unknown. I’m sorry for them all; I renounce them all.
I forgive all others as I want You to forgive me. Forgive me now and cleanse me with Your blood.
I thank You for the blood of Jesus Christ, which cleanses me now from all sin.
And I come to You now as my deliverer.
You know my needs, every spirit that binds, that torments, that defiles.
That evil spirit, that unclean spirit. I claim the promise of Your word:
Whosoever that calls on the Name of the Lord shall be delivered.
I call upon You now.
In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, deliver me and set me free.
Satan, I renounce you and all your works.
I loose myself from you in the Name of Jesus, and I command you to leave me right now, in Jesus’ Name.
There are several important points this prayer covers—the first is salvation, making sure the person is born again. If they’re not, then we take this opportunity for them to receive Jesus into their hearts. Second, they forgive all others. As we’ve already discussed, the demons are not going anywhere unless there is forgiveness. Sometimes they find it very difficult to say this part, but we labor on it if we must and make them say the names of the people they need to forgive. Many times, they will say it through gritted teeth or with tears streaming down their faces, but you must make sure they say this part. I will often encourage a person that even if they don’t feel like it, everything we do as believers is by faith anyway, and this is just something else they are doing by faith regardless of how they are feeling.
Third, they renounce the demons! This part is very powerful and even after the prayer we will get them to renounce emotions that have bound them (demonic spirits). The definition for the word renounce is “to repudiate; disown; to give up or put aside; to give up by formal declaration; to deny, disavow, discard, recant, cast off, divorce oneself from.”
When the person being delivered renounces fear, guilt, shame, hatred, death, etc., we can then call those demons out because the person has vocally expressed that they no longer want them in their life or want to partner with them anymore! The demons must obey and leave.
After they have said the prayer, we will instruct them to stand up and open their mouth slightly. Demons only come out one way, and that’s through the mouth because they are spirit beings, like breath. Sometimes we will explain the manner of manifestation in which the demons will come out; other times we will just stay quiet. It’s not a part of everyday normal life for most people, and so we never want to make them feel nervous about what is about to happen. We just allow the Holy Spirit to lead us through it all from beginning to end, even guiding what we say or what we don’t say.
The third part is when we break every hereditary curse coming down from their ancestors or through their bloodline. This again is a very important part of deliverance, which I addressed in the early part of my book. At this point we also break any unhealthy soul ties, whether they be sexual, emotional, or physical, again being led completely by the Holy Spirit.
The fourth part is where all the action generally happens, although many times at the point of breaking hereditary curses, the demons will start manifesting. We will have the person renounce all that they have spoken about, the things that have burdened them for years; it could be rejection, rebellion, addiction, hatred, idle words, abandonment, etc. Once they have done this, we will then make a statement like this:
Every demon attached to everything they have renounced, we command you to come out now in Jesus’ Name, out now!
Immediately, demons will start to manifest. Sometimes we will have to call them again and remind them that the person has renounced them and they can no longer stay. Demons hate to leave because it means they no longer have a body to use, which in turn means they cannot stay on the earth. They will try to hide, go quiet, or sometimes pretend they have gone! Through experience we are aware of all their tricks and know when they have really left.
There is always a mixture of manifestations. People may cough, retch, shout, contort, spin, crawl, jump, swing out, use expletive language, they may even burp demons out! Whatever way, I never cease to be amazed; demons are like petulant chil- dren who hate being told what to do. It’s almost as if they stamp their feet and whine—they will cry and pretend to be the person to avoid being expelled, they will even hide in a body part and the person being delivered will suddenly get a pain in that area. This is how we know where they are—the person may say, “My head is pounding,” “My back is aching,” or, “I can’t move my fingers.” We will just command them to leave or sometimes we will touch that area and almost immediately they move and come out. Some deliverance ministers prefer not to touch those being delivered; for us, we find this very effective when led by the Holy Spirit.
Demons will even make the person fall asleep by pretending they are free and are just resting. When they really don’t want to go, they will try to argue their case, why they should stay. For me personally, I don’t engage in much conversation with demons. On occasion I will question the demon if the situation requires it, but demons are liars, so much of what they say is nonsense anyway. The normal verbiage from a demon is, “No, I won’t leave,” “She is mine,” “I’m going to kill him.” Sometimes they cackle and laugh in your face, mocking you. I will always close this stuff down straightaway and take control. If I am feeling particularly annoyed with the demon, I may tell it to shut up and get out. Normally, I will give instructions, especially when the demons won’t allow the person to open their mouths. I will say something like, “Allow him to speak,” or if they are rolling all over the floor and being particularly demonstrative, I will say, “Stop now and get up!” This may all sound a little strange, and at first it was weird interacting with these evil spirits in this way, but when you recognize where they come from and the evil and misery they cause people, you understand why Jesus instructed us to do this. We are literally carrying out His command, which He has anointed us to do!
Now I want to give you instruction on self-deliverance. If you recognize that you personally need deliverance, you can do one of two things—you can make an appointment and ask a minister who is familiar with casting out demons to pray for you, or you can deal with it right now! I will say, having someone else pray for you initially is the best course of action (plus it reduces any probability that you have pride in your heart), but it is good to start the process off and deal with things the moment you recognize you have demons.
It’s four simple steps.
The first step is to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you those doors that were opened in your life, giving access to the demons. Ask Him to give you discernment to know what demons they are. Once you have this information, then the second step is to pray the prayer. The third step is to renounce them. Remember, these are deep emotional struggles that you feel in the pit of your stomach, the emotions or addictions that continually harass you.
Renounce the demons, addressing them directly, and command them to go in Jesus’ Name. Then, step four, you start to exhale and breathe them out. You may feel weird in your stomach or throat; you may start coughing or spitting up phlegm. Whatever happens, don’t get freaked out! Demons go out in all manner of ways.
Let me give you this example so that you know you are doing it correctly. If the Holy Spirit has revealed to you that it is a spirit of self-hatred, insecurity, low self-esteem, then you would say something like this:
I renounce the spirit of self-hatred, of insecurity and low self-esteem, and in the Name of Jesus I command each one of you to leave me now! Out in Jesus’ Name!
Then start to blow out.
You may need to repeat this process several times. You should have a lighter feeling on the inside of you as if a heavy weight has been lifted off your chest, shoulders, head, or out of your stomach area. You should also be able to think a lot more clearly! Now take a moment to spend with the Holy Spirit, ask Him to fill you afresh, start to worship, and give God thanks for His goodness.
Recognize and Destroy Demonic Oppression
If Jesus Christ came to set people free, why are so many Christians struggling with mental anguish, addiction, illness, and more? It’s time to go on the offensive to destroy the strongholds of the enemy.
Donna Howells, pastor of The Warehouse Church, reveals the misunderstood truth of how Spirit-filled believers can be afflicted with demonic mental torment and sickness. She unpacks a solid scriptural foundation, explaining how demons try to attach themselves to a person’s soul but can be powerfully defeated and permanently evicted.
You will learn truths that show you how to:
Recognize the seeds of destruction sown by the enemy
Understand the difference between oppression and possession
Expose generational curses
Walk in His authority that demons must obey
When you understand the authority given in Christ Jesus, you’ll be able to break the strongholds restraining you and your loved ones from God’s best. Begin today to live in boldness and confidence—free from the past and experiencing a victorious future.