Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times

Rick Renner

Action Steps To Being a Person God Will Use in these Last Days
Christian Life, End-Times Rick Renner Christian Life, End-Times Rick Renner

Action Steps To Being a Person God Will Use in these Last Days

If you’ll act on the following seven simple steps and make them a consistent part of your life, they will help you become more spiritually sensitive to recognize those whom God has put in your path to help. Practicing these steps as a way of life will help you get your mind off yourself and become more focused on the needs of others. All of these steps are a vital part of your becoming a vessel of deliverance, healing, and power whom God is well able to use to help struggling people become strong and get on their feet again.

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The Four-Wheel Drive Christian
Christian Life Tony Cooke Christian Life Tony Cooke

The Four-Wheel Drive Christian

Spiritually speaking, God never intended for us to try to get through all the challenges and difficulties of life with only one tire providing traction. In other words, we were not designed to go through life relying on and implementing only one aspect of God’s Word. We are to look at Scripture from an integrated perspective—not an isolated one. Notice that Jesus said that man shall live “by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4), not merely by selected or isolated words of God.

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