Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times
Rick Renner

What's So Good About Good Friday?
So, what’s the big deal? A guy was crucified. He wasn’t the first person to die by such a hideous death…

Action Steps To Being a Person God Will Use in these Last Days
If you’ll act on the following seven simple steps and make them a consistent part of your life, they will help you become more spiritually sensitive to recognize those whom God has put in your path to help. Practicing these steps as a way of life will help you get your mind off yourself and become more focused on the needs of others. All of these steps are a vital part of your becoming a vessel of deliverance, healing, and power whom God is well able to use to help struggling people become strong and get on their feet again.

Grace ≠ License: Understanding the True Power of Grace and Jesus’ Sacrifice
Jesus didn’t come into this world to save us from having a bad hair day, to simply give us a positive attitude, to merely improve our lives, or to rescue us from some minor inconveniences. He didn’t come only to make us happy, successful, or fulfilled…

Escape from the Slave Market: True Story of Redemption
The slave market has a door that can only be opened from the outside. Once they walked in, the door was closed and only someone on the outside could let them out. They were trapped, and all their descendants would be born inside the slave market…

The Four-Wheel Drive Christian
Spiritually speaking, God never intended for us to try to get through all the challenges and difficulties of life with only one tire providing traction. In other words, we were not designed to go through life relying on and implementing only one aspect of God’s Word. We are to look at Scripture from an integrated perspective—not an isolated one. Notice that Jesus said that man shall live “by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4), not merely by selected or isolated words of God.

The Day Dwight Moody Was Filled with the Holy Spirit
“I began to cry as I never did before. I really felt that I did not want to live if I could not have this power for service…”

Discouraged? Here's How to Keep the Fire Roaring…
If you’ve ever seen a campfire, you know that its flames can burn very bright and hot. But what happens if someone keeps throwing water on the coals?

Dangerous Christian Clichés That Steal Your Future
Your beliefs about God, yourself, and the devil can activate your faith or suffocate your potential. Sadly, religion has created a culture of wrong thinking with clichés like “what will be will be” and many more…

The Power of the Spoken Word
In one of his most popular videos, Charles Capps expounds upon the concepts of faith…

Did Tithing Die with the Old Covenant?
Many in the Church today are attacking the concept of tithing as a relic of the Old Testament law and something that is not required under the gospel of grace. But is that the whole story?

Good VS. Evil: Two Trees Determine Your Future
As we look at the world in which we live, it is obvious that most are still eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. How can we know? We know because darkness, death, and corruption are still being harvested in ever-increasing amounts…

4 Tips for Ministering to Someone Struggling with Homosexuality
Here are some things to consider as you minister to someone struggling with homosexuality in your church or community.

God’s Love in Shooting Stars and Rollerblades
When I was growing up, every falling star was like a whisper from God saying, “I love you.” I saw thousands of them until…

A Prayer for Work Life Balance
Lord, I now know that You want me to take a break from this constant pace and learn to relax a little…

Discovering the Other Side of Grace
The first three chapters of Ephesians declare what God has done for us in the person of Christ. But the last three chapters of Ephesians display another side of grace…

Picking Your Fruit of the Spirit
Christians talk a lot about the fruit of the spirit, but have you ever stopped and thought about how to activate them in your life? If you’ve made Jesus the Lord of your life, every fruit is already on the inside of you, but you are responsible for picking it…

You Won the Lottery, So Claim Your Winnings!
God reconciled the world to Himself because of Jesus. Yet the world still has to be reconciled to God and receive their winnings…

The Gospel of Oil and Wine
The disciples headed out from the upper room that day to preach the message of oil and wine…

What Does the Bible Say About Ice Cream?
The world says, “You are what you eat.” This viewpoint not only saturates the secular world but sadly a major portion of the Christian world too…