Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times
Rick Renner

Overcome Surprise Attacks from the Devil
No matter what unexpected obstacles you face, you can navigate them with faith and perseverance. Rick Renner, international Bible teacher and apostle, equips you with the tools to counteract the enemy’s disruptions and triumph over any obstacle.

Cultivate a God-Level Mindset for Breakthrough in Your Life
When we know what God’s Word says about a certain situation, we know what His thoughts and solutions are for it. Minister and instructor at RHEMA Bible College Marvin Yoder reveals how to apply the Word of God in your mind to blast through the enemy’s lies that block you and hold you back.

Unshakable Peace of Christ in a World of Constant Chaos
Perhaps you remember a time when you weren’t concerned about bullets flying through the air, bombs exploding, or terrorists hijacking airplanes. International speaker and daughter of Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin, Pat Harrison, teaches you how to experience peace no matter what chaos you're facing in the world.

How to Bless Another Day
God made you a blessing so you could become a blessing. Respected Bible teacher and minister Andrew Wommack teaches you how your life will change if you reframe your mind and receive from God.

Trust, Rest, and the Power of God’s Word
There’s nothing more important than relying on the Word in your walk with God. Drawing from biblical examples, Pastor Bob Yandian teaches you the importance of relying on God’s Word and His unwavering love and strength.

Recognizing & Tearing Down Strongholds
Through the teachings of the Bible and the power of the Holy Spirit, you can overcome these barriers and walk in the freedom Christ has won for you. Rick Renner, international Bible teacher and apostle, reveals how you can identify and break free from these strongholds using the weapons God has provided you.

Angels—What Does the Bible Say About Them? The 8 Roles of Heavenly Beings
Angels are mentioned over 260 times in the Bible, but what is their job? President and CEO of Christ for the Nations Dennis Lindsay reveals 8 jobs and roles angels engage with so you can partner with God’s heavenly messengers.

A 100x Return! Position Yourself for a Supernatural Wealth Transfer
When you position yourself like this, you can survive global economic meltdown on God’s provision! International prophet and Bible teacher Joseph Z teaches you how to access the blessings of God so you can be sustained no matter the socio-economic atmosphere.

Waiting for Your Miracle: The Untold Secrets of Simeon and Anna’s Faith
By studying the examples of Simeon and Anna as they waited for the Messiah, we can learn what we need to do to prepare our hearts for Him. Rick Renner, international respected Bible scholar, teacher, and apostle, reveals the power of waiting for your miracle, just as Simeon and Anna waited for the Messiah.

Stop Playing It Safe in Prayer: How to Boldly Claim God’s Promises
Are your prayers too shallow? Transform your prayer life today! Drawing from personal experience, internationally recognized minister and pastor Rick Renner upgrades your prayers by unlocking the original Greek secrets behind 1 John 5:15 so you can see miraculous breakthrough.

Recognizing God’s Voice Through His Word
Minister and pastor, Michelle Steele teaches you how to personally recognize the voice of God through the reading of His Word. God's Word is Spirit and Life and He can and will speak to you. Will you listen?

20 Revelations That Will Change Your Life
Over 55 years, respected Bible teacher and pastor Andrew Wommack has gleaned deep revelation from God’s Word. Now, he shares these 20 powerful revelations that will change your life forever.

Freedom from Every Stronghold: The 2 Strongholds That Steal Your Peace
To be free from every demonic stronghold, you have to know there's two kinds. Renowned Bible teacher Rick Renner equips you to defeat every stronghold you face and reclaim your peace in Jesus!

Applying Faith to Overcome Any Challenge
There are spiritual laws that work with our faith, making us world overcomers. Duane Sheriff, senior pastor and international speaker, calls you to overcome any challenge by using the law of faith!

How Often Should You Pray? The Hidden Path to Spiritual Breakthrough!
According to this scripture, believers are to make prayer a top priority. But how often should you pray? Bestselling author, internationally respected Bible teacher, and pastor Rick Renner uncovers biblical insights on prayer that promise to usher in breakthrough in your life.

7 Redemptive Names of Jesus: Unleashing the Healing Power of God
What are the methods God uses to heal? Drawing directly from the Bible, Pastor Bob Yandian teaches you how to release and receive the healing power of God.

God’s Supernatural Prosperity: 10 Promises in Psalm 23
Regardless of what hardship you face, are you aware of all the 10 magnificent promises God spoke in Psalm 23? Bible teacher and pastor Rick Renner sheds light on God’s comprehensive plan of rescue and His assurance of divine provision for you!

5 Things to Do Every Day to Keep Yourself Strong
We can’t ignore our spiritual life and expect it to remain strong. Internationally respected minister, Bible teacher, and pastor Rick Renner teaches you 5 elements that he uses to keep himself strong and vibrant throughout his life. Now you can too!

Blessed Amidst Persecution: Finding God’s Peace in Trials & Rejection
Despite any persecution you face, God has promised to bless you in according to His riches and glory. International speakers and lecturer at Charis Bible College Duane Sheriff unveils God’s plans to bless you no matter what you face.

Gifts of the Spirit: Why There’s A Debate
Why is there so much debate over the gifts of the Holy Spirit? Respected Bible teacher and founder of Charis Bible College Andrew Wommack reveals the truth about the Gifts of the spirit and why the Holy Spirit would equip you with miracle-working power.