Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times

Rick Renner

Demonized Christians: Debunking Common Myths About Demonic Possession & Oppression

Demonized Christians: Debunking Common Myths About Demonic Possession & Oppression

“I want to debunk the biggest myth in the modern-day church that Christians cannot have demons!” Gifted teacher and minister Donna Howells reveals the misunderstood truth of how Spirit-filled believers can be afflicted with demonic mental torment and sickness and how to remove it from their life.

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Praying Patriots: How God’s Remnant Can Save America From Evil Agendas

Praying Patriots: How God’s Remnant Can Save America From Evil Agendas

“As we step up and take our places, we will see His plan get the best of the enemy’s schemes.” Host of Flashpoint Gene Bailey and his wife, Teri, call you to stand against the enemy’s evil agenda through prayer, partnering with God’s plan for America.

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‘Get Behind Me, Devil!’ Using the Word of God to Silence the Spirit of Mammon

‘Get Behind Me, Devil!’ Using the Word of God to Silence the Spirit of Mammon

No matter what lies the devil throws at you, the Word of God gives promises that trump all of them! International speaker, author, and ministry leader Ashley Terradez teaches you how to recognize and silence the spirit of mammon in your life, allowing you to walk in financial freedom.

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Praying in Tongues for Breakthrough: How the Holy Spirit Enhances Your Prayers

Praying in Tongues for Breakthrough: How the Holy Spirit Enhances Your Prayers

“When we don’t know how to pray about a situation, we have help. The Holy Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up!” Pastor and host of the Faith Builders television program Michelle Steele teaches you how to partner with God in your prayers and see supernatural results.

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Holy Spirit: Your Comforter and Intimate Partner

Holy Spirit: Your Comforter and Intimate Partner

“When Jesus taught His disciples about the Holy Spirit during their last night together in the Upper Room, He referred to the Holy Spirit as the ‘Comforter’ four times.” Internationally recognized author, apostle, and pastor Rick Renner reveals the importance of the Greek words used when Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit so you can partner with Him.

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The Holy Spirit’s Prophetic Role: Discerning the Future & Discerning God’s Voice

The Holy Spirit’s Prophetic Role: Discerning the Future & Discerning God’s Voice

A significant part of the Holy Spirit’s ministry is to reveal details about future events. Internationally respected Bible teacher and pastor Rick Renner teaches you how to listen to the Holy Spirit’s prophetic whispers about your future so you can walk in confidence and faith.

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