Last Days Countdown: Disturbing Signs from the Days of Noah in Our Times
Rick Renner

Miracle-Unlocking Prayer: How to Confess Your Healing Miracle in Faith
“I want to stress to you that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And His power is extended to you right now!” Anointed minister and mentor Denise Renner empowers you to realize this simple truth: Jesus wants you healed and whole, and this promise is yours for the taking.

Declaring Protection & Peace Over Your Situation
If you abide in the shadow of the Almighty, you will be protected! Internationally respected apostle and pastor Rick Renner reveals how to declare by faith the peace of God over your situation

Want Face-to-Face Intimacy With God? This is How
God invites us each to have face-to-face intimacy with Him. Internationally recognized Bible teacher, leader, and minister Rick Renner teaches you the secret to experiencing a deeper connection with God so you can see Him move on behalf.

End Times’ Signs, Wonders, and the Working of Miracles
The world system is building up for the Great Tribulation filled with signs, wonder, and the working of Miracles. Prophetic voice and minister Annette Capps reveals the end times outpouring of signs and miracles that are coming into the world.

Defeat the Devil’s Scheme to Ruin Your Relationships
The devil wants to steal God’s Word from our hearts and destroy our relationships so we’ll become bitter and barren in life. Senior pastor and international speaker Duane Sheriff reveals the 3 ways the devil manipulates you so he can ruin your relationships.

Faith is the Doorway to Grace
You were saved by grace through faith, and faith is the doorway to grace. Pastor Kerrick Butler reveals how to activate your faith and see God’s grace unleashed in your life.

The Power of Faith to Change Our World!
From a position of faithful confidence, we start to see the promises of God move. International speaker and minister Carlie Terradez empowers you to unleash God’s power by applying your faith!

A Hidden Prophecy in the End Times
Deep in the original Greek of Paul’s second letter to Timothy, there lies a hidden prophecy regarding the last days. Biblical scholar, teacher, and pastor Rick Renner unearths this key prophecy that reveals the timeline of the Return of Jesus—and it might just be closer than you think!

Defeat the Antichrist: The Secret to Thrive in the End Times
Could you be inadvertently be giving demons access into your life? Prophetic voice and Bible teacher Joseph Z teaches you how to overcome these demonic attacks of the age and stand victorious over the antichrist, mammon, and demonic spirits.

Your End-Time Plan: Confronting Last Days Fears with Unshakable Faith
We are living in the perilous times the Holy Spirit prophesied about so long ago, but you don't have to be afraid! Bestselling author, apostle, and pastor Rick Renner reveals your end-time plan to overcome this last days society and protect yourself from the devil’s attacks.

Claiming Your Miracle: The Power of Persistent Faith
No matter what you’re facing, you can’t give up on your miracle! Minister and author Denise Renner teaches you how to push through the obstacles you’re facing to receive the miracle that Jesus promises in His Word.

Entitlement & End Times Prophecy—Is Entitlement the Unspoken Harbinger of the Last Days?
Entitlement is destructive to individuals, and it leads society as a whole into a state of unthankfulness — exactly what the Holy Spirt prophesied would emerge in society at the end of the age. Apostle, preacher, and teacher Rick Renner reveals the danger of entitlement and how it points to the Second Coming of Jesus.

Is It God’s Will to Heal You?
Have you ever wondered why some people are healed and some are not? Minister and author Denise Renner reveals scriptural evidence proving God desires to heal you completely and irrevocably.

How to Be Led to the Holy Spirit
Learn the simple and effective truths that will cause you to live a life truly led by the Holy Spirit. Bestselling author and evangelist David Diga Hernandez reveals practical tips to draw closer to the Holy Spirit and walk in faith.

Operating in the Faith God Has Given You
Are you operating in the fullness of the faith God has given you? Well-respected Bible teacher and pastor Andrew Wommack teaches you practical ways to strengthen and apply your faith in everyday situations.

Decoding the End Times: Understand the Second Coming of Jesus
The big event that has been the focus of all history and prophecy is the return of the Messiah and Savior of mankind to the earth to defeat the enemy and set up His kingdom. With easy-to-understand teaching, pastor and minister Larry Ollison reveals the truth about Jesus’ Second Coming and what you can expect when it happens.

Removing Barriers to Your Healing: Why the Devil Wants to Hinder You
So many people are waiting on God for a mighty miracle. But I’m telling you, God is waiting for you. Dynamic healing evangelist and prophetess Becky Dvorak teaches you how to tear down every satanic force holding you back from experiencing your healing miracle.

Satan’s Greatest Fear: How Jesus Equipped You to Overthrow Demons!
The world portrays the kingdom of darkness as all powerful, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Pastor, minister, and speaker Larry Ollison reveals the devil’s biggest fear: you realizing the power that Jesus entrusted you with!

Improved Relationships: Practical Ways to Strengthen Every Bond
The Bible shows us the importance of investing in our relationships, whether that be friends, family, or coworkers. Internationally renowned Bible teacher and pastor Rick Renner reveals practical ways that you can improve each bond in your life.

Putting Your Heart Toward God
The Bible says God is looking throughout the entire Earth for people who He can bless. Bestselling author and respected Bible teacher Andrew Wommack teaches you how to seek Him with your whole heart, which will bring you blesses beyond your wildest dreams.