Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times
Rick Renner

Demonized Christians: Debunking Common Myths About Demonic Possession & Oppression
“I want to debunk the biggest myth in the modern-day church that Christians cannot have demons!” Gifted teacher and minister Donna Howells reveals the misunderstood truth of how Spirit-filled believers can be afflicted with demonic mental torment and sickness and how to remove it from their life.

Praying Patriots: How God’s Remnant Can Save America From Evil Agendas
“As we step up and take our places, we will see His plan get the best of the enemy’s schemes.” Host of Flashpoint Gene Bailey and his wife, Teri, call you to stand against the enemy’s evil agenda through prayer, partnering with God’s plan for America.

5 Ways Believers Serve as Priests
Here are the 5 ways that every Christian can embrace their priestly calling. Internationally respected apostle and pastor Rick Renner joins Tony Cooke to teach you how to fulfill your full divine purpose with confidence!

The Devil’s 3 Money Traps: Avoid These Demonic Strategies!
“The devil uses the same strategies for deception and distraction that he has always used from the beginning.” International speaker, author, and ministry leader Ashley Terradez teaches you how to silence the tricks the devil uses against your finances.

‘Get Behind Me, Devil!’ Using the Word of God to Silence the Spirit of Mammon
No matter what lies the devil throws at you, the Word of God gives promises that trump all of them! International speaker, author, and ministry leader Ashley Terradez teaches you how to recognize and silence the spirit of mammon in your life, allowing you to walk in financial freedom.

Cancel Godless Attacks on Our Nation: Your Battle Plan to Rally Against Darkness
Throughout the Bible, God’s faithful have drawn lines to take stands or step up into action. Gene and Teri Bailey equip you to pinpoint the attacks on our nation and partner with God to stop the tsunami of darkness!

Blessings Multiplied! Tapping into the Abundance of God’s Overflow
“Through the Word, we can glean a tremendous revelation of what the blessing of God means.” International Bible teacher Barry Bennett teaches you how to receive all the blessings provided to you through God’s abundant favor.

Born into Favor: Accessing the Benefits of God’s Kingdom & Transforming Your Situation
As a son or daughter of the Most High King, you are a citizen is part of an elite, privileged group. #1 USA Today bestselling author and pastor Myles Munroe reveals the benefits of your Kingdom resources so you can impact your situation with God’s abundance.

Divine Decision-Making: Finding God’s Will in Everyday Choices
Decision-Making is an integral part of our daily lives. Prolific author and Vice President of Liberty University Elmer Towns unveils the biblical foundations for consulting with the Holy Spirit to make Godly decisions.

How to Pray When You’re Out of Words
When words fail or emotions overwhelm, the mere act of praying can be a form of prayer in and of itself. World renowned writer and Christian thinker C. S. Lewis discusses how to pray when you’re out of words.

4 Pitfalls of Charismatic Movements: A Prophetic Call to Reignite Your Spiritual Fire
“They boast of great authority, but they crumble at the first wave of adversity.” Bestselling author, minister, and evangelist Mario Murillo exposes these 4 sins of the modern Charismatic movement so you can reignite your holy fire.

Praying in Tongues for Breakthrough: How the Holy Spirit Enhances Your Prayers
“When we don’t know how to pray about a situation, we have help. The Holy Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up!” Pastor and host of the Faith Builders television program Michelle Steele teaches you how to partner with God in your prayers and see supernatural results.

Unleashing Heavenly Authority: Operate in Your Place in the Spiritual Realm
“Authority is the right to use power effectively, not because you could, but because you should.” #1 USA Today bestselling author and respected Bible teacher Myles Munroe teaches you how to use the Word of God to release everyday Kingdom victory.

GK Chesterton: The Man Who Predicted Everything
“All roads lead to Rome, which is one reason why many people never get there.” In this powerful excerpt from Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton, the writer draws from his own spiritual journey, revealing how the Bible provides the most satisfying answers to life’s biggest questions.

Holy Spirit: Your Comforter and Intimate Partner
“When Jesus taught His disciples about the Holy Spirit during their last night together in the Upper Room, He referred to the Holy Spirit as the ‘Comforter’ four times.” Internationally recognized author, apostle, and pastor Rick Renner reveals the importance of the Greek words used when Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit so you can partner with Him.

Prosper Against the Odds: How Your Faith Transforms Your Trials into Triumphs
“You’ve got to walk in faith and believe God is with you even when circumstances make it look like that’s not true.” Renowned Bible teacher and bestselling author Andrew Wommack reveals how your faith can transform your trials into triumphs.

C.S. Lewis on Jesus’ Power Over Science
Science can’t disprove God! Renowned theologian and respected author C. S. Lewis teaches on God’s authority over all His creation: even science.

8 Things Angels Do & What They Don’t Do
We know angels are messengers, but what else do they do? Bible teacher and scholar Rick Renner reveals 8 things that angels do, as well as things they don’t do.

Giving All To Christ
Are you struggling to face life’s circumstances? C. S. Lewis teaches you how to rely on Jesus’ strength and allow him to become your All in All.

The Holy Spirit’s Prophetic Role: Discerning the Future & Discerning God’s Voice
A significant part of the Holy Spirit’s ministry is to reveal details about future events. Internationally respected Bible teacher and pastor Rick Renner teaches you how to listen to the Holy Spirit’s prophetic whispers about your future so you can walk in confidence and faith.